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On 6/28/2020 at 11:43 PM, Erstam said:

Here is a new version of Subdue that contains several fixes and improvements:

FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 23.32 kB · 12 downloads


It appears you have also modified the file dxSubdueVictim.psc but have not included the modified source file. In order for others to continue the work after you, can you provide the missing source file dxSubdueVictim.psc? The original version of the file is not compatible with your modified files:

Compiling "dxSubdueScript"...
E:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 1.1.0\Source\Scripts\dxSubdueScript.psc(194,17): too many arguments passed to function
E:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 1.1.0\Source\Scripts\dxSubdueScript.psc(306,19): TraumaEffects is not a function or does not exist
No output generated for E:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 1.1.0\Source\Scripts\dxSubdueScript.psc, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.




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11 hours ago, luotinen said:

It appears you have also modified the file dxSubdueVictim.psc but have not included the modified source file. In order for others to continue the work after you, can you provide the missing source file dxSubdueVictim.psc? The original version of the file is not compatible with your modified files:

Compiling "dxSubdueScript"...
E:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 1.1.0\Source\Scripts\dxSubdueScript.psc(194,17): too many arguments passed to function
E:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 1.1.0\Source\Scripts\dxSubdueScript.psc(306,19): TraumaEffects is not a function or does not exist
No output generated for E:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 1.1.0\Source\Scripts\dxSubdueScript.psc, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.




My modified version of dxSubdueVictim.psc is in the archive, in the folder Source\Scripts. Looks like the compiler reads the original version of that script, which you have installed somewhere else. Make sure that the paths for all required mods are correct, and move the sources to a consistent location. I'm using Source\Scripts, but some of the dependencies are packaged Oldrim style (Scripts\Source).

Yes, it takes some time to set up a compiling environment for a complex mod with many dependencies...

Here is the whole list of dependencies (cross posting it from the BDSM base thread, where another poster had a similar problem):

- Vanilla scripts (provided with the Creation Kit, extract Data\Scripts.zip)
- SkyUI SDK (SDK 5.1 also works for current SE version 5.2)
- PapyrusUtil
- FlowerGirls SE itself (of course)

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1 hour ago, Erstam said:

My modified version of dxSubdueVictim.psc is in the archive, in the folder Source\Scripts. Looks like the compiler reads the original version of that script, which you have installed somewhere else. Make sure that the paths for all required mods are correct, and move the sources to a consistent location.

You are correct. I installed your archive again and the file is present. Now it works and compiles. I will test my modifications before uploading the updated files here. Thank you for your help!

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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, behrad said:

Amazing, by any chance is there a way to increase the chance of bleeding out state or make it 100%?

You can change the Bleedout Default value in character classes, or define a Bleedout Override on a per-actor basis. This value is usually 0.1, meaning that actors go into bleedout when they have less than 10% of their health left. But when dealing with vanilla classes and vanilla actors, changes would be very invasive and cause a lot of potential compatibility issues. Maybe there are some combat overhauls that raise the bleedout health ratio, I don't know.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/30/2019 at 4:20 PM, IHateForumNames said:

Having problems feeding from captured NPCs as a vampire.  I'm using Sacrosanct if that matters.  Anyone know how to make Sacrosanct feeding compatible?

Feeding Animation works if you approach your standing "Restrained" victim from behind. BUT the feeding doesn't seem to count towards the game's required vampire feeding. In other words, my vampire will go to level 4 Bloodstarved even if I successfully feed off my restrained victims. PS. I'm not using any vampire mods.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 1/30/2019 at 6:12 AM, Xiderpunk said:

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FlowerGirls SE - Subdue


Allows the player to subdue vulnerable NPC's (ones that are sleeping, or unaware of your presence, or are knocked down/paralysed during combat). The NPC actor becomes restrained and when activated will give you a menu of options. 


