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So I run FNIS (as an administrator), I downloaded Sexaddicts through NMM (with the do not dl readme option disabled), i installed FNIS and Sexaddicts. I run the generator and it doesn't show up. I've tried manuelly installing FNIS, tried installing older versions, and nothing, SA just doesn't show up. I've tried running SA in game (through SKSE of course) and the spells show up and everything shows up but when they go to do the deed, nothing. I hear the sex noises but they just stand there naked. PLEASE HELP!

Is the ~\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\SexAddicts\FNIS_SexAddict_List.txt file present? (It must be present)


Does the FNIS program display ANY errors? (Any errors = same as not run)

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When I run the FNISGenerator, I get a consistency error:

"Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc152 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc153 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc154 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc155 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc156 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc157 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc158 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc159 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts
 8 possible consistence issues"

I have this mod installed through Nexus Mod Manager.
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When I run the FNISGenerator, I get a consistency error:


"Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc152 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc153 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc154 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc155 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc156 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc157 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc158 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

Duplicate AnimEvent SA_FNISc159 for character, mods SexAddicts and SexAddicts

 8 possible consistence issues"


I have this mod installed through Nexus Mod Manager.

The messages are not significant and the duplicate references do not affect how the mod works.

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How do I stop NPC's from having sex? I have two males in a bar that wont stop humping eachother even if i put everything on "disabled" and none for random rape. Thnak You

Sounds like they are stuck playing an idle. Leaving the bar for a couple hours should do the trick but you could also try opening the console (` key) and selecting one actor then enter "resurrect" (sans quotes), repeat for the other actor then "`" again to close the console.

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hi, im new here and been wanting to see this in action, but i never see animations, get the sound, i know the cancel button works so i am guessing the other buttons work.

yes i have read about turning off nmm's one setting option, did that.

i have run fnis after installing, i use skse.

i read also something on here about animated prostitution not working with this, what about adultshow over on nexus? would i have to turn it off for this to work?



edit: saddly the adult show was not the problem. uninstalled it and the opened the game but it was the same thing- no animations apart from the idles. bummer, i really wanted to try this out.


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hi, im new here and been wanting to see this in action, but i never see animations, get the sound, i know the cancel button works so i am guessing the other buttons work.

yes i have read about turning off nmm's one setting option, did that.

i have run fnis after installing, i use skse.

i read also something on here about animated prostitution not working with this, what about adultshow over on nexus? would i have to turn it off for this to work?



edit: saddly the adult show was not the problem. uninstalled it and the opened the game but it was the same thing- no animations apart from the idles. bummer, i really wanted to try this out.

When you run FNIS, does it say it's 'reading SexAddicts...'? Do you get the spells and the SA config power in your menus?

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hi, im new here and been wanting to see this in action, but i never see animations, get the sound, i know the cancel button works so i am guessing the other buttons work.

yes i have read about turning off nmm's one setting option, did that.

i have run fnis after installing, i use skse.

i read also something on here about animated prostitution not working with this, what about adultshow over on nexus? would i have to turn it off for this to work?



edit: saddly the adult show was not the problem. uninstalled it and the opened the game but it was the same thing- no animations apart from the idles. bummer, i really wanted to try this out.

Other than two different sex animation mods trying to animate the same actors at the same time there is NO conflict between Animated Prostitution, AdultShow, Sexlab Framework (also available here on Loverslab) and this mod.


Make sure FNIS does display SexAddicts as being found and does not display an error when you run it. If it is showing and there are no errors from FNIS and you are starting the game using the SKSE loader and not using Steam then use the instructions in the original post to create a papyrus log of an attempt to use this mod, zip the log and upload it so I can see what the log says is happening.

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Hi, I'm trying to get this mod working but so far it won't.


I have followed instructions to the letter, as far as I can tell. SKSE is installed (and that's what I launch). SkyUI is installed. I disabled the stupid install text files somewhere else thing and double checked to make sure the animations file was in the right place. I get actions, but there is no nudity, no spell animations. Just characters in underwear making noises. Do I need a separate mod for nudity?


So, new problem.

I've installed nudity mods, but the penis on the character male is always flaccid. How do I fix this?

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Hi, I'm trying to get this mod working but so far it won't.


I have followed instructions to the letter, as far as I can tell. SKSE is installed (and that's what I launch). SkyUI is installed. I disabled the stupid install text files somewhere else thing and double checked to make sure the animations file was in the right place. I get actions, but there is no nudity, no spell animations. Just characters in underwear making noises. Do I need a separate mod for nudity?


So, new problem.


