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Hearing footsteps in 3d person view after installing and limiting ENB Boost


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On ctd entering the banded mare crashfix suggested enb boosting. I installed and then limited the frame rate in enblocal.ini, and using the nvidia setting manager. I have turned on vsync in enblocal.ini, and set nvidia settings to adaptive refresh rate as it says it halves the frame rate. 


Since then I have been hearing foot steps in 3d person view when I am not walking. I have removed the enb boost files and the problem still persists, even after starting a new game.


Reinstalling unsleep to reapply jump fix, and installing jump fix separately does not fix the issue. 


I have been reviewing other forms and have come across an error with perspective mods, but no issue was offered.


I had an issue with Frostfall and Heel Sounds as that caused triple footsteps, however that was resolved by just uninstalling Heel Sounds.


I have reinstalled all my mods, and the issue still persists. 


I am at a loss. I felt like I just managed to get my ultimate mod configuration and am already 6 hours into my "first full play-through" (I have a special case of ADD and chase shiny objects... Plus side quests are... I have only excuses).


I really appreciate if someone could help me troubleshoot this issue. Thank you for your time and consideration!    


I have had this problem with the game engine on fo3 skyrim and fo4 on several pc's but it's not often enough so I forget about it. Is it doing it constantly then?

1 hour ago, RW311 said:

I have had this problem with the game engine on fo3 skyrim and fo4 on several pc's but it's not often enough so I forget about it. Is it doing it constantly then?

Yes. This is constant issue. On other new games I eventually run into a place where the crashfixes asks for me to install enb boost. Every time within entering a place where the crash was occurring the footsteps start up. It does not go away unless I jump, talk to another npc, or preform an animation. In order to fix the problem I have to uninstall all mods, then skyrim, and then reinstall everything.


Note that Fallrimtools are not picking up any lose scripts or instances so I have no idea what to do. I have been trimming my mods for anything that has been conflicting or causing problems. Frostfall is the only mod that I have not uninstalled, as apparently it has conflicting sound issues with enb boost. I just love Frostfall to much. TES5Merged patches have been fantastic for handling alot of problems, but even that does not fix the current issue.




So, it seems that heavily mod npcs with high textures such as my custom follower cause the ctd in the banded mare. So that has been fixed by making them wait outside. The problem with the foot sounds still persists.


Following the Jump Sound Fix, it seems that one of the mods have overwritten the fix. Reinstalling, and then uninstalling and manually installing again didn't solve the issue.


I noticed that with HDT high heels that my follower will sometimes glitches and bounces up and down which seems to makes the issue worse.


Anyone sharing this experiance?    


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