  • Strip - Strips the NPC's outfit.
  • Inventory - Opens the NPC's inventory.
  • Release - Free's the NPC. They will register the whole being tied-up thing as a crime and see it as an assault. So they may run away and cower and alert guards, or turn hostile.
  • Sex - (Requires the BDSM module for FlowerGirls SE)
  • Feed - Shown if you are a vampire. Allows you to feed from the restrained victim.
  • Follow/Stop follow - NPC will remain restrained but follow you until you activate them again where they will stop.
  • Kill - Will kill any non-essential NPC.


Adds a Lesser Power (Subdue Options). You can Enable/Disable Subdue at any time and restart the mod (which will gracefully clear all existing aliases).


There are up to 10 active slots for restrained NPC's. If all are filled then number 11 will replace the first NPC (the existing NPC in that 'slot' will be freed).


This mod is very similar to Abduction, in fact it is inspired by it.  It does however operate quite differently under the surface. It does not have all the features of Abduction. So for additional functionality you might wish to use Abduction instead. I would not recommend running both side-by-side.


NPC's are not cloned.. they are literally kept exactly as they are. Therefore please consider if your target is a quest related NPC before you decide to subdue them. Whilst the NPC is restrained, they will be immortal and followers etc should not even attempt to attack them.  Once freed they will likely alert followers depending on their response (if they become hostile).


This mod is very light and simple. It is intended for capturing the usual bandits/mages/witches/warlocks you find in dungeons across Skyrim and then using the follow function you can bring them back to your player home if you desire. Ask them to stop follow and then will remain in your home restrained.  There are no known bugs or issues when used in this way. If you go restraining important unique NPC's then you do so at the risk of breaking main quest-lines and so forth. 




FlowerGirls SE - Subdue is a very small esp file, it has no dependencies outside of the FlowerGirls SE.esm and FlowerGirls SE - BDSM.esm files, so as long as it is below those in your load order you should be good to go.


Note: When you first install this mod, subdue will be disabled by default. Simply go to your lesser powers and run the options spell with the Z key. You can then enable this here.




Will this be expanded on?

This mod was created by me on request some months ago as an example, that someone else was going to release and work with. Unfortunately, I believe that individual is no longer active in the community, therefore I figured I would upload myself. I do not intend to expand on this or take this any further, as some might know, personally I do not use/enjoy or even like non-consensual stuff (I won't go into why). If someone wished to do so, then this has absolutely open permissions to do as you will with it. 


Why only 10 slots?

The reason is simply one of performance. Each slot is an alias held on a quest, when the alias is filled it is changing the 'persistence' of the actor in effect. This simply means that actor is held in memory continuously, no matter if you are not in the same cell.  Any running scripts on that actor from other mods etc are therefore also potentially loaded. Therefore, personally I won't use mods which have 100+ alias slots for anything. Subdue is very kind to performance as it stands, the scripts applied to the restrained actors are minimal and really only act on the action such as 'strip' 'release' and so on. In normal game-play.. they are not doing any polling or anything like that.


Skyrim VR compatible?

Yes, this is fully functional on SkyrimVR.


Known Issues (Not bugs):


Restrained NPC's whilst following you will lose their wrist bindings, despite still wearing cuffs. This is due to animations. There is no running or sprint animation for hands bound, so it uses the normal run/sprint animations when it needs to. The only known solution to this is for someone to create the required animations, then they should automatically be used instead.


A captured NPC can prevent quests that require a dungeon to be absolutely cleared from completing/advancing. In the default game you generally don't have to kill all NPC's in a dungeon for it to hold up quests. However some mod added quests may essentially hold a 'bodycount' where they are waiting to advance based on whether all the npc's are dead. Just be aware of that when capturing NPC's from mod added dungeons, if a quest is not advancing, then using the kill option on the captured NPC should resolve that.




Requires FlowerGirls SE main mod.

Requires FlowerGirls SE - BDSM



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    FlowerGirls SE, FlowerGirls SE - BDSM
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hi for me whenever i have someone subdued and go for the sex  they jus stand ontop of each other  how can i fix this? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is amazing. If you don't mind me asking for more. This would be perfect if it can use Paradise Halls enslavement, and I mean by subduing them, we can turn them into slaves from PAHE core without the need for SLextension. ^-^. I've tried but somehow, whenever I tried to enslave people after making them kneel, they reverts to normal npc... and if I release them after subduing with this mod. those npc just magically disappear..

