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Could use help with these three mods

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I've been modding Bethesda's games since Morrowind, so I have a fair idea of what I'm doing. I have pretty much everything here working as far as I can tell. Except these three. Anyone who has them and they are working your insight could be helpful in getting them working for me.


Slaverun Reloaded - Issue, won't activate because version of Devious Devices it wants is outdated. Not sure which DD it is but it requires version 4.00 or 4.01 either DDx or DDi, not sure which off hand. However in order to get any of the Devious Device stuff to work I was directed to an All in One Install. That worked as all the other mods I have that make use of DD are functioning. I like the concept and would love to play it, but...does it work? The threads about are heavy with CTD issues. Has anyone used this without issue?


Slavegirls by Hydragorgon - Apparently something is incorrect in the mod as far as textures/meshes are concerned. In game some slave have heads/feet/hands but invisible  bodies. Others have a deep purple skin and head.  Has anyone found a modder who has a patch for this issue?


Simple Slavery - My issue could be as simple as having to start a 'New' game, as apparently some of these mods require it. Not sure this one does, doesn't explicitly state that it has to have one. I have tried every version of this I could find here. Some just crash Skyrim SSE on clicking the game's icon. Others appear to work but don't do anything. When sent to the action house the guard has no mod specific dialogue options and when my character is strung up...there is no bidding, and I'm never sold. I just hang there indefinately. Has anyone had this same issue and found a way around it?


Any helpful hints would be appreciated.



Addendum - Anyone use SL Kidnapped without issue? My first round of installs included this one and it appeared to work nicely for awhile. But now I end up in bad locations...like narrow stairwells, tiny caves. Or the first actor interacts with  my character and after that...wanders off never to return...any other actors present just ignore my character. Has anyone used this without issue?



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