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Trying to find an old mod can't remember the name of

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Returning to Skyrim after a few years and trying to download previously downloaded mods. I believe it was a loverslab mod, it was a quest mod where your player became a slave. Think it may have started in Riften. You're put on a ship where you become the captain's favourite slave and eventually get blindfolded. Taken to an island of bandits who you have to serve. There's an elf mage who has your character drink a potion which makes them do their bidding. At some point you have to seduce someone who's holed themeselves up somewhere the bandits can't get into. and then the bandits think you've betrayed them after something to do with the elf and think then you're put in a pit with orcs?. Think that's where it ended at the time as it was a WIP mod. Does anyone know the name of it?


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