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The Doctor Who thread


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This thread is for fans of the almighty wonderful awesome wicked show known as Doctor Who, which surpasses 99.99999999% of science fiction and TV shows out there today.  You can find it on BBC America, BBC, Syfy, or Netflix.  Anyway... yeah... DISCUSS!  

First thought: The Doctor, Donna, and Amy, trapped on the TARDIS together.  I want to see.

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This thread is for fans of the almighty wonderful awesome wicked show known as Doctor Who, which surpasses 99.99999999% of science fiction and TV shows out there today.  You can find it on BBC America, BBC, Syfy, or Netflix.  Anyway... yeah... DISCUSS!  

First thought: The Doctor, Donna, and Amy, trapped on the TARDIS together.  I want to see.


Well the dialogue between Donna and Amy would be pretty hilarious no doubt! XD Both of they're personalities would really be a perfect set up for vast quantities of hilarity. I really liked the idea of Doctor Donna, shame her mind couldn't take it. Also while I won't go into detail to avoid spoilers wasn't too thrilled about what happened to Amy and Rory in The Angels Take Manhattan. :(

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Yeah, their exit seemed kind of a rush job, but I'm looking forward to the new companion.  I liked her in the Christmas special, not just because she's really hot, but it seems like she brings a new level of intelligence and ferocity to bear as a companion.  Yeah, Rose asked the right questions, but when it came down to it, she was just kind of average, Martha was brilliant, but yeah, the whole lovesick puppy thing didn't play too well for me.  Donna was awesome, but kind of shallow, and Jack, well... He was Jack.  He DESERVED his own show.  I really wish they'd bring Jenny back, too.

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Now I'm not one of those silly Tennant fangirls but I.. sort of.. lost interest after Tennant left.

Now really I'm not, I actually consider Sylvester McCoy to be my favourite Doctor but Tennant was just.. so.. sexy.. cool.. okay so I sort of am. I just haven't been able to get into the new series. Doesn't help that River Song annoys the hell out of me and always has since her first appearance. Usually if I've watched the new series I've only really gottern entertainment from Amy and Rory.

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River's kinda my hero.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's not in EVERY episode, that'd kind of ruin her mystique, but yeah, she's a tough chick on the Doctor's level who could shoot a fly off a dime with a blindfold on.  I wasn't sure about Matt Smith as the Doctor up til about halfway through his first series when he started getting comfortable with the role.  That's when his acting started getting good.  The only reason I stuck with watching him was because of the scene at the end of the first episode with the spaceship.  That was the first time you caught a glimpse of his potential in the role.  Rumor is that John Barrowman's going to guest star in series 8, while we get to see a younger version of his character in this series.  Pretty sure it'll get interesting.

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Well, ultimately, the Doctor already knows what's going to happen to her, so he has at least that on her, but, judging from the Christmas special ending spoiler, she's going to have less appearances through this series than previously, possibly to give as much on screen time to his new companion as possible.

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I have to admit I had a hard time at first when David Tennant left, but grew to love Matt Smith just as much as I kept watching. Not more mind you, but not less either. Both bring a lot to the table. It also helps both guys are totally hot. ;)


Speaking of hot! OMFG I LOVE JACK! It would rock so much to see him in future episodes. Though I always think it would be funny if Rory met Jack. Rory has died a lot, I think he'd find a kindred spirit in Jack who's died like... well a bajillion times. :lol: But yeah Jack is so friggen awesome! Love Torchwood, though it didn't really start to grow on me until near the end of Season 1. The first few episodes were kinda meh... I especially love Children of The Earth... Miracle Day had a great premise, but wasn't executed too well.


Going back to the Doc. ;) I've come to really love River, though I know some folks are split on her, I think she's really turned out to be awesome. Grant you I kinda saw the big twist coming regarding her association between Amy and Rory. Not immediately mind you, but the more I thought about it, yeah it kinda clicked. Still love When a Good Man Goes to War.


