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The Doctor Who thread


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AAAAAaaa!! :rolleyes:

Just having a tiny seizure of fangasm after watching the special...


I'm gonna miss Matt Smith... I loved the crazy way he played the Doctor... definitely the madman with a box

Well... I said the same about David Tennant when he left... another good Doctor with all the hyperactivity...

And Amy and Rory of course... (cry)

But everybody has to leave someday and they all played their part


And good lord that Clara... I just freaking love her... so cute, intelligent and a bit crazy... she also shares a bit of the craziness of the Doctor. Not to mention she's one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen on the celebrity world.

I'm madly impossibly in love  :heart:  :heart::wub:


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  • 3 weeks later...

I hear a lot about this show and people talk about it all the time, but I've never seen one episode and I couldn't explain why... It's like the hunger games. I think it's like twilight and everyone's like NO NO! It's amazing! I only see twilight...




A lot of new people to Doctor Who choose to start during David Tennant's tenure, simply because that's when they started getting a higher budget, and the quality of effects started going up, but hearing Christopher Eccleston talk about his love of bananas is sooo worth starting on his tenure.

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