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Problem with "Claudius deep secret" quest


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I am in the middle of doing the Claudius deep secret quest. I have wait until around 2 pm and followed her up to the shrine without being seen and no matter what when she gets there she just stands there and no animation plays. I have tried standing behind the curtain but all that happens is when it hits 3 it say she saw me and the quest ends. I have also tried waiting but it's the same every time. I have tried reinstalling the mod with no luck.


Can anyone one help?

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I've had issues getting these characters to work, or this part as well.  Found out if you hide and she's in the room(not caught) quicksave and reload(F5 then F9) and the scene starts.  Also works if she's out of room, instead of waiting 1hr just do the previous trick.  Sometimes waiting 1hr can bypass the entire scene preventing quest update(or never happens in first place, i dunno).


[spoiler=Tip]Remain hidden durring the entire time or it fails quest.


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Guest ThatOne

Walk behind the curtain, go into sneak mode. If you get caught, load an earlier save, console a few sneak levels and try again.

At the time I did the quests, my characters had (at least) 37 sneak. I assume it will work with anything above 30 or perhaps even 25 - but you have to remain still during the entire scene.

Saving and reloading isn't necessary - I've done this quest at least three times by now, and while Claudia takes a few moments to start the scene she will do so eventually.


It is important to have your game's timescale set to something low (30 could possibly still work, but I suggest something around 10 for this) otherwise the scene will not trigger.


Also, never quicksave in oblivion. Ever. The amount of errors and crashes you could be causng yourself are not worth the risk.

If you are using quicksaves a lot, the console is a good alternative; open the console, type "save <savename>" (without quotations).

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