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Hey, so let me start by saying I am new to pc let alone modding so please, cut me some slack.


That said I've noticed during my searching a distinct lack of glory hole mods! 


So my thoughts are that somewhere out there (or a standalone furniture for the workbench)(or both) have a toilet cubicle covered in graffiti and various fluids with holes cut out at waist height at 5 points (2 left, 2 right and one in the door). Like I said I have no idea how difficult something like that is to implement yet, let alone I assume there would need to be some custom animations to go along with it?


Jack it.

Blow and Jack left side, (mirrored to right.).

Blow door and Jack either side.

Back up on it.

Back up on it and Jack another.


Spitroast and Jack the door.

Spitroast and Jack 2 more.


There's options there for some flexible poses as well.

Leg supported by the doorframe like the splits.

One leg up on the toilet.

Backed right up,legs spread and supporting themselves on the other side, back arched.

Backed up against one side blowing the door and jacking someone on the other side.


There's always self pleasure to think about as well, if the SS is sufficiently aroused they may have the itch to get themselves off as well (especially after a few drinks).


Also had the idea of a mini quest regarding it.

SS has to collect an item for an NPC from *destination* but when there no one will let them have it until they are drunk. They're then told it's in the toilets.

SS collects the item from inside the cubicle and the door shuts and locks from the outside, there's only one way out and that's to satisfy the people lining up. By the time the door opens the SS has no idea who was outside but is told the entire thing was recorded and being drunk they didn't see the camera (hook into blackmail and reputation mods). Possibly told to return next night/week or material will be distributed. It's then a vicious cycle of more material made with each visit so if they don't show up there's even more to be distributed giving them a huge boost in rep but each visit lasts a little longer as there's more "customers".


I may have gone into to much detail tbh but I am just spitballing, if anyone fancies taking on the idea you're welcome to it, I will likely look at learning to mod but at the moment I have zero experience so don't expect any miracles ?

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