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This is the funniest post i read in a long time. Thanks for making my day.
Btw: Did you try to copy AVGN? if yes: congratulation. if not: congratulation. :D


But as far as i understood, you don't want mods, where woman equals cum bucket nor any rape mods.
You may give SexLab Romance a try. There you got to work you way into a womans panty.

But remember: All mods still WiP. And there's nothing harder to code, then virtual sex or romance.


But as Ark said: Build your own mod, if you don't fear the work and learning curve behind it.
Now that we got SexLab as animation framework, it's not even half as hard to code adult mods, as it was before the release of SexLab.


Btw: There is a download section. Just read the letters, displayed in your browser when openening the page of Loverslab. Helps a bunch, believe me.

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That's quite an impressive amount of wit put in a slightly oversized and exaggerated statement which simply reads: "I want a mod but I'm too lazy learn how to mod or even to search the forums, so instead of learning how to mod or searching the forums, I'll simply try to embarrass you people instead?"

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I guess you are right , you should be banned , if you can't appreciate how hard people are working on these mods then you don't deserve to play them .




And why is this on skyrim downloads thread to begin with ?

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Why is everyone so pissed and want him banned?
What he wrote is not comletly wrong and his choice of words made me laugh really hard.


if he's to lazy to read, ignore him instead of acting pissed. Or just point him in the right direction, ignoring any insult.

if he has to insult me: fine. Before i can take insults from someone i don't know serious, he got to come up to my level, as i surely won't go down to his level.

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As much as I agree with Ark and partly agree on some of what you said I think modders can do what they can with the tools provided.


The greatest adult mod for Oblivion is CLS (correct me if I am wrong) and it comes from here, if you expect to have that for Skyrim it might takes another year or 2 or might never happen.


You also have to understand that we all have different fantasies and we are not all straight heteros like you, there is some content I personally dont like on LL but I am more than happy that this content exist for whoever boat that rocks.


Coming here and ranting like a spoiled child wont get the modders help you make your dream mod but you should feel free to throw ideas at them and see if some talented modders out there take the hook, ranting wont help....

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Sorry, but this post is completely ridiculous, Skyrim adult mods are a WIP, and FYI there are some good ones about. There are a number of good story related mods for Oblivion (CLS for example). Modding takes time, skill and dedication, show some respect! All you have shown is ignorance!

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As far as first posts go, this is quite an impressive use of one. But as well written, witty, funny, entertaining and long as it may be, as Stephen Fry would say, this is nothing more than a whine. 


long, ridiculous, self-centered, irrelevant whine. Believe it or not, a lot of modders start modding because they wish to include something in the game that they can't otherwise find themselves being made available by others. That being the case, feel free to peruse the countless tutorials lying around or picking the brains of some of the contributors (that'll still listen to you after that rantfest) and learn to mod yourself so you can come up with what you want. Otherwise, don't let the door hit you on the way out. 


Also, there is a download section. For someone that has been here "over a year" you don't seem to be looking hard enough.


Lastly, and this is to everybody else, play nice. Feel free to criticise, dissect, tear apart, whatever, but do so within the bounds of civility and most importantly, within the bounds of the forum rules. If these get broken, people are going to get warnings. Just putting that out there. 


Have a nice day.



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And I just realized this is your first post ever in over a year ..... 


Before ranting you should learn what being part of a community means, it does not mean download the mods and leave but also give help when you can, I am no modder but when I see a question asked on this forum and I know the answer I try my best to do so.


Same goes for mods you dowload, you can review them and give thoughts on what you liked and what you didnt but also what you would like to see inside, even if you are no modder.



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if this is troll, it's one excellent troll.
No matter how often i read the OP, it's still funny.
Looking at it from a more serious perspective is way to hard, while fighting for air from all the laughing.

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So let HE who throws the second stone, (that being you) tell me how to get started making these things for lover lab. IE You.  And I will accept you implicit apology for the size of my little ding dong... Actually forget that last bit.