Hoping to see the half human half Timelord version of the Tenth Doctor in the big anniversary special. I think I'll melt seeing both David and Matt together. :D


As for Amy and Rory, you nailed it! Felt so rushed... I mean I am used to loss in Doctor Who, but that just seemed a little sloppy. As for my overall feelings on the companions, Rose is overrated imo though she was pretty bad ass when she returned. Loved Martha, but too clingy, but i respect her for making the right choice on her own. Donna was a total stitch, I loved her! Amy and Rory are wonderful, between those two and the doctor you wind up with such a hilarious and great rapport between them.

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My girlfriend is a massive Doctor Who fan, though I can rarely ever bring myself to watch anything on TV. I do sometimes watch it with her. I preferred David Tenant as a Doctor. I like Matt Smith, just not as much.


My favourite foes are probably the Weeping Angels. I mean, what a scary concept. Them and the Vashta Nerada in "Silence of the Library" - what a terrific enemy. Really eerie episode too. Companion wise, Rose and Donna were probably my favourites. Hate River Song. Don't know why, I just do.

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My girlfriend is a massive Doctor Who fan, though I can rarely ever bring myself to watch anything on TV. I do sometimes watch it with her. I preferred David Tenant as a Doctor. I like Matt Smith, just not as much.


My favourite foes are probably the Weeping Angels. I mean, what a scary concept. Them and the Vashta Nerada in "Silence of the Library" - what a terrific enemy. Really eerie episode too. Companion wise, Rose and Donna were probably my favourites. Hate River Song. Don't know why, I just do.


Two of my favorites as well. Especially the Angels, something about the idea that you need to look at the thing terrorizing you in order to hold it off is just innately creepy.

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They playing the classics on UKTV at mo in NZ every sunday, watched the Aztecs afew weeks ago and I can safely say it one of the best episodes of Who I've watched.


And uh, Captain Jack would probably be the only guy I'd go gay for. heh.


Fav companion.. hmm, Rose probably, but I am biased I suppose as Eccelston and Billie Piper were my first Doctor Who/ Companion duo I've seen.


I still think the best episodes of Doctor who were the ones in the first season of the reboot with 9, Rose and Jack, that half of the season was absolutely fantastic and I wish Jack stayed on for Series 2 but Torchwood was totally worth it still.


Still though, Karen Gillan.. legs to die for

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They playing the classics on UKTV at mo in NZ every sunday, watched the Aztecs afew weeks ago and I can safely say it one of the best episodes of Who I've watched.


And uh, Captain Jack would probably be the only guy I'd go gay for. heh.


Fav companion.. hmm, Rose probably, but I am biased I suppose as Eccelston and Billie Piper were my first Doctor Who/ Companion duo I've seen.


I still think the best episodes of Doctor who were the ones in the first season of the reboot with 9, Rose and Jack, that half of the season was absolutely fantastic and I wish Jack stayed on for Series 2 but Torchwood was totally worth it still.


Still though, Karen Gillan.. legs to die for


I liked Eccelston too, shame he was only around for one Season. Double shame is he doesn't seem to have any interest to return for the big anniversary. He was a really interesting Doctor, and played the part well. Coming out of the Time War and all yeahh, seeing his rage at times was really fascinating, especially in Dalek. Of course like many Empty Child, and The Doctor Dances are my favorites from that Season though it was overall a great Season. :D


Oh and as for Karen Gillan she is so sexy! O_O Also she's taller than me and really works it! I am very attracted to tall women, even though my height bugs me. Weird that? I guess because I don't like feeling too tall. XD Well the woman I love is 6'1 so I'm really lucky there. But yeah I'm still so bugged about how they wrote out Amy and Rory. Amy was just so awesome and funny! Rory was so adorable and funny! ahh the Ponds, I shall miss them. :(


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Eccelston left the show because of some dispute with Russel T Davies, and from what I've read, he's still bitter.  I don't know details, but apparently it's enough that he refuses to have anything else to do with the show.


Be that the case the silver lining is certainly David Tennant. :D

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I have to agree, that short was awesome when he met the 5th Doctor. I'm hoping for surprises and easter-eggs like that in the big anniversary special. Like it's obvious Tennant will be there, but I want to see some classic Who companions and some old Doctors. You know who would be nice to see? The 8th Doctor, I mean the movie wasn't that great but he was a pretty decent Doctor and never got his time in the sun. It would be great if they could find something for him.


