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Female bathing outfit stuck


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Hey guys after the last WW update, every time a female sim (only females, males are okay) try to take a bath they use a bathing outfit I already changed everything in the nudity WW configuration, is this some kind of bug ? What can i do to take that outfit out during the bath ?

I think this is related to WW because before the last game DLC everything was alright, and then after the DLC launch I just updated WW, MCCC and basemental drugs, just this nothing more.


(The bathing outfit)



Sorry for my English, the cause is usually caused by an outdated cc, you have to eliminate and test the cc that generates that error, I don't think it's ww, check removing all the cc and see if it works the same way.


It is/was an official bug in vanilla sims4, there are mods that fix it at modthesims, there are mods that do cause this, to rule them out you'd have to flag cc to not be allowed for bathing, random and nude outfit, S4S has a batch fix for those.


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