The important thing is tell me where to get started and I will see if I have the ablility to code sexy time mods.  No promises.  I am pretty dumb.


 Let it be said, my post is also pointing out something more fundamental.  Lover's lab does not have any way to showcase what it creates.  Or mod’s it supports from elsewhere, unless you are willing to sift through 10s of thousands of words to find out what is worth downloading. And even if you do, you may not find anything worth downloading.


That is not the modders and creators fault.  That is the site developers mistake.  And I would submit, that is a fatal flaw.


I'd be happy to tell you exactly what you need to do in order to make fully-functional sex mod which will throw the world to its knees. No, scratch this. Actually I'd be a shit teacher but with a perfect business plan (hoo ray), thus I need your credit card details and the address to send he invoice to.


Do you seriously need to have everything served to you on a silver platter? Have you ever wondered what happens if you start your browser, whatever it is, launch Google (www.google.com), and type in... let's say... "Skyrim CK tutorial"? Nah. I bet you haven't. 


LL doesn't need to showcase anything. LL isn't a supermarket. LL doesn't sell stuff. LL gives you stuff for free, made by gamers for gamers, so don't expect to be treated like a customer - you are not.

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So let HE who throws the second stone, (that being you) tell me how to get started making these things for lover lab. IE You.  And I will accept you implicit apology for the size of my little ding dong... Actually forget that last bit.


The important thing is tell me where to get started and I will see if I have the ablility to code sexy time mods.  No promises.  I am pretty dumb.


No, we don't bring the stuff to you. YOU want to learn to mod, YOU look for it. When I want to learn something online, I don't just stare at my PC screen and shout at it to give me information, I go on google and search for it, or go on wikipedia. Honestly, you want to know whether you'll have the ability to mod - I can tell you right now, you won't. Not with that kind of attitude.


You need to actually put in some effort, and you can start by making use of the "search" button. And in a minute, I'm going to explain to you why you need to stop for a minute and realise how silly you're being.


But, Let it be said, my post is also pointing out something more fundamental.  Lover's lab does not have any way to showcase what it creates.  Or mod’s it supports from elsewhere, unless you are willing to sift through 10s of thousands of words to find out what is worth downloading. And even if you do, you may not find anything worth downloading.


That is not the modders and creators fault.  That is the site developers mistake.  And I would submit, that is a fatal flaw.


Just a thought.

Let me tell you everything that is wrong with that statement.






As you can see, there IS a download section. Divided into sections for Oblivion, Fallout, Skyrim and Other. Sub-divided into What's New, Most Watched, Featured and Highest Rated, with sections for Top Authors and Top Downloads.


As you can see, all the files you have to "sift through" add up to 154not "tens of thousands" as you claim, and all have a short description blurb.


In short... 



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Not that I'm completely innocent of posting selfish whine-fests myself, but holy shit this is the worst case of self-important bitching I have ever seen.


I sympathize with your plight, I'll admit - there's a severe shortage of quest mods to start with, and the few that do exist are heavily entrenched in fetish. There's really not much here I've ever downloaded either. But was all that effort you put into typing that really necessary? What did you hope to gain from it besides pissing off a whole lot of modders by implying their work isn't "worth downloading"?

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But, Let it be said, my post is also pointing out something more fundamental.  Lover's lab does not have any way to showcase what it creates.  Or mod’s it supports from elsewhere, unless you are willing to sift through 10s of thousands of words to find out what is worth downloading. And even if you do, you may not find anything worth downloading.


That is not the modders and creators fault.  That is the site developers mistake.  And I would submit, that is a fatal flaw.


Just a thought.



This is just ignorant.  Seriously?  Have you not noticed the section titled "Downloads" over at the top upper right of the web page?  It goes right to a ........wait for it.......download page, where you can sort quite quickly through mods for the game you are after.  The "showcase" element is that if a mod is new or hot then it pops up on the rotation of the main downloads page.  This isn't any different than the Nexus.


