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I'm starting up Skyrim once again with a fresh save and install, no mods and I'm wanting to try have some help with finding either a modlist, or recommended mods that work well together to create a specific kind of Skyrim play through. The reason being I've not played it since 2018, and I remember it had got to a point where mod wise, it was near unplayable with the mods I'd had due to conflicts and such, for instance Sanguine's debauchery is one I remember constantly freezing and crashing back then for me whenever i was enslaved as an example.


Now however I've got a new drive, and would love to create a combination of mods in Skyrim that give me an immersive, yet dark toned, kinky, survival setup. Something with immersive needs such as eating, drinking, sleep, even needing the bathroom and bathing. Along with your classics like frostfall but also with some of the adult mods found here, with HDT physics nude mods, rape, defeat, bestiality, enslavement and so on, ideally for a female PC. Bonus points for anything where there's no dying and going to a loading screen, but being defeated and facing a fate worse than death, losing items, gold and being enslaved since I do recall having some mods that allowed that back then.


So TL;DR: I'm looking for any recommended modlists/mods anyone may have/use that has their game at least stable enough to play without constant crashes, as I know modded games even when done well, can have the rare random crash. Any help at all would be appreciated since i'm looking forward to trying to get an immersive, dark, tough and kinky skyrim campaign going!

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