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[Heat] Dont Buy or Support this survival game called '' Heat'


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I mean wow.. that game has sex/love feature but with clothes on? but no option to take off underwear/bra( like how Conan exiles has) ?.. i mean seriously who makes such a mature survival game like that? 


That and it's made by Codehatch. They don't have the best track record with games. All their games were abandoned mid-development and left in buggy messes. You think this one will be any different?


Oh fuck that shit, CodeHatch? Sorry I will not touch that shit after Starforge and Reign of Kings which both games were abandoned by them, games are riddled with bugs still even though they slapped a feature complete BS on it.

5 hours ago, alcurad90 said:

Maybe it'll be batter than fallout 76 lol

NO!!!! that game has lovemaking feature and no toggle nudity option?! ( like how Conan and SCUM) , WTF? i mean look at that nudity thread someone made on steam forums.


Checked their Steam Community.

Got 'Posting privileges: Only players who own Heat are allowed to post in this forum.'

Curious... They're probably afraid of revenge from Reign of Kings owners.

On 6/25/2019 at 7:21 PM, AB01 said:

that game has lovemaking feature

No kind of lovemaking will redeem their grand failure with their previous project.

Fallout 76 (as it was during Spring 2019) is actually better than any Codehatch's project, believe me.


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