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[QUESTION] Who is using new BH UNP Body ?


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Who is using new BH UNP Body ?After installation of BHUNP, there are a lot of bodies to select, but I wonder what is the difference between Advanced and non advanced bodies. Also i don't understand what is Havok path, breast and vagina ref bodies in Bodyslide ? What should I build into Bodyslide ?


I'm using HDT-PE version, non SMP.


Thank s in advance :)

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1 hour ago, yarz96 said:

Advanced don't need HdtHavokCollisionObject
In bodyslide you need choose your body, like bhunp- 7b bombshell or etc, check "build morphs" and build your body
For Hdt-Pe 
You can Preview Preset and choose which one you like

Alright thank you for your answer, I will test that out. Do I need to choose Havok Path also ? What is this ? sorry for my ignorance, i try to understand how it works

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