Riasnatcher Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 So I got this bug where if you press [E] to talk to Random NPC they'll just say "Hi" with no sound. I'm pretty sure it's RSEE but I don't know how to fix it, or even if it's true that RSEE is the one causing it. My Load order: GameMode=Fallout4 Fallout4.esm=1 DLCRobot.esm=1 DLCworkshop01.esm=1 DLCCoast.esm=1 DLCworkshop02.esm=1 DLCworkshop03.esm=1 DLCNukaWorld.esm=1 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1 TortureDevices.esm=1 SettlementKeywords.esm=1 Homemaker.esm=1 ArmorKeywords.esm=1 Devious Devices.esm=1 Knockout Framework.esm=1 HUDFramework.esm=1 XDI.esm=1 AAF.esm=1 four_play_resources.esm=1 Scrap Everything - Core.esp=1 - Core.esp=1 - Automatron.esp=1 - Far Harbor.esp=1 - Nuka World.esp=1 - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp=1 Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp=1 Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp=1 Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp=1 Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp=1 GCM_DLC_Automatron.esl=1 ellen.esp=1 llamaCompanionHeather.esp=1 Live Action Handy.esp=1 fathercompanion.esp=1 Quantum Deathclaws V1.1.esp=1 GCM.esp=1 AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp=1 Armorsmith Extended.esp=1 ESPExplorerFO4.esp=1 Fixed Alpha Map.esp=1 woodysWastelandStuff.esp=1 LooksMenu.esp=1 CBBE.esp=1 g2m_Workshop_Nexus.esp=1 AAF_CreaturePack01.esp=1 AAF_BadEnd_Animations.esp=1 Vadermania[AAF_anims].esp=1 Crazy_Animations_Gun.esp=1 Farelle_Animations.esp=1 Atomic Lust.esp=1 Mutated Lust.esp=1 Crazy_Animation_Rugs.esp=1 FO4_AnimationsByLeito.esp=1 Shino Poses.esp=1 ThraxActionPoses.esp=1 MODGirlyAnimation.esp=1 Northland Diggers New.esp=1 OCDecorator.esp=1 OCDispenser.esp=1 OCDecorator - No Experience.esp=1 OCDecoratorDLC.esp=1 LC.esp=1 Better Vendor Stalls.esp=1 Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp=1 CWSS Redux.esp=1 AnimChemRedux.esp=1 See You Sleep CW editon - Beta.esp=1 Sit Anywhere Re-Done.esp=1 Friffy_Holstered Weapons.esp=1 RohZima_RealAnimatedPoses.esp=1 Smoke-able Cigars.esp=1 Smoke-able Cigars Hardcore Patch.esp=1 CigaretteInMouth.esp=1 Smoke-able Cigars Hardcore Patch_CigaretteInMouth_Patch.esp=1 PD_LowerWeapon.esp=1 CROSS_Cybernetics.esp=1 DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp=1 Elegant Hardware.esp=1 NukaRadBans.esp=1 Eli_Gunslinger.esp=1 Hoodless Scribe Hat.esp=1 MiniDress.esp=1 Piercings.esp=1 Quiet.esp=1 Rage_XOF_armor_pack.esp=1 Secretary.esp=1 2pacSkimpy.esp=1 SilverShroudKarna.esp=1 Crimsomrider's Accessories.esp=1 Elegant Hardware AWKCR.esp=1 rxl_collars.esp=1 Crimsomrider's 1950s Feminine Outfits.esp=1 DX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.esp=1 DA Harness 01.esp=1 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp=1 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp=1 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp=1 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR.esp=1 PinUp.esp=1 winryTop.esp=1 el_precursorsuit.esp=1 CROSS_CharredVaultSuit.esp=1 Rage_parasite_suit.esp=1 para ae patch.esp=1 para ae patch2.esp=1 DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp=1 Vault Alt Suit.esp=1 Eli_Accessories.esp=1 dcc-bp-lol.esp=1 Better_Notes.esp=1 Thematic and Practical.esp=1 VATS95Percent.esp=1 Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp=1 SnapBeds.esp=1 InstitWeapPosit.esp=1 FatManRadiation.esp=1 LongerPowerLinesInf.esp=1 FlirtyCommonwealth.esp=1 FlirtyCommonwealthFemale.esp=1 IcebreakerCDO-Settlements.esp=1 LookingStranger.esp=1 ANiceOakTree Hairs.esp=1 