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So I've been using SexLabs for some time but wanted to add in some stuff so I downloaded  ZaZ Animation Pack, Simple Slavery Plus Plus, Prison Overhaul, Skooma Whore, and Devious Devices (the stuff that was shwon in the "Install & Updates" page of the SexLabs Adventure tab in game), but now when I run SKSE, the game doesn't even open up, and MO2 unlocks, I can't seem to find the issue, or I'm just blind and stupid. Any way I could get this to work with all mods enabled? And sorry if this is a repeated topic, I didn't see anything of the sorts before posting so I thought this is new to me. I'm not all that familiar with modding and the such.


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12 minutes ago, Just Don't said:

What's that? should be the first thing you check when having troubles.


It's stuff like files in the Overwrite mod directory, Form 43 plugins, and Script extender log that's reporting incompatible plugins talking about Enhanced Character Edit

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Okay, you can either ignore these or take care of these notifications. They're there for a reason.

  • Overwrite: if you truly know what's in there you can ignore this. I wouldn't recommend that, because as you keep playing and adding or changing mods you'll get more and more files in there and chances are you'll lose track of what's in there at some point. The best approach here is move these files into separate mods (ex. a separate mod for files generated with bodyslide, another for fnis files, another for config and log files and so on).
  • Form 43: this is not an issue really, you can disable that check in Settings>Plugins.
  • Incompatible skse plugins: this could be a cause of concern. These are incompatible/outdated dll files which can prevent the game from starting. I would take a look at ECE and make sure the dll is compatible with the installed SKSE version and that there are no other dlls in there trying to be loaded. This could be unrelated to your current issue, but it is a bad practice to keep incompatible/outdated dlls around, as well as keeping notifications unattended.

If like I said above, after taking care of these notifications you still can't start the game properly you'll need to backtrack what you did. Basically trying to return to the last point where your game was working properly, any new mods or changes you made should be reverted and then applied one by one. This is also a general advice: when changing things do it one at a time, and always verifying the instructions for that mod. Check if things work as intended and then add or change mods until you get what you want. Rushing things, skipping tests and instructions will lead you to problems like this and you'll waste more time in the end.

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49 minutes ago, AlteraGamer54 said:

So it looks like the Prison Overhaul mod was causing it to not open, the other mods from here work perfectly fine, thank you. How do I close this topic? Just put "[SOLVED]"?


Edit your original post, then add "[solved]" to the title line (located above the main body text editor)

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Yeah you can edit the title to add the solved word. Anyways, glad you pinpointed the problem. And if the issue is indeed caused by that mod you could go to the Prison Overhaul thread (every mod with a download page has a forum thread associated) and ask for help there in case you want to use that mod. Perhaps you got an outdated version or missed some requirement/hotfix (no idea as I don't use that mod, my point is you can always ask and probably get better support in there about that mod).

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