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body modification problem


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hello to all here I play with mod soulgem but no one can tell me pk the body does not change breasts belly nothing moves yet I try the corp uunp and cbbe and nothing will anyone help me?


Did you read the mod description?


My Body Is Not Scaling
Here we go again.


This is because your body is missing the weights it needs. Start up Bodyslide, choose UUNP HDT, UUNP Special, or CBBE HDT, choose a shape you like, hit build and go. I hear that if you choose CBBE you may need to drag the "Big Belly" slider up to like 10-20% before building to give it some distance from the node to actually make scaling visible. You will need to use Armors which have belly weights, or bodyslide projects so you can mass add the weight, or manually add the weights to armors that do not have any if you also want to see armors expand.


Also in the download sections I have included the UUNP 7B body I am using, which has my specially crafted belly paint so that pregnancy looks nice. You can install that as a separate mod in MO, it includes the body, hands, and feet. If you are using my body and still not seeing scaling while naked then you have some other problem that is out of the scope. You can try asking on the forum, other users have been trying to help eachother out. General rule of thumb is that if you feel like it is being way too hard to get working, then you are trying way too hard, because it is easy I promise.


I don't care if you use CBBE, try my body if you are having problems. The texture will look stupid but you will know if you have bigger problems or not.

So check you have all required mods and build your body according to the instructions and your preference (I'd recommend you to go for any UUNP preset if you're playing in skyrim LE).


Reading your 1st post again I realize you mention hdt, not scaling. Are you saying your body has no HDT physics? If that is the case, check that you are building the proper body type (I think it is something like "Nude HDT", stuff named Special also have hdt physics ).


If you have done that already and its not working, check again all the requirements and see if anything is missing/being overwritten by other mod.


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