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Need help with mods for sse

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 Hi. I'm new at modding and I have a question about the sex and sex scene mods and witch ones work better together.  I've tried flowergirls and sex lab but all I get is the characters stank inside one another.  I even tried fnis and it was to confusing for me, so please if anyone has any suggestions or links to mods I need to try I would really appreciate it.  Thanks for taking the time to read this .

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(edit: I just realized I'm duplicating much of what has already been said. Still, I'm leaving this post intact other that adding this "disclaimer" as it might add some info not already presented...  idk...)


Also note that animation packs have to be installed... And importantly, the correct ones, ie, make sure they're ALL Skyrim SE versions, as many "newbs (including myself a while back.. no slur on newbs intended) accidentally install LE animation packs, which will almost certainly cause you grief, from bizzare problems to "T-pose" issues, to the game not even loading.


AND also... the individual animations from those animation packs have to be individually or group selected and registered for use. We (?generally?) use SL Animation Loader (also referred to as "SLAL" (in-game) for this task, (it has an MCM),  so if you don't have that installed, (and any associated "dependencies", ie "requirement mods" it requires), install it.


As well (yes there's more). If you installed animation packs prior to installing SLAL,m they may not show up in SLAL, as was the case when I first started futzing with this stuff. My recommendation is that if you installed animation packs but failed to install SLAL first, is to uninstall them, install SLAL, then install them afterwards.


one more just for good measure, since I'm such a busybody (and would prefer that newbs avoid the confusions I experienced)

When opening the SLAL menu, it may appear empty. Please wait. This MCM (specifically) takes a bit of time to populate its submenus. If you were to measure that time, it would be surprisingly small, (on the order of 5-10, maybe 15 seconds) but perception is that "it takes forever!!!!"


Finally, in general for Lover's Lab SE mods, see the "compatibility" thread from the main Skyrim SE page. It lists ?all? the NSFW content LL has for Skyrim SE.


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