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Any way to remove a specific set of animations by a specific creator from SexLab Light?

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I really like the framework, but Spouses Enhanced seems to override the settings I put into the MCM spell.  As a result, I get aggressive animations even when I've restricted them in the MCM menu spell.  That in itself isn't a big deal, but there's one animation creator (going by the name anyway) whose animations are so ridiculously over-done that it's farcical.  Is there any way to remove just that creator's animations?


I have never use sexlab light so correct me if I'm wrong but I am pretty sure just like regular sexlab it would have a toggle feature for the animations so just untoggled the anims that you do not want, if spouses enhanced is overriding that as well delete the .hkx files of the animations you don't want in the sexlab light folder or in the skyrim data folder if using nmm or vortex and and then edit the files used to store the strings of the anim with a text editor if you do not want to see them in the mcm. 


Thanks for the reply.  I may end up resorting to that.  I think I'm missing something though, I don't get the option of toggling specific animations, just certain classes o them.  Even then though I was looking for an answer to this before posting here and other users of sl light were describing menu options I've never seen.


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