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On 9/26/2019 at 6:41 PM, igor2540 said:

In your package you can change that.


process is the same for everything add the constraints. 

With tv channels might be Edit definition or categories.

guess you need to copy some lines of C program. In your object lines. But might work.  That tutorial help me a lot of. 


my main package is literally just a playlist




and the others are just videos (avi in a package)... there are no objects.




feel free to muck around if you'd like to, but to me, digging around in main game xml's is way over my level of sims4 mod knowledge.

the most i could do is make the playlist replace the Romance channel (that natively gives flirty aura) instead of the News, but that would create a conflict with AirplaneRandy's Porn TV Channel  mod, as it does the same.

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38 minutes ago, peco328 said:

the most i could do is make the playlist replace the Romance channel (that natively gives flirty aura) instead of the News, but that would create a conflict with AirplaneRandy's Porn TV Channel  mod, as it does the same

Personally, I wouldn't mind because I don't like AirplaneRandy's models unrealistic pink nipples and don't use that channel.

23 minutes ago, peco328 said:

Dracula - good, classic idea

I like it too, some rough porn with MF actors (why should it always be FF?)

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10 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

why should it always be FF?

shhh... don't tell anyone, it's because that's my kink ;)


10 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

Personally, I wouldn't mind because I don't like AirplaneRandy's models unrealistic pink nipples and don't use that channel.

ok, i will make an alternate playlist to replace the Romance channel... (i'm just sooo not looking forward for the inevitable "ur mod crashing mah game, fixit noob" comments.)


7 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

As for ideas, look at the @lanmi81 stories, I think you can find many ideas there as well as the rooms they used for the stories.

thanks, i'll check it out.

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@wild_guy working on the romance channel version, but it has some extra flavor text lines. could you "russianize" them for me?!... pleaseeeee :)

  • "Have {1.SimFirstName} become Flirty. To become Flirty, have {1.SimFirstName} engage in romantic socials, or watch Porn on the TV."
  • "Go to work while Flirty. To become Flirty, have {1.SimFirstName} engage in romantic socials, or watch Porn on the TV."
  • "Click on the TV and select CinErotique."
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1 hour ago, peco328 said:

@wild_guy working on the romance channel version, but it has some extra flavor text lines. could you "russianize" them for me?!... pleaseeeee :)

  • "Have {1.SimFirstName} become Flirty. To become Flirty, have {1.SimFirstName} engage in romantic socials, or watch Porn on the TV."
  • "Go to work while Flirty. To become Flirty, have {1.SimFirstName} engage in romantic socials, or watch Porn on the TV."
  • "Click on the TV and select CinErotique."

If this are standard in-game phrases, it's possible to find a translation using S4S string table lookup. Here is what I found (adapted for CinErotique):


1. "Создайте кокетливое настроение для персонажа. Чтобы {1.SimFirstName} {M1.был}{F1.была} в кокетливом настроении, {M1.его}{F1.ее} надо вовлекать в романтические действия или отправить смотреть канал для взрослых по телевизору."

2. "Отправьте кокетливого персонажа на работу. Чтобы {1.SimFirstName} {M1.был}{F1.была} в кокетливом настроении, {M1.его}{F1.ее} надо вовлекать в романтические действия или отправить смотреть канал для взрослых по телевизору."

3. "Нажмите на телевизор и выберите "Смотреть СинЭротик"."


By the way, I couldn't find the second string in S4S, there are similar strings with other moods but not with Flirty.



Maybe this string is no longer used in the game, I don't know... So I just translated it similarly to another mood.

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18 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

If this are standard in-game phrases, it's possible to find a translation using S4S string table lookup.

yeah, they're string: (1) 954B7B55, (2) 3C7187DA, (3) AC6B7F9E.

I got the strings from another romance channel mod. 954B7B55 & AC6B7F9E, are base game, 3C7187DA - is not (i'm not sure if it's a mod thing, or it was added later when the Drama channel was renamed to Romance, tbh i'm way too lazy to check all the files just to hunt down this one line.)



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6 hours ago, peco328 said:

my main package is literally just a playlist



and the others are just videos (avi in a package)... there are no objects.



feel free to muck around if you'd like to, but to me, digging around in main game xml's is way over my level of sims4 mod knowledge.

the most i could do is make the playlist replace the Romance channel (that natively gives flirty aura) instead of the News, but that would create a conflict with AirplaneRandy's Porn TV Channel  mod, as it does the same.

Will be cool if you do that airplane videos are outdated. Xd still use tattoo nipples textures. No new ones with realistic details.  

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7 hours ago, peco328 said:

It's done.

Awesome, thank you!

Meanwhile I looked at the default strings for the other channels and I want to ask you to edit a couple of phrases in Russian so that they sounds similarly. I should have looked at that initially, sorry.

Смотреть СинЭротик  =>  Смотреть канал "СинЭротик"

Нажмите на телевизор и выберите "Смотреть СинЭротик".  =>  Нажмите на телевизор и выберите действие "Смотреть канал "СинЭротик".

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6 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

Meanwhile I looked at the default strings for the other channels and I want to ask you to edit a couple of phrases in Russian so that they sounds similarly.

Thanks & Done.

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5 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

@peco328 it seems you missed quotes here:

Нажмите на телевизор и выберите действие "Смотреть канал "СинЭротик".

@wild_guy i did that on purpose. it looked weird to open two "marks, but only close one... is that grammatically correct in russian?!???

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11 minutes ago, peco328 said:

i did that on purpose. it looked weird to open two "marks, but only close one... is that grammatically correct in russian?!???

That is how it's done for other channels by deafult, let it be so.




In fact there should be 2 quotes in the end, you're right. But it's better than leave the channel name without quotes while they present for it in another phrase.

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@wild_guy good finds!

i combed through the english string file as well, all in all, i think the following lines would be worthy additions.


String ID Original string Proposed modified string
31EBB296  "Watched Romantic Comedy" "Watched Porn"
2E0079AD "Watch Romantic TV Show" "Watch some Porn"
8D042A8D "The flirtatious inclinations are strong after viewing that steamy romance!" "The libidinous inclinations are strong after viewing that spicy flick!"
B4E9F83A "Sim must be in a Flirty mood to resume writing this book." "Sim must be in a Flirty mood to resume writing this book. Maybe watching porn on the TV can bring in some inspiration."


your thoughts?

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