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Is This Too Much?

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Right now, I have downloaded the following to fix FPS issues:

Vivid Fallout AIO

No Borders

Optimized Vanilla Textures

No Godrays

Far Away Area Reform

EN Boost

DOF Removal

Boston FPS Fix

Is this nuts and counter productive to improving performance and stopping the stutters and screen tearing?

1 hour ago, maddadicusrex said:

Right now, I have downloaded the following to fix FPS issues:

Vivid Fallout AIO

No Borders

Optimized Vanilla Textures

No Godrays

Far Away Area Reform

EN Boost

DOF Removal

Boston FPS Fix

Is this nuts and counter productive to improving performance and stopping the stutters and screen tearing?

I tried the Optimized Vanilla Textures and it didn't really help my performance much and I hated the way it looked. Borderless is supposed to help performance and stability. Turning off Godrays should give you a pretty good boost to fps. I use FAR and like it. ENBoost should help performance as well. Boston FPS fix should also help.


As far as the stutters and screen tearing, I think that is related to V-sync? Something to do with your monitor's refresh speed. Not sure.


I know this isn't helpful, but more of an internal question.   How powerful of a PC do you think I would need to run FO4 with endless rendering for no pop-ups including creatures and settlers visible from as far away as the best scoop can see??   My PC can barely handle 20 minutes of decent object rendering with too much detail pop up when I am in a vertibird 


It;s not about powerfull pc this game is poorly optimized by Bethesda itself, now try playing it on vanilla game with no mods see if you dont have any frame skip, something tell me that you have too many mods with loose files these mods are damaging for this game even on an SSD. if you have mods that adds to many lose try convertng these to BA2 and see if you get better performance ?


Using mods like CBBE and have mods that adds to many females will also cause bad framerate because every female will need to have CBBE on them.


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