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Alt+Tab issues across all games


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Title is a bit inaccurate, let me explain. (Up to date windows 10, before I go further)

I've been having issues when programs crash where I can't get away from them. This isn't an issue when I Crash To Desktop, but 80% of the time it's a softer crash where the program freezes and loops 1 second of audio. When THAT happens, I can't get off the program. I can press alt+tab, and I'll see other windows I have up, and be able to close them, but I can't switch from my current crashing program. (This is happened with Fallout NV, both Skyrims, Fallout 4, and League of Legends, so I know it isn't modding).

There are 2 solutions I've found, and I don't really like either.

A) turn computer off.

B) restart computer, and hopefully catch it while it's closing Steam applications.


I've been dealing with this for a while, but I'm tired of it now, and need to solve it before I manage to crash a CAD project on my computer.


Oh, and to be clear, I can't get to the task manager window. I can open it, but the problem persists and I can't get to the task manager. I do seem to "leave" the crashing program, but clicking anywhere brings it back to the crashing program (based on audio only, I have no idea wtf is going on)


Sorry for any weird terminology.

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