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Rise of the Tomb Raider Lara nude mod

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Also if anyone wants to port the nude mesh to a brand new outfit, here's the procedure.


Lets say, you want to take the nude mesh from a Leather outfit mod and port it to the Infiltrator_stalker outfit (Commando in game).

1) load up the leather outfit blend file, delete all the meshes except the nude mesh.

2) using blender, export it to leather.fbx file

3) using Noesis, export the leather.fbx to tr2.mesh

  a) when prompted for tr2mesh, use the infiltrator_stalker.tr2mesh (section 999.tr2mesh)

  b) make sure infiltrator_stalker's skeleton.skl is in same folder so it'll rebuild with that skeleton

  c) now you have a tr2mesh with new skeleton, its magic!

4) export that new tr2mesh back to fbx


Now you have a nude.fbx with the infiltrator_stalker skeleton, great, how to put that into the infiltrator_stalker?

5) load up the infiltrator_stalker blend file

6) import the new.fbx (the nude mesh with infiltrator stalker skeleton) into blender

7) click on the imported mesh and a mesh from the infiltrator, and control-L to link them

8 ) click on modifiers, that should force the imported mesh to use the infiltrator armature, that's it!


This process actually took awhile to figure out.  Figured this out year ago but completely forgot.  This time, writing it down here in case its needed again.


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On 4/8/2022 at 8:45 PM, orangy said:

Yeah...you are suppose to delete the meshes, not the bones.  Looking at the screenshots, you are missing the bones.  You just basically deleted all the skin weight info, and that's why its not working.


Do you have an example photo ? How should it look right ?

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Sorry to hear that.  Modding is pretty complicated.  Took me reading through guides 10x to figure things out.


The best thing to do early on, just import and export original meshes without changing anything.  Once you figure out something that works, it gets easier.

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I have seen a lot of YouTube Videos about modding in Blender. I have worked with a4dce's guide every day , but this is all zero. Iam very frustraded about this all. Nothing is fine for me. I asked and asked , but no success.


People here want everything, of course, but nobody wants to give.


Of course there are exceptions, but mostly not.




Edited by eleanor rigby
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On 4/8/2022 at 5:34 AM, orangy said:

Also if anyone wants to port the nude mesh to a brand new outfit, here's the procedure.


Lets say, you want to take the nude mesh from a Leather outfit mod and port it to the Infiltrator_stalker outfit (Commando in game).

1) load up the leather outfit blend file, delete all the meshes except the nude mesh.

2) using blender, export it to leather.fbx file

3) using Noesis, export the leather.fbx to tr2.mesh

  a) when prompted for tr2mesh, use the infiltrator_stalker.tr2mesh (section 999.tr2mesh)

  b) make sure infiltrator_stalker's skeleton.skl is in same folder so it'll rebuild with that skeleton

  c) now you have a tr2mesh with new skeleton, its magic!

4) export that new tr2mesh back to fbx


Now you have a nude.fbx with the infiltrator_stalker skeleton, great, how to put that into the infiltrator_stalker?

5) load up the infiltrator_stalker blend file

6) import the new.fbx (the nude mesh with infiltrator stalker skeleton) into blender

7) click on the imported mesh and a mesh from the infiltrator, and control-L to link them

8 ) click on modifiers, that should force the imported mesh to use the infiltrator armature, that's it!


This process actually took awhile to figure out.  Figured this out year ago but completely forgot.  This time, writing it down here in case its needed again.



Maybe someone can post a video how to do this ?

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Those steps are for transferring skin weight info from one outfit to another.  If you still trying to get your mod to work, you shouldn't need those steps.


If you are still trying to get your mod to work, each mesh needs skin weight info.  If a mesh doesn't have skin weights, use the data transfer method on page 46.

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 "skin weight info" - what is this ?


If you still trying to get your mod to work, you shouldn't need those steps." - sometimes i need this, sometimes I need this not ?


 "use the data transfer method on page 46." - which posting ?



Iam wondering if it's all that simple, why don't others post their result here ?


So I asked for a video .

Edited by eleanor rigby
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21 hours ago, eleanor rigby said:


 "skin weight info" - what is this ?


If you still trying to get your mod to work, you shouldn't need those steps." - sometimes i need this, sometimes I need this not ?


 "use the data transfer method on page 46." - which posting ?



Iam wondering if it's all that simple, why don't others post their result here ?


So I asked for a video .


Actually, looking at your posts from couple pages back.  No idea why your mod isn't working.

But you mentioned the no skeleton error, and that's caused by meshes not having skin weights.   If you use data transfer to transfer vertex group from a working mesh to your new mesh, its should fix the problem.

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Guess what, it is possible!


This is done through lots hex editing.  The injected data is moved from bigfile.update3 to bigfile.update1.  For whatever reason, it works there.  After moving there, all the entries in bigfile.update3 needs to change.  The archive number changed from 1e to 0a.  And the cdrm address has to be set to the new cdrm hex address in bigfile.update1.  That's it, simple no?


This method of injection is actually slightly different from alphazomegas.  So not sure if it completely works.


The BIG PROBLEM now is, how to deliver this mod?


Anyone know a good file patching program?  Thinking about using the Free Hex Editor Neo, it says it has a automatic patching system, where you take two files and it creates a patch for it.  That way, you guys can just patch the tiger files without having to hex edit.