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp=1 Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp=1 MiscHairstyle.esp=1 KSHairdos.esp=1 KSHairdos_oel.esp=1 FG_ReloadSounds.esp=1 RightHandedHuntingRifle.esp=1 Move Store and Assign Power Armor.esp=1 Armor_Modifications_Overhaul_Synth.esp=1 NirShor-MusicalLore.esp=1 AutomatronUnlocked.esp=1 AutomatronUnlockedNukaParts.esp=1 CREAtiveClutter.esp=1 dinoshelf.esp=1 AkaInvisibleFurniture.esp=1 TransferSettlements.esp=1 SlowTime.esp=1 Crippled limbs fix.esp=1 Realistic fall damage.esp=1 True-Frags_v1-2_HiDmg_Knockdown_LoRange_NukaDLC.esp=1 Military_Cap_Extended.esp=1 UniquePipboy.esp=1 Hot Mama NPCs Added Settlers and Minutemen A.esp=1 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp=1 BusySettlers.esp=1 Farming Resources.esp=1 Housekeeping.esp=1 DarkerNights.esp=1 Hunting Rifle Overhaul.esp=1 HuntingRifleSounds.esp=1 AKSounds.esp=1 3dscopes-replacer.esp=1 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp=1 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp=1 The Eyes of Beauty Looking Stranger.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp=1 Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp=1 SavageCabbage_Animations.esp=1 CROSS_GoreCrits.esp=1 CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp=1 CCOFoxyFactionsReplacer.esp=1 CCOSaucySettlersReplacer.esp=1 CCOVulgarVillainsReplacer.esp=1 AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp=1 AA LMSE_FarHarbor.esp=1 Proctor Ingram.642B5.esp=1 Stanley Carrington.45ACD.esp=1 BetterBostonAirport.esp=1 Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - V81.esp=1 CrimeTown.esp=1 TrainBar.esp=1 DeadAirplane.esp=1 PlaneWreck.esp=1 AtomCatGarage.esp=1 BuildingGroundFix.esp=1 Rsiyo'sLocationPack.esp=1 UFOCrashSite.esp=1 FPAttributes.esp=1 FPAttributesHUD.esp=1 RSEE_Vol1_CSA.esp=1 RSEE_Vol3_Karma.esp=1 RSEE_Vol5_Shenanigans.esp=1 RSEE_Vol6_RCO.esp=1 RSEE_Vol7_FAP.esp=1 CumNWealth.esp=1 Rebsy's Greebles 1.6 SKE PC - Misc Release.esp=1 SSEX.esp=1 Prisoner Shackles.esp=1 JustDebris.esp=1 AzarHolsteredWeapons.esp=1 SturgesEdit.19FDA.esp=1 Armory Door.esp=1 SymbioteArmor.esp=1 Marcy Long.19FDC.esp=1 LivingParasiteArmor.esp=1 Elder Maxson.642B8.esp=1 Spartan-Calyps.esp=1 Desdemona.45AD1.esp=1 Ellie Perkins.222A2.esp=1 - No Experience.esp=1 Piper.2F1E.esp=1 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp=1 Glory.45ACF.esp=1 CumNWealth_mutant.esp=1 Cait.79249.esp=1 DogLove.esp=1 Magnolia.2268A.esp=1 PlayerComments.esp=1 Curie.1647C6.esp=1 LMBTOverlays.esp=1 LooksMirror.esp=1 CombatZoneRestored.esp=1 SprintStutterRemover.esp=1 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp=1 Mama.19FD8.esp=1 Madison Li.5E63F.esp=1 NiTeNull - Shade Girl Leather Outfits.esp=1 Idiot Slut.esp=1 Vault Meat Paintings.esp=1 0SynthClamp-Ons.esp=1 VIO_Strap-On.esp=1 Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp=1 Weapons of Fate.esp=1 Dr Amari.9A680.esp=1 Irma.228A5.esp=1 EveryonesBestFriend.esp=1 CH -Playable Patch.esp=0 CH- All Dlc - Playable Patch.esp=0 Ness.4B369.esp=1 Helmless Hazmat.esp=1 Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp=1 10mm.esp=1 Deathclaw Hunter Armor Nuka World.esp=1 ColonolNutty's Prewar Skirts.esp=1 rxl_bp70_animations.esp=1 Animated Drinking.esp=1 Note; nothing was broken, I just want to get rid of the "Hi" thing so I could actually hear the NPCs talk again. oh yeah, if u know how the Romance Option for RSEE work please tell me lol, I probably should've read it somewhere but I really couldn't find a way to make it work
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