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What would cause a player to have one body in one set of armor and a totally different one in another?

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I'm having an issue where two separate bodies are evidently in use depending on attire. In armor or totally nude it seems a regular CBBE special body is in use...but when i place her in certain clothing like a sleepwear that has no underwear for example she suddenly has a 3BA body complete with SMP lady parts lol. What's more...this problem persists over several characters...BUT...with one character she permanently has the 3BA body in all stages of dress or any armor.


Very weird. I've tried multiple times to reinstall them (Vortex) and get them in order and switched dependency around various ways and still it will not all fall into line. None of the characters are affected. All new characters have the issue with body switching but none (except the first with perma-3BA) stick with any one body.


Any ideas?

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The naked body is one thing. Each outfit (let's say an armor/chest piece) is a different thing. Basically these pieces of armor/clothing will contain its own version of how the naked body should look. If you want to make everything fit one body shape (Preset) you need to use BodySlide, get all the armor/clothing items you want with BS support and then build everything (naked body + any outfit you got for BS) using the same Preset.


If you use outfits from different sources and don't care about getting versions with BS and the body type you use, you'll get different shapes for these outfits/naked body. If you forget to build something in Bodyslide you'll get the same result.

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Armor/clothing uses a  specific "reference body". That's why you might see "Hot bikini CBBE" or "Hot Bikini BHUNP", "Hot Bikini UNP",  etc when downloading them


Ideally, one uses a specific body type and chooses only armor/clothing that uses the same reference body as the one you use for your player body, so when the armor/clothing is fitted to your player, is conforms to the same rules (bodyslide sliders) as your "naked" body (or never-nude for those who don't use naked bodies) 


What hap[pens though is many of us eagerly download some armor that doesn't use the same reference body as our player body, which often ends with the body looking different when nude vs clothed in that armor


In addition, it's possible to download several different armors/clothings that use different reference bodies... get where I'm going? 


AND most armor/clothing is ideally "shipped" with an accompanying bodyslide definition, so it can be fitted to the player. That's not always the case.


So there are multiple reasons why. which one is in effect in your game only you can say. Hopefully this post will help you to figure that one out. 


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1 hour ago, nothindoin said:

Ok. good info here. But what would cause one save to use 3BA nude vs others that use CBBE special?

One save file vs another having two different meshes?


idk, I'd have to guess. Maybe something that applies a CBBE overlay or visa versa?


I thought you were asking about clothing/armor, not naked body switching. That's a different ball of wax entirely. 

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10 hours ago, nothindoin said:

what would cause one save to use 3BA nude vs others that use CBBE special?

are these saves considered different profiles In Vortex? if so I'd say you need to use the same modlist, rules and deploy? the exact same set of mod and files for all your saves. No idea about the specifics here, I don't use Vortex... you on the other hand should learn how to use your mod manager features. It will save you a lot of trouble and time.

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1 hour ago, nothindoin said:

I would prefer to use 3BA all around. But i can't make it stick. Maybe it is Vortex and it's dependency rules? How would a person change this? Willing to go from scratch as far as body mods are concerned to return it to just one mesh lol

If "3BA", CBBE-3BBB, BHUNP, etc, etc is the last load in whichever body types you've installed (I use both CBBE-3BBB for my player, and BHUNP for several followers) , or for that matter, if you only installed CBBE-3BBB (or only one of whichever type) there should never be issues with the naked (or never-nude as some use) player body "magically" switching  body type.


The only time I've ever seen anything weird is when using BOSSE, some tat mods (as T-Iam noted), and other mods that use body replacement overlays to extend whatever effect they add.


for instance, BOSSE includes an ability to tan over time. this eventually broke in my game, leaving me with purple skin. I once upon a time installed one of the tat manager mods...it also broke, resulting in severely distorted areas of the body. Wet function also has failed once in my game, leaving me with the infamous "shiny golden body".  I uninstalled Bosse and cleaned up after (don't ask how, it was a lot of flailing but eventually things got ironed out) , same for the tat mod, presumably because of some failing in the mod or it using the "wrong" textures, but tbh, at this point, I don't care why. I got rid of it and applied my custom tat using paint dot net directly onto my players skin textures. For Wet Function redux, I don't recall how I fixed it, but it's fixed...for now. 


All this rambling is because I *suspect* one of your mods is applying a body overlay that is causing the apparent body type switching. If CBBE-3BBB (Or BHUNP, Or UUNP, or TBD, or "3BA", or whatever) is the last load in whatever myriad of body types you decided to install, that mod determines your player's working body. All else I'd think is coming from something like what I noted above. 


Here's what my "mod rules" section in Vortex looks like for CBBE-3BBB if it helps illuminate anything. Note how CBBE-3BBB interacts with BHUNP (loads after BHUNP)



I'll leave you with a bit of advise (that I eschew because I'm a stubborn moron) from the Bodyslide team. Install only one body type.


Oh, and if you happen to be using one of those new in game "body replacers"  where you can clone some random NPC and apply it to yourself... Think about that as a source of your problem too. Such changes get baked into individual saves, so cloning, idk, say, Ysolda to your player, then saving by crossing a doorway or fast traveling, etc, and autosave is in effect, you just created a save with a different apparent body.

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Yeah...still no joy. I deleted and reinstalled all body mods from XPMSE up to 3BA. Built bodies in bodyslide....and still. No luck. Tried making a new character. Nope. They just wont use 3BA...but one character...the one I first made after installing 3BA originally....that one works. It still works. No other characters will accept 3BA nude though. The CBA sliders are present in racemenu within those character saves but they do nothing when manipulated.


I only use the one body...CBBE is a requirement for 3BA. My install is bare bones in regards to bodies.


It's the weirdest thing lol


My rules:



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If I understand these rules correctly you're loading 3BBB before regular CBBE, which is wrong. You need to have CBBE for 3BBB, yeah. But 3BBB needs to take over CBBE (aka load after, have higher priority, etc). The rest is generating the proper sets in BS and make sure Vortex places these files in the proper place (guaranteeing your game will use the models you generated with BS and not the default CBBE ones). 

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59 minutes ago, Just Don't said:

If I understand these rules correctly you're loading 3BBB before regular CBBE, which is wrong. You need to have CBBE for 3BBB, yeah. But 3BBB needs to take over CBBE (aka load after, have higher priority, etc). The rest is generating the proper sets in BS and make sure Vortex places these files in the proper place (guaranteeing your game will use the models you generated with BS and not the default CBBE ones). 

I suppose he might try that reversal, (on the face of it that's a logical conclusion), but Vortex does suggest loading CBBE after CBBE-3BBB. It's the way my mod rules are set and CBBE-3BBB works fine in my game. 






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6 minutes ago, nothindoin said:

Doesn't even give me the option to reverse it. It's greyed out and gives me the no sign when I hover over the drop down lol

If you want to try reversing the order, you can unlock that lockout. see the lock icon to the far right of the entry in module rules

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Alright, I did the switch but no change. It works on the one character but no others and no newly created ones. 

The only difference is that the character 3BA is working on is a wood elf and the others that are not are human but that shouldn’t matter, yeah? One’s a Breton Vampire and the other hasn’t even left the Alternate Start prison lol

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