I've installed nudity mods, but the penis on the character male is always flaccid. How do I fix this?


If you installed the SOS (Schlongs of Skyrim) mod then the flaccid penis can be make erect using the patch I uploaded om Feb 28th this year. If you installed a different nude mod that has flaccid penises then that's all you get, all male nude mods except SOS have fixed choice, erect or flaccid with no choice between them.


Of course you will also need a nude females mod unless it's only the guys you are interested in.


You should consider the Sexlab Framework mod with one or more of the numerous add-on mods it supports if you want something more than a simple sex mod though.


Edit: And welcome to Lovers Lab.

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Hey, I have everything working fine I believe,  but I can only seem to advance through 8 positions, like motions 0-7, what am I missing?

Did you install the latest version through the links in the first post or one of the obsolete versions from the second post in the thread.

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Why not make compatible with sexlab, never had problems with this mod but others mods have more animations, anyway there aren't a mod of sex with simple combat.

This mod predates Sexlab by several years, you can do pretty much everything it does using Sexlab add on mods so why are you bothering with this mod if you have Sexlab?

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Why not make compatible with sexlab, never had problems with this mod but others mods have more animations, anyway there aren't a mod of sex with simple combat.

This mod predates Sexlab by several years, you can do pretty much everything it does using Sexlab add on mods so why are you bothering with this mod if you have Sexlab?


Don't bothering with you mod, i like you mod therefore i wish to use this mod instead others mods of sexlab.

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I installed the newest version from the first post, the 8 positions shown in the still images in post #4 are all that will play.

Eight positions? Sounds right, that's all that were available that would fit how this mod plays them at the time this mod was last updated.

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hey guys, nice mod. everything works. as far as i can tell.

but at the end. when the char (mine or my rapist) has finished.

the npc char. seems to fall on its back, in the last position.

:edit : and no longer moves at all.


is that meant to be? or is it a bug?

That isn't supposed to happen unless they're dead but you'd probably have noticed that. They should be rag-dolling at the end (which means you should always end any TFC camera action before the sex ends) and then getting up. At the time this was written that was the only reliable way to ensure they stopped playing the last animation.


Do you have a mod in place that alters the rag doll process?

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So i know this is probably obvious. I am just not too experienced with Skyrim modding yet, but when you say configure, making a file with no extenstion, I made a text file with the name and the content in it both say "Set_SA_FollowersCombatRape to 1" for example. Then I typed "BAT" into the skyrim command console and it said it was missing a string. I really want to get the strap on but I do not know the correct configurations rules. 


Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you

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So i know this is probably obvious. I am just not too experienced with Skyrim modding yet, but when you say configure, making a file with no extenstion, I made a text file with the name and the content in it both say "Set_SA_FollowersCombatRape to 1" for example. Then I typed "BAT" into the skyrim command console and it said it was missing a string. I really want to get the strap on but I do not know the correct configurations rules. 


Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you

"Set SA_FollowersCombatRape to 1" -- Your version has a "_" connecting the "Set" command to the variable name. It's always the simple things that trip us up :).

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is there a reason it is taking so long to unpack? its still unpacking after about 2 hours.

It should have unpacked in seconds. What the heck are you unpacking with? Winzip? WinRar? 7-Zip? These should all work quickly. Maybe redownload SA? I suppose it could've been a corrupt download...2 hours is insane.

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Hello, me again. I am happy to say that I've got the mod working, as far as I know, (the SKSE tester link you provide is no longer available.) I just have a few observations and a question


Notable observations:
Witnessed random rapes, 1 went along fine, the other had some clipping issues with the female participant, floating away from the rapist, unsure if intended.
was raped by a bandit, who had started to move to another part of the area, so the two of us kind of floated to the bandit as he moved
Rapist Health option missing from Combat Rape 3 menu of the SA config, unsure if intended
Enemies -ALWAYS- rape the player when the player is under the specified health percentage, intended? seems like a percent chance would fit here, 50% to rape- 50% to kill
Does the player ever get the buff? or is it only the players partner of the sexual act? so far, only the NPCs I, the player, have raped, or the enemies who rape me seem to get the green glow (which I am assuming is the buff, correct me if I'm wrong please.)
when I decide to rape an NPC (enemy and non-hostile) using the spell (as well as the hook up option,) I, the player- playing a female character, assume not the male role, but the female role, is this intended? the mod thinks I am assuming the male role, as it shows the equipment i decided my character wear during such acts.
could excessive experimenting cause this?
Questions observations bring up:
Can I, the player, speed up random rapes, or do I have to let them play out as they would normally?
If you need specific information, just ask, and I will do my best to provide it.
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