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Question About Autonomy


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So I have a question about the autonomy settings in WW.  Here is what I'm trying to get to: I want NPC SIMs to be able to continue to autonomously have sexual interactions but I want to prevent my currently played household SIMs from doing the same.  I find it hilarious and awesome when I have my SIMs out at the bar for a night on the town and then suddenly see a pop-up telling me that Nancy Landgrab is suddenly banging some random SIM in the upstairs bathroom.  However I dislike it when one of my household SIMs will randomly decide to have/ask for sex with the SIM I'm currently controlling.  I want to fully control when/where my household SIMs bump nasties while leaving the NPCs free to randomly do their thing...if that makes sense.


I know I can have a setting on that will display a dialog to confirm sex when a player SIM asks another player SIM, but I don't think I want to do this because, unless I'm mistaken, choosing to deny the request causes a decrease in the relationship between the two SIMs and/or gives both SIMs negative moodlets and I don't want that.


So I've been digging and I *think* I found a combo of settings that will get me to where I want, but I was hoping to see if someone smarter than me about how all things WW works could verify my train of thought here.  Under "Autonomy Settings" I know there is a check box for "Autonomy Switch".  Simply turning this off, I believe, will disable *ALL* autonomy - even for NPC SIMs.  However, I also noticed under "Autonomy Awareness" there is another option for "Player Sims Autonomy".  If I leave the previously mentioned setting enabled, but disable this "Player Sims Autonomy" specific switch, will that get me to my overall goal?  Hope this makes sense.

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