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3 hours ago, orangy said:

Guess what, it is possible!


This is done through lots hex editing.  The injected data is moved from bigfile.update3 to bigfile.update1.  For whatever reason, it works there.  After moving there, all the entries in bigfile.update3 needs to change.  The archive number changed from 1e to 0a.  And the cdrm address has to be set to the new cdrm hex address in bigfile.update1.  That's it, simple no?


This method of injection is actually slightly different from alphazomegas.  So not sure if it completely works.


The BIG PROBLEM now is, how to deliver this mod?


Anyone know a good file patching program?  Thinking about using the Free Hex Editor Neo, it says it has a automatic patching system, where you take two files and it creates a patch for it.  That way, you guys can just patch the tiger files without having to hex edit.



Hard question to answer (How to distribute) the best method would be to somehow contact Alpha, or ask another programmer to do it. (Anyone who has released a PROGRAM on this forum, nexusmods, or any other modding forum.) That's my solution. Contact someone who knows how to program in the community. They'll use your knowledge and if need be reference Alpha's program, to create a new tool.


Other then that? Hopefully someone more experienced will come along and will give you a better option. (As obviously Alpha has gone MIA.)


Does your "mod" or solution work with all currently released mods? (Or even most of em.) Or is it only working with one mod you've chosen to mess with?


If you can't find an automated solution HOW complicated is your method? Can it be reproducible for all available mods? Meaning could you write a guide that essentially can be tailored to each available mod? (Insert CD CC CC 3F on line 0xF for (Lara Nude 1) or insert 55 55 D5 3F on line 0xF for (Lara Nude 2) Meaning, people who know how to follow simple Find and replace commands/have basic knowledge on how to use a hexeditor, could use your method to install whatever flavor of nude mod they want? If your method isn't as simple as that, could it be made that simple with help from others? If an automated solution can not be found.


Note : I used the above hex codes as an examples. Anyone who is in the ultrawide community knows these values. They are merely values to illustrate my point. They should not be taken as correct or valid information.


As personally, you teach me how to do it, I have no problems creating a full proof guide, whether in written and/or video form.


Finally, wish I could help on the automated solution. That's beyond my expertise. But absolutely amazing job! Glad to see this game isn't completely dead. It seems this game has a track record of these discoveries. Launch, wait years, tool release (Alpha), wait....tool release. (In a sense, you. Thank god it didn't take years.)


PS: Fucking wish Alpha would have released source code. As it sounds like, with a bit more time and learning, you could essentially succeed him. You could program your own tool. Or even update his. (WHY tool creators don't do this is beyond me. This should be universal. To protect communities against this exact issue - the sole person who had the knowledge, creates a tool, fucks off, and the game get's updated, rendering that knowledge absolutely useless unless you have expertise in reverse engineering! Which is a very rare skill, even among knowledgeable programmers.)


Edited by Hakufu1021
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36 minutes ago, orangy said:

Who wants to be a guinea pig?


If you know how to use 010 editor, made a test patch to see if it works.  This is a patch made to add nude mod to Rise of Tomb Raider build 1027.


Since this is a test patch, will delete the file after a couple days.


To use the patch file.


1) Use 010 Editor

2) copy and paste the injected_data.hex file to end of Bigfile.Update1.000.000.tiger

3) load up Bigfile.Update3.000.000.tiger and run the tiger_update3_patcher.1sc


That should do it.  Hope it works!  Everything is more amazing in 1027!!  Also someone with Epic version, try to see if it works!


Also, backup those tiger files before changing them.

test_patch.7z 59.19 MB · 0 downloads

Cheers boss, I prefer HxD, but I'll download 010 and report back by around the same time thursday morning. (I typically surf this forum between midnight and 3am each day after work. So my next reply won't be till around midnight tonight to 3am Thursday morning EST.


PS: I put this on Alpha's tool page in the comments section. But I'll put this here too - I have a bounty out for a usable tool on the latest version of this game. To help Orangy. If someone can create a comparable tool to Alpha, I'll pay you. This is to encourage software engineers to invest their time. (As no one likes to work for free.) You, as always, can feel free to contact me via DM to discuss your payment. (Again, it must be a usable tool. I'll send my terms of said bounty via PM to prospects, but I will not payout full price until I can personally prove the software is legit. So don't try scamming!)


Orangy - if you personally or through the help of others take your proof of concept to a usable state for everyone - in the similar vein as Alpha's prior tool, this bounty will be awarded to you. Again, we can discuss further via DM for an exact price. Again, I'm doing this to incentivize the community. As money talks.


But I MUST preface my bounties above - if I pay for something, IT WILL be open source. So that this issue does not occur in the future. If you are unwilling to accept this caveat. I will not pay the bounty. This means, the software paid for, commissioned, or "bountied" must be able to be uploaded to Github or any version control software and/or platform , and follow the rules of an Open Source License. You of course get to choose which license, within reason. Primary being anyone can modify, and distribute, your code, without any legal repercussions. In the event the software cannot be uploaded to Github due to use of third party software, a full guide must be provided, as well as a downloadable copy of all software used, packaged into a usable fashion, that can withstand the test of time. Meaning, a local backup if properly preserved, will work, for the usable lifespan  of the storage medium it's stored on, if the game is not updated, and the operating system it's ran on, is compatible.

Edited by Hakufu1021
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