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Brazil protests


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" --Si vis pacem,para bellum-- "     


" --Who wants to live in peace, prepare for war-- "


Unfortunately we are human  !!!       and history is repeating  i am with Brazil and all the population of all the world countrys.


even if i am against bloodshed i know it is inevitable  it is the only way we human understand the change of time.


and if you take off leaders head others may come up worse.

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Chaos leads to totalitarianism. This won't end well.


Every political system ever is basically a hereditary oligarchy which must be purged from time to time to remain healthy. Democracy is no different.


This isn't a healthy purging. This is chaos. Pure chaos. More akin to the French Revolution or even the so-called Arab Spring than say the American Revolution. Can anyone tell me what the rioters in Brazil are rioting for? What principles do they represent?

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Brazil is a powerful economy but paradoxically has some of the highest levels of social difference

Either there is people who are very rich or there is extreme poverty.

Public transport is inhumanly expensive. Besides they experience problems with education and health that increases notoriety of social differences

There are places where everything is nice, tourists can enjoy, wealthy people live comfortably while in other places called favelas poverty is extreme, there is all the bad things a society can wish for, the drug cartel are more powerful than the police. A few years ago, the favelas were treated like a war zone where the police entered like the military and had daily battles with the cartel.


All these are signs something is wrong


As I said, I dont agree with bloodshed either and many things about the French revolution are very reprehensible. There is unnecesary head chopping and murder. But when something like that happens is a sign something is seriously wrong


When even the policemen who are instructed to contain the angry masses, put their weapons aside disobeying a direct order, and join the ones who protest, you know something is happening

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Hello guys, it's me again with some news. I'm glad this post made a lot of discussion.

If you guys saw the news then you may know about the pacific protests in several cities here where people go fight for their rights and all. Here's the thing: Here in Brazil the TV and other communication networks are only focusing on the 1% of people making a riot, vandals. Like, god damn, were doing a pacific thing, and they focus only on the minority. And there's the case where the cops are really agressive against us even if we don't do nothing.

Other things: You guys know about Pelé? The guy who was declared best striker of the world? "footballer of the century"? Yeah, he doesn't want us doing protests and want us to focus only on the World Cup. I'm kinda dissapointed now.

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"I don't know about you guys if you had to make a protest like that but right now I'm felling proud about being born in Brazil. That's the first time in my life that I've felt this way."

and that is reason why true rulers want to destroy every strong national feeling, every strong state because if you have roots if you have heritage and pride you are not a cattle

strong state is last obstacle to anarcholiberalism which is ultimate goal of political caste and banksters today

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I hate to see this trouble for the Brazilians. Brazilian immigrants have been very good to my state (Massachusetts) over the paste twenty years or so. Besides the fact that without them we would have had a large population decrease (which would have badly effected the states economy) instead of a small increase they have also been of great help to us. Brazilians tend to invest and rebuild inner city locations that had been more or less left to rot bring economic viability an livability to these locations.


Plus they are just allot of fun and really epitomize the work hard play hard mentality. I remember back when the world cup was in the states and Brazil had won some match driving by a strip mall where they where having a party and girls where dancing on cars in bikinis despite the fact it was 40 something degrees out (Fahrenheit). As a died in the wool Yankee I love the "to hell with the cold I'm going to live my life and have some fun" attitude.


Well all my best to the people of Brazil and may the good things they deserve come their way.

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Hello guys, it's me again with some news. I'm glad this post made a lot of discussion.

If you guys saw the news then you may know about the pacific protests in several cities here where people go fight for their rights and all. Here's the thing: Here in Brazil the TV and other communication networks are only focusing on the 1% of people making a riot, vandals. Like, god damn, were doing a pacific thing, and they focus only on the minority. And there's the case where the cops are really agressive against us even if we don't do nothing.

Other things: You guys know about Pelé? The guy who was declared best striker of the world? "footballer of the century"? Yeah, he doesn't want us doing protests and want us to focus only on the World Cup. I'm kinda dissapointed now.


Ronaldo is the real best player :D

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I don't think countries with economical problems and injustice should get to host the World Cup. The people shouldn't suffer because of it. If they have to host it they don't have to build so many new stadiums. Brazil is a big football country with many clubs and stadiums. Just use the ones they have and make the best of it. I have nothing against the sport. On the contrary, I'm a football fan and I play it myself.

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The Confederations Cup.

Formel had better be right about Spain win or Emily lose her money. :@


I'am right in any case, if the outcome don't match my forecast the teams simply played the game wrong :P:D

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The Confederations Cup.

Formel had better be right about Spain win or Emily lose her money. :@


I think Spain will win. The way Brazil have been playing is... boring. Not fun at all.

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The Confederations Cup.

Formel had better be right about Spain win or Emily lose her money. :@


I think Spain will win. The way Brazil have been playing is... boring. Not fun at all.



Brazil is a truckload of fun compared to Spain's pass to the side possession play that they displayed vs Italy but I think their tactical discipline will give them the victory unless Neymar gives us some incredible magic. Spain has impressed me in earlier games though.

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