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/7/2020 at 4:49 AM, Erstam said:

My modified version of dxSubdueVictim.psc is in the archive, in the folder Source\Scripts. Looks like the compiler reads the original version of that script, which you have installed somewhere else. Make sure that the paths for all required mods are correct, and move the sources to a consistent location. I'm using Source\Scripts, but some of the dependencies are packaged Oldrim style (Scripts\Source).

Yes, it takes some time to set up a compiling environment for a complex mod with many dependencies...

Here is the whole list of dependencies (cross posting it from the BDSM base thread, where another poster had a similar problem):

- Vanilla scripts (provided with the Creation Kit, extract Data\Scripts.zip)
- SkyUI SDK (SDK 5.1 also works for current SE version 5.2)
- PapyrusUtil
- FlowerGirls SE itself (of course)

I know it's been a long time, but trying out the 1.1 and restrained bandits / vampires / etc like to run away from player home after reloading the game.


Special steps to install? I am however running Skyrim VR.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Works on pretty much everyone, but I cant subdue certain NPCs like Faendal or Sven and even modded followers like Recorder or Hikaria, but weirdly enough it works on Serana (right when I thought the cause was them being followers).

Tried a bunch of stuff like disabling FlowerGirls in MCM and restarting both mods but nothing.


Is there a way to force the subdue popup with console commands?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
On 28/6/2020 at 16:43, Erstam said:

Aquí hay una nueva versión de Subdue que contiene varias correcciones y mejoras:

FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 23,32 kB · 499 descargas


De acuerdo con este párrafo del OP de Xiderpunk, debería estar bien publicarlo aquí:

Sin embargo, no voy a hacerme cargo de este mod y apoyarlo en los próximos años. Es solo una de las modificaciones que planeo usar en mi próximo juego, y durante las pruebas encontré varias cosas que podrían mejorarse. Lo hice y pensé que valdría la pena compartirlo. Al igual que con varias otras modificaciones en las que he contribuido en los últimos años.


La lista completa de cambios:


- Si mantiene presionada la tecla Mayús izquierda al hacer clic en "Sexo" en el menú de interacción, puede elegir el tipo de sexo que desea tener. De lo contrario, el tipo de sexo se elige al azar como antes. (No confunda esto con el Selector de animación FG, que le permite elegir las animaciones dentro de un tipo de sexo)

- Se agregó un MCM para las opciones de modificación cuando tiene SKSE y SkyUI instalados. El antiguo hechizo de opciones solo estará disponible si SKSE no está instalado.

- A las víctimas paralizadas se les quita el efecto de parálisis antes de ser inmovilizadas. Esto corrige extraños fallos de animación.

- Se corrigió que las víctimas no siguieran cuando usaba la opción [Seguir] por primera vez después de restringirlas. También se corrigió que se quedaran en un estado atascado al soltarlos directamente después de inmovilizarlos.

- Se corrigió que las víctimas restringidas no volvieran a atarse correctamente después del sexo.

- Se corrigió que las víctimas de violación hostiles no restringidas no desenvainaran su arma y atacaran después.

- Se corrigió que los actores restringidos con equipo nivelado no se desnudaran durante el sexo. Esto puede suceder a menos que los desnude explícitamente o los haga usar trapos de prisioneros al ordenarles que lo sigan. Los atuendos nivelados aún pueden cambiar al volver a vestirse después del sexo.

- (Flower Girls BDSM) El segundo actor ya no está marcado como restringido en AnalScene y AnalDoggyScene, lo que provocó que los actores con equipo nivelado se arreglaran en el sexo sin restricciones debido a que se les equiparon las esposas.

- Al liberar a una víctima que no es hostil con el jugador, ahora solo emitirá una alarma de asalto si falla una prueba automática de intimidación y si su rango de relación es menor que Ally. También se agregaron alarmas de asalto en las mismas condiciones después de violar a los NPC sin restringirlos. Se puede desactivar en el MCM.

