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Problem with Downloading Sims Models on LoversLab

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Hello! I'm new here and under mods too, this is my first post, and also my only alternative to understand what's going on, well, I already downloaded some Sims models on LoversLab, but I do not know what's happening, but, most of them appear in my game, even though I have unzipped in the folder "EletronicArts / The Sims 4 / Mods", as I have learned, rarely some works however almost none of them appear in the game after I do the procedure! Not even in the gallery! What do I do? Am I doing something wrong? I'm new at this and I do not know if Sims Downloads are the same as Mods like WW for example! where you have to unpack in the "Mods" folder And Etc ... I hope to get some help with this and now, thanks for the attention and sorry for the inconvenience ( Sorry also several grammatical errors that I bet they will because my English is not totally good yet! ).



Olá! Sou novo aqui em baixar mods também, esse é meu primeiro post, e também minha única alternativa para entender o que está acontecendo, bem, já baixei alguns modelos de Sims no LoversLab, mas não sei o que está acontecendo, mas, mais deles não aparecem no meu jogo, mesmo que eu tenha descompactado na pasta "EletronicArts / The Sims 4 / Mods", como eu aprendi, raramente alguns trabalhos no entanto quase nenhum deles aparece no jogo depois que eu faço o procedimento! Nem na galeria! O que eu faço? Estou fazendo algo errado? Eu sou novo nisso e não sei se os Sims Downloads são iguais aos Mods como WW por exemplo! onde você tem que descompactar na pasta "Mods" E Etc ... Espero conseguir alguma ajuda com isso e agora, obrigado pela atenção e desculpe pelo inconveniente.



Hola Soy nuevo aquí y bajo mods también, esta es mi primera publicación, y también mi única alternativa para entender lo que está pasando, bueno, ya descargué algunos modelos de Sims en LoversLab, pero no sé qué está sucediendo, pero la mayoría de ellos Aparece en mi juego, aunque he descomprimido en la carpeta "EletronicArts / The Sims 4 / Mods", como he aprendido, rara vez algunos trabajos, sin embargo, ¡casi ninguno aparece en el juego después de haber realizado el procedimiento! ¡Ni siquiera en la galería! ¿Qué hago? ¿Estoy haciendo algo mal? Soy nuevo en esto y no sé si las descargas de Sims son las mismas que las Mods como WW por ejemplo. donde tiene que desempaquetar en la carpeta "Mods" Y Etc ... Espero obtener ayuda con esto y ahora, gracias por la atención y disculpa por las molestias.


They might be too deep in the mod folder for the game to find. I noticed that if the file is two folders deep (inside a folder that is inside another folder), they won't show up in the game. Do their items show up (if they came with any)?


Short Answer :


Once downloaded, extract the .zip.
You will find a 'Mods' folder, and a bunch of weird file like "0x00000001!0x"
You need to place the 'Mods' folder, inside your mods folder. (Documents > Electronic Arts >The Sims 4 >Mods)
Then go to you 'Tray' folder : (Documents > Electronic Arts >The Sims 4 >Tray) and paste all the weird files like "0x00000001!0x"

Long :

- Download the sims, they are packed in a .zip file
- Extract the .zip, you should have a folder with the name of the Sim
- Inside this folders, you have : A 'mods' folders, and tray files.
- The tray files need to be moved to : Documents > Electronic Arts >The Sims 4 >Tray
- The files inside the 'mods' folder need to be moved into your mod folder.

Now we're in the game.

- In the main menu, go to : Game Options > Other
- Check the "Enable Custom Content and Mods" box if it's not already done. (If it's checked then you're good)
- Enter CAS, by selecting a lot and creating a new family for example.
- Then open the gallery, and go to 'My Library'
- None of the sims should be here, until you check the small box on the left : "Include Custom Content"

And you're good to go ! I detailed every single step so it look like a lot, but it's pretty easy once you know how to it !


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