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The Doctor Who thread


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Dr Who... well at the grand age of 53 seen a lot of doctor who and the most favourite is patrick troughton all the rest were good put him overall. Then lost intrest after tom baker because the budgets were low and it showed though sylvester mccoy should have an honourable mention for trying very hard to keep up standards. The film with Peter Mcgahn, i so wished he stayed on to do it. when the new episodes with eccleston and tarrant started was excited by it all over again. only the one critisism of it it's all done in one episode when previously one story was split over 2 or 3 episodes. didn't like matt smith at first but that was because he seemed to go against what i expected and now he's great!   I so wish they will do more torchwood especially based on the last series having 2 immortals sounds great in such a dark series

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  • 6 months later...

Doctor Who died for me when David Tannet left.


xD David Tannet.  LOL

You drunk, Ark? 

Honestly, Matt Smith had kind of a rough start.  New actor, not really experienced in a lead role, as well as being in a role considered iconic whether it was on the air or not, he had good reason to be nervous, but he grew into the role very nicely, I think.  

Also, for anyone who doesn't know, Peter Capaldi's the guy that played the father in the Tennant episode, Fires of Pompeii, if you want to take a gander.

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Oddly enough, I'm currently watching A Good Man Goes To War - probably my favourite episode since the reboot.


I have a good feeling about Peter Capaldi. The clip of him in character as the Doctor is creepy as hell. Makes me think that Moffat might be change tack after Matt Smith's fairly goody goody Doctor and explore the darker side of the character.



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Peter does have a pretty gruff potential to his voice, doesn't he?  Judging from the hints dropped throughout the series of

the 11th Doctor's death in a massive battle at Trenzalore

, the blood, death, and rage filled doctor we saw in Eccleston's Doctor may make a re-appearance of sorts.  

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When they previewed John Hurt as the doctor I got a damn head rush.

Then I found out he is only going to be in one episode.


By the way, anyone remember the 12 regeneration limit for timelords?

The Master circumvented it by some evil soulswapping maneuver. They have rarely, if ever, mentioned it since Tom Baker.

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The 12 regeneration limit was a Time Lord law, they're gone now, so it may not apply anymore, then, there is River giving him all of her remaining regenerations to bring him back to life, which also may come into play later on.  Moffat doesn't do anything idly, as we're still seeing things being referenced from stories he wrote during Russel T Davies time.

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Heh, I own one of the 11th Doctor sonic Screwdriver props. One of the ones you can purchase at a shop, not the show prop. That one ,at least to me, it's the coolest looking with it's green glowing thing and the four claws.


I ordered a bowtie, fez, and sonic screwdriver for my halloween costume  >.>

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The 12 regeneration limit was a Time Lord law, they're gone now, so it may not apply anymore, then, there is River giving him all of her remaining regenerations to bring him back to life, which also may come into play later on.  Moffat doesn't do anything idly, as we're still seeing things being referenced from stories he wrote during Russel T Davies time.


I guess I missed that, need to rewatch those episodes. 

The only force in the universe that could really stop the Doctor is the BBC.


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The only force in the universe that could really stop the Doctor is the BBC.

Hah! Believe me, they tried!


Why do you think it's now produced by BBC Wales? :D




Also, I am dead jealous of LJ's halloween costume :lol:



Even if they canceled it, they'd probably sell Hollywood the movie rights after a year.





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I'm probably going to regret saying this but "I have never watched Dr Who". And that is no joke, i have never watched it, all i know is a couple of things about it. For example the Daleks, that phone booth. So would anyone care to explain it to me, and where a person who never watched dr who start to watch it?

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I'm probably going to regret saying this but "I have never watched Dr Who". And that is no joke, i have never watched it, all i know is a couple of things about it. For example the Daleks, that phone booth. So would anyone care to explain it to me, and where a person who never watched dr who start to watch it?


One does not just "explain" Doctor Who... 

Mostly because it sort of reinvents itself with every regeneration.  If you want a basic premise, you'll have to go on Wikipedia, as for where to start, well, there's different ideas on that.  I, myself, would say start on series 1 of the 2005 revival.  It has a lot of great moments, but most people say to start on series 2 with David Tennant as the Doctor.  The first series tends to be a bit offputting due to the lower budget, but that creates a heavier focus on acting and story, which is a great tradeoff.  

Also, Captain Jack Harkness is mah hero.

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