This whole thing sounds like pure laziness and most definitely like whining to me.  No suggestions to improve, no offer to help create content, no support whatsoever..........just a bunch of me, me, me, me.


Do you seriously think anyone of the contributors here gives a red hot damn about you having to spend a few minutes browsing to find something you may like when they are sacrificing hundreds of hours to make this stuff?    Your perspective is so far off that I just have to sit back and laugh my head off.


Since you have most likely never created anything in your life, you don't have a clue how long it actually takes to make a mod like you are talking about.  Writing dialogue alone can a month or more once you have a plan.  Actually imputing that dialogue into the CK can take just as long, especially if you forget to save VERY often and end up crashing and loosing half of it.


Good luck getting any sympathy with your current approach.....you'll find some when hell freezes over.

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What you are looking for is  dating simulators.  Try hongfire.


Modding is fucking hardwork. Simple as. What your are asking for is a shit tonne harder than you think. Even to a great experienced modder who may not find it hard per se, it's still incredibly time consuming.

Skyrim just isn't as ammeanable home as simpler games of yore.

As games get more complicated,  the code and modding the code  gets more complicated , and worse of all, our desires get more complicated.

When I was 13 I could see Chun Li's knickers! ... But I'd of bitten your arm off  for Chun-Li's knickers to dissappear just once as she spinning bird kicked.

Then  Morrowind gave me titties! Blew my mind! ... Then I wanted super sex to go with it.

Oblivion gave me great sex ... - but  I wanted Dirty sex and my fetishishes met.

Skyrim gives me great sex and tonnes of fetishishes - Now I want a deep and meaniful relationship to pursue them in!

(N.B all the figurative  >I<)


The problem is the more realistic and indepth content we experience, the further we want to take it, and the more immersion we need around it for it to sit in believeably. Otherwise it's cold hard sex sitting isolated on its own. I understand and empathise with your feelings, but because you've not taken the time research exactly what the issues and problems are, you come accross as a massive whiner.


Fact is There's TONNES of Indepth (well ish) dating sims out there, hundreds, all rated PG and all obscure because no-one seriously wants to play a dating sim, with no pay off.

Fade to black is great,  but it won't keep you hooked more than  a few goes.

ALL of what you desire, the pursuit, the building, is all to make the pay off all the greater  and sweeter when it arrives. And the talented animation modders are delivering on that now. Clever bastards.

I'm sure during the course of the next 12 months or so, now that Sexlab means sex is easier to implement, some people will say hey, now there's a goal to work towards, lets build the quests that lead up to it!

And we'll see these indepth date sims come around, but there'd be absolutely zero point developing an adult dating framework, with no adult pay-off or content. As the author of your favourite nexus mod found - The vast majority want  that, even if your personal preference doesnt, so his project faded into obscurity,

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tl;dr. I smell a troll but I'll respond anyways. And I'll bold, underline and change the color of some words so if you're a lazy ass (which you seem to be) and don't want to read it, you'll pick those up. :D


Go learn to mod yourself. Learn to mod and use a search engine. As I'm prone to saying to everyone I know, Google is mankinds BEST FRIEND. You ain't a fucking prince/princess here. If you want to be spoon-fed, go somewhere else.


Most modders are here because they want to add something to the games. They are not here to speed feed you mod after mod after mod for you to taste like a 5 star culinary chef. Plus, all of Oblivion's amazing and sexy mods took years to make. Skyrim's been out for what? two years? Yea. Take a hike, hope you don't die and come back and try again. What you are looking for doesn't take a snap of the fingers. If you want something, get off your lazy bum and learn how to do it.


As for no download section:




Sorry CK, had to one up you :P


Thanks for reading and I hope I don't see you ever again. :)

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Can we ban him now? It's clearly what he wants.....

So you guys are actually considering doing what he wants?
Maybe we should write him a guide on how to mod as well, as he wants this too. :/

Serioulsy, can we ignore him and this thread now?
it pushes the important ones lower ... what i actually did myself. :(

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