- Se agregó una mecánica de "efecto de trauma": dependiendo de su valor de confianza, las víctimas de violación al principio se volverán más agresivas y odiarán más al jugador. Con un mayor número de violaciones, perderán sucesivamente la confianza y luego la agresividad, y una vez que estén completamente quebradas, incluso comenzarán a gustarles su abusador. Se puede desactivar en el MCM.

- A las víctimas se les asigna una nueva facción (dxRapeVictimFaction) mientras son violadas. Útil para otras modificaciones para determinar si se está produciendo una violación, incluso si la víctima no está inmovilizada.


Hello, someone can modify the "stealth menu to be able to steal without executing the objective. Add a button with the option to steal and the menu would look like this Example ... Submit - Violate - Steal - Exit ...
If this change is achieved when you exit the menu, you do not execute the target.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Well the description is incorrect.  When you fill 10 slots the longest held captive isn't released.  Instead you are prompted to free some captives before you can capture more.  So if you didn't bother keeping track of where they all are you're apparently just screwed and the mod becomes useless.

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So, real uncomfortable with the whole subduing sexual partners thing.  Kinda reads like the big R, which I've been indoctrinated to never type or mention...


Sure, facts of life and way of the world and all that, but it still make me uncomfortable.


That all said, I am enjoying this mod.  It give more option on how to handle lovers and enemies.  Some of these options are fun for couples, and some are easily justified for enemies.


Thanks for this fun mod to explore!

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  • 5 months later...
On 6/28/2020 at 3:43 PM, Erstam said:

Here is a new version of Subdue that contains several fixes and improvements:

FlowerGirls SE - Subdue 23.32 kB · 862 downloads


According to this paragraph from Xiderpunk's OP, it should be OK to post it here:

However, I'm not going to take over this mod and support it for years to come. It's just one of the mods I'm planning to use in my next playthrough, and during testing I found several things that could be improved. Did it, and thought it might be worth sharing. Like with several other mods I've contributed to over the last years.


The full list of changes:


- If you hold the Left Shift key when clicking on "Sex" in the interaction menu, you can choose the type of sex you want to have. Otherwise the sex type is chosen randomly as before. (Don't confuse this with the FG Animation Selector, which lets you choose the animations within a sex type)

- Added an MCM for the mod options when you have SKSE and SkyUI installed. The old options spell will only be available if SKSE is not installed.

- Paralyzed victims have the paralysis effect removed before getting restrained. This fixes weird animation glitches.

- Fixed victims not following when you use the [Follow] option for the first time after restraining them. Also fixed them being left in a stuck state when releasing them directly after restraining them.

- Fixed restrained victims not properly getting bound again after sex.

- Fixed hostile non-restrained rape victims not drawing their weapon and attacking afterwards.

- Fixed restrained actors with leveled equipment not getting naked during sex. This can happen unless you either explicitly strip them, or make them wear prisoner rags by ordering them to follow. Leveled outfits can still change when redressing after sex.

- (Flower Girls BDSM) Second actor is no longer flagged as restrained in AnalScene and AnalDoggyScene, which caused actors with leveled equipment to redress in non-restrained sex due to cuffs getting equipped on them.

- When releasing a victim who is not hostile to the player, they will now only issue an assault alarm if an automatic intimidation check fails, and if their relationship rank is less than Ally. Also added assault alarms under the same conditions after raping NPCs without restraining them. Can be toggled off in the MCM.

- Added a "trauma effect" mechanic: depending on their confidence vaulue, rape victims will at first become more aggressive and hate the player more. With increased number of rapes they will successively lose their confidence and then aggressiveness, and once they are completely broken, they will even start to like their abuser. Can be toggled off in the MCM.

- Victims are assigned a new faction (dxRapeVictimFaction) while being raped. Useful for other mods to determine if a rape is happening, even if the victim is not restrained.


is there a way you can make a patch for sleep tight, if you have sleep tight set to nude it equips clothes during the scene, otherwise great mod

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