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This sounds like classic Tessera.


He is a decent artist, but is prone to taking other people's work (modding is always based on other people's work) and claiming sole ownership of it, and then playing games with claims about ownership and site restrictions to try and force people to sign up on his site.


Personally, I find this disgusting and would rather refuse to play a game he has modded than get involved with his self important machinations.


(In other words: good luck, and I hope you find something you can enjoy, but I am not going to be helpful here.)


Edit: I do not object to the idea of signing up for his site. I object to the nature of his claims of control and ownership. I totally understand that he puts a lot of work into his stuff, and that he believes his work to be of the highest quality possible. But for all game mods, you are modding someone else's work - the copyright on the original game still applies and modders are living in a community which supports taking that work and [within the original distribution concept] redistributing variations for it. But instead of contributing and participating in that community, he routinely trash talks about other modders and objects to further modding based on his work - he wants to control that. Anyways, I am not going to attempt to stop him, but my participation in modding communities can only be comfortable if I entirely avoid his work. And, occasionally, I will whine and complain to random people (who might not understand my point).


Further edit: I visited his site the other day and he had his version of the VTMB patch available for download (along with claims that it was not available and would not be). So... something... I will at least admit that I can perhaps accommodate his presence and efforts even if I am not entirely comfortable with how he approaches modding.

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Personally, I find this disgusting and would rather refuse to play a game he has modded than get involved with his self important machinations.

I don't give a damn TBH, Tessera and his believes are of no interest to me. I just want the mods for my personal use and don't plan to participate in any circus or drama of his. I mean, I can respect him as a modder and give him credits for a job well done but I'm not a sir when it comes to respecting dumbfuckery.

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Tessera still publishes his mods on his website at tessmage.com (member site but free). The MegaMod is still available to long time forum members and, iirc, he solicits a 15$ or 20$ donation to non long time members for the MegaMod. Personally, I've always enjoyed Tessera's mods... just not Tessera. A bigger drama whore would be hard to find. Wesp too for that matter.

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Be nice if someone would take one for the team, spend the time or money to gain access, and upload it to every mainstream file sharing site on the web. What's he going to do, waste money taking you to court over a modification for software he doesn't own the rights to?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't even played the game, but I tried searching around just out of curiosity, to find exactly what the mod is. All I can find is more drama, hah. I'm not complaining though, it's an interesting read. 


Edit: Particularly going through this thread, which has some download links on the 7th post... not sure if they are correct, up to date, or what-not though...

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and i still cant  attach the mod 


and vampire bloodlines is an action  rpg  set in the world fo darkness  pen and paper rpg world  from white wolf publishing

its set in  2004  and  you are vampire


its a pretty decent game  (  i like it anyway  ) 

and the first third party game to use the source engine

however its  buggy as  fuck 

troika  folded  when the game was nearly done

activision rushed it out of the door  in the same week half life 2 was released 

and  as  such  its a bit ...erhm overhadowed 


it has a  healthy community  who tend to  release a lot of  unofficial patches  to keep the game going


personally i stick with  official patch  1.2   because  there are far too many  unofficial ones

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and i still cant  attach the mod 


and vampire bloodlines is an action  rpg  set in the world fo darkness  pen and paper rpg world  from white wolf publishing

its set in  2004  and  you are vampire


its a pretty decent game  (  i like it anyway  ) 

and the first third party game to use the source engine

however its  buggy as  fuck 

troika  folded  when the game was nearly done

activision rushed it out of the door  in the same week half life 2 was released 

and  as  such  its a bit ...erhm overhadowed 


it has a  healthy community  who tend to  release a lot of  unofficial patches  to keep the game going


personally i stick with  official patch  1.2   because  there are far too many  unofficial ones


No no no, hahah. I can find out about the game itself, I just can't find out exactly what this legendary megamod is supposed to do, other than add higher quality/nude textures. And check the 7th post in that link I posted. That MIGHT be what you guys are looking for. Not sure.

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oooh that 

the megamod is well all his  vampire  nude mods  in hi res 

nothing more  really 


im a bit pissy because i  dug  up a relevant mod and the sodding board wont let me  attach it 


ill check the links out  in post  7  you mentioned btw 


whatever that mod is it is mega  part 1 alone is  200 mb 


edit :  the  mod seems to be the  "true patch"  by tessera 

the  read me says nothing  about any nude  retextures though   so i doubt its the megamod

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can someone explain what the mods do? or are they just nude patches.


just nude patches 


the  malkavian mod  strips most of her clothes and give  her a flesh  tone skin


the jeanette  mod removes her  skirt and thong 


and the vv mod removes  her  lingerie 

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I'll likely never actually use those mods since I cant seem to get Bloodlines working on my system, but its always good to archive shit like this.


As for Tessera.. Not going to bother restate which has already been clearly, and accurately been stated by others before me.

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Its the internet. Nothing is ever unattainable. Give me a few hours and i'll have the megamod on my hard drive without spending a penny. I won't link anything, but I'd bet money I'll be able to find get it in little time.


EDIT: For once I can't seem to find a link. Its only been gone a little over a month though, give it time and someone will distribute it.

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