Also while I don't have the link there is a really mind-blowingly kick ass webcomic out there called The Ten Doctors! I think that's the title? It was written before the Eleventh made his debut and seems to take place right after Rose was sucked into the alternate universe. But yeah basically it's all 10 Doctors vs an unknown force that seems to be meddling with the course of The Time War. It's SO AWESOME! Davros is in it too, the Dalek Civil War comes into play. The 9th doctor really rocks in it too! :D The Whovian who wrote that should be working on the show imo.

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So much to comment on....


My very first memory of Doctor Who would be watching a Dalek emerge from the river Thames, and later in the serial, the slither, which I decided was just like my eiderdown and cute!. It was 1964 and black and white TV. I was four. Dalek Invasion of Earth, later made into a film with Peter Cushing.


THE Doctor will always be William Hartnel (RIP). He practically invented the character with Verity Lambert, the first producer.

Honourable mentions must go to Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker (till John Nathan Turner wrecked the concept of continuity, then Tom seemed to get bored).


In those days the show did Science Fiction. It even credited a scientific advisor. It did....continuity! Writers were briefed as to what did what and what wasn't possible in the paradigm of the show. Cool stories were rewritten to fit with what had gone on before. Apparently William Hartnel actually used to change stage directions he was given because 'no, THIS switch on the console does that...not that button! People watching know this!"


Now it's just flashy looking space fantasy with plot holes miles wide and that involve lots of running and a new deus ex-machina every week.


To give you just one example, the Weeping Angels. Defeated the first time they were seen by being tricked into looking at each other! Since then they look at each other all the time. Do the producers think us stupid with no memory? Apparently.


Then there is the Tardis's themselves. Demonstrated to be a constructed machine many times over. We even had stories about people building there own versions. Tossed away because someone decided making them quasi-sentient creatures would be cool. Doubtless, a future producer will toss that away when convenient.


I'm forced to think that those involved don't think it matters anymore. They seem to think they can produce almost anything and people will just lap it up.


I had high hopes for the 'relaunch'. David Eccleston is a brilliant actor. I'd love to know what he disagreed with Russel T Davies about. Neither of the actors they've engaged since then have been any good. Even Peter Davison was better than David Tennant or Matt Smith. This is probably down to the Direction. Both have proven themselves good actors, in OTHER things. Saw David T in a pretty good drama a few weeks ago. The director must have been responsible for his continous gurning and shouting as the Doctor.


As for companions, my favourate has to be Zoe (Wendy Padbury). She was a programmer, had a wicked grin and was probably smarter than the Doctor. What more can you want?

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I found Torchwood first, I think from some commercials on BBC America.  Fell in love with Captian Jack and traced him back to Doctor Who.  And promptly got hooked on Doctor Who.  I loved Torchwood at first, but it kind of dug itself into a hole when it started killing off it's characters.


As much as I liked Tennant, I enjoy Smith better.  Smith's first brief appearance sealed the deal for me, I thought he was just great.


My favorite companion so far is Donna.  I loved her whole story arch, especially the episode Turn Left.  I like Rose and Amy about equally, and really liked Rory, but maybe that's just because I thought he was really hot.  The new companion looks like she will be very interesting, especially now that she's died twice.  I hope that doesn't happen every episode, but you never know.


My favorite episode is one of the Doctor-lite ones: Blink.  I thought that was just brilliant.  And Silence in the Library too.


My only major criticism of the series: not nearly enough episodes!

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I haven't read the comic yet, I'll get around to it, probably after work, but I might mention, if you're a Matt Smith fan, there's a Doctor Who/Star Trek TNG crossover comic series.  It's called Star Trek the Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2.  Here's a wikipedia article on it... ( Warning: Spoilers) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation/Doctor_Who:_Assimilation2

I thought it was pretty good.  Well written as far as the characters go, but a little bit tough to follow in the beginning.

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