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[SOLVED] No Partner Shown In Sim Select Window

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I have this problem where I can only see my in my partner window for SOLO Male Animation, 

while other animation gives a warning pop out message of "No Sims viable to perform XXX Animation at the picked location were found around myself".

How is No any sims viable?

From what I recall is that it is NOT necessary for the partner must be your soulmate or lover,

any random npc that walk pass can be interact,

Or I can just walk into a sims house and do the action, right?


The WW are freshly installed into the Mod folder cause I start the game in a new computer, just with the old Tray and saves folder put back into it.


Any idea whats the problem?



I solve the problem by uninstalling each and every WW files, did a full clean up as shown as in the WW official website, save a game with no mods, reinstall the WW and save the game again with mods. And it worked. 

I think we need a update guide of WW at here.



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