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The Savage/De Lancey Households


For the first time in centuries, Celeste has returned to the mysterious Realm of Magic. Many try not to look her way as she scours the halls for the tomes she needs.

Her work is almost done.




The snarky voice makes Celeste look up from her browsing.
"Morgyn. Still trapped here, then?"

The sage glowers at her.

"Gloat all you like", they say, "but I do not see how your fate is any better."

Celeste smiles at them and puts the tome away.

"Ah, but that is where you and I are different. I have been able to change my destiny."



Click to continue!


When Celeste returns home, Aphrodite is doing the dishes. She smiles as she notices the witch.

"Hi, Celeste. Was your trip satisfactory?"

"It was", Celeste replies, before producing her wand.



Aphrodite's body seizes up as the curse takes hold. Celeste smiles.

"Your new life is just beginning, my dear", she tells the unconscious girl. "As is mine."



Meanwhile, the De Lancey castle has changed - overnight.

It used to be a large, medieval style building. Now, however, it is a modern glass mansion.




Patrick has changed as well, discarding his robes and uniforms for modern shirts and trousers. Out of everyone in the house, he is the only one who remembers Moira.



The children do not. They think their mother left them for someone else. The paintings they see in the house are of an old resident - the one who owned the castle a long, long time ago.



Only Patrick is aware that Moira is still alive - and still in the same house, albeit hidden in the basement. She seems content; her curse is to not remember ever having had another life.



And Patrick could not care less about her. After all, he is busy planning his future, where he will finally be the husband of his one true love.

"You should move in now", he tells Aphrodite over the phone.

"Is that even proper?" she asks him. "I have not finished my school years yet."

"Who cares?" he says. "I want you."



That is all the convincing Aphrodite needs. She comes over, bringing a small bag of her belongings. Patrick kisses her hard when she arrives.

"Welcome home", he whispers against her lips.



It is a wonder they make it all the way up to the master suite before they start to undress one another. Aphrodite is just as eager as Patrick, needing him inside of her, like it is an ache in her that cannot be cured without his cock.



"I want us to have children", Patrick whispers against her bare skin as he presses into her, without a condom. Aphrodite smiles blissfully.

"As do I. I cannot wait to start our family together."



A cold winter night, they host their own private ceremony in the garden. Apart from Patrick's other children, only Celeste is invited.



After the ceremony, Aphrodite gives Patrick a big smile.

"Guess what?" she says, then touches her stomach. "I'm pregnant!"



Seeing the gesture from her seat, Celeste smiles triumphantly. Unlike the two lovebirds, she knows the truth about the baby - because she was the one who made it happen.

In her head she recalls the curse she cast on Aphrodite after returning from the Realm.



You shall meet a man under my spell - and him you shall desire...



You shall tease his member til it's hard - and get rid of your attire



With your mouth you shall him please - and drain him till he's dry

And no other seed shall ever stick - no matter how they try



The child that grows shall magic have - and make a poison from your heart

Your union is forfeit, my dear - the babe's father is the start



As the family celebrated, Celeste headed down into the secret basement, discovering Moira's urn.

She laughed. Soon, she would call upon Jules - and Patrick's heart would end up hers.



To be continued...

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The Goth Household


On the surface, everything seems calm in the Goth household. Mortimer has been greying a bit more, but it does not affect him much, Alexander and Juliette are both doing well in school, and Salim has gotten a contract for a series of books.



It is a paranormal urban romance, where a poor male student encounters a powerful vampire in a dark city. So far, it has sold really well.



This weekend, Mortimer will be out of town for a literature conference. People would most likely have wanted both him and Salim to show, but they decided that one of them should be home with the children.

"I'll miss you", Juliette says as she hugs Mortimer goodbye.

"I'll bring a new book home to you", Mortimer promises.



Click to continue!


The moment Mortimer steps out through the door, Salim moves away from his desk and takes out his phone, pressing the number 6. The call connects at once.

"He left", Salim mumbles. There is a chuckle on the other end.




Jacob materializes in a cloud of black smoke next to Salim, who smiles blissfully.

"Let's get started", Jacob says. Salim immediately starts to undress.



Jacob has made sure that Salim calls him whenever Mortimer leaves for an extended time. Every time they are together, he fucks Salim ruthlessly - and makes sure that Salim's body produces all the endorphins he needs to later believe he is head-over-heels in love with Jacob.

He does not intend to keep these mind-games going forever - just until they are no longer necessary.




As their time - for now - draws to a close, Jacob sinks his fangs into Salim's neck. Salim moans at the feeling of being drunk from.

"Tomorrow", Jacob whispers against his skin, "you will go to the library and meet a woman that I will send there. You will give her the object I leave on your desk."

"I will", Salim murmurs.

"Tell me you love me."

"I love you, Jacob."



Meanwhile, Alexander has gotten dragged away from the house by his vampire mistress - Lilith. In fact, she has brought him to Maisie's home.

"Inside, you will find the proof of you not obeying my orders", Lilith says. "You were supposed to end things with her for good."

Alexander blinks, then walks inside the house.



In the bedroom that Lilith's powers guide him to, he finds two cribs. There is a baby boy and a baby girl. The girl is crying.



Alexander picks up the girl, feeling Lilith's command in the back of his head.

Kill her.

He blinks. What? He looks at the baby again, slowly rocking her back and forth to soothe her.

Kill her.

"No", Alexander mumbles.



Lilith materializes in the room, making him jump back.

"What are you doing?" she hisses, baring her fangs. A vampire. Why is there a vampire talking to him? Where is he?

Slowly, he remembers all that has happened while he has been under Lilith's control. She said he had failed her and that there was proof somewhere in here.

He raped Maisie.

"These are my children, aren't they?" he breathes.

"How dare you question..."



"Leave", Alexander orders. Lilith flinches. It almost felt like she could not keep from doing exactly that.

"How did you break free?" she hisses.

"Leave", Alexander says again. This time, Lilith does exactly that. Alexander hurriedly leaves the house as well, while trying to come up with a good explanation to Maisie.



The next day, Salim goes to the library. He spots a woman seated on a bench and he knows that they share a master.

He does not speak; he walks up to her and waits until everyone else in the room leaves.



When they are alone, the woman rises and turns towards him. He pulls out the object Jacob wanted him to give her.

"He will tell you what to do", he mumbles. The woman nods.


Then they part ways.



Alexander, meanwhile, has invited Maisie around - and is trying to explain what happened to her.



"Seriously, Alex?" Maisie says sternly. "A vampire took control of you?"

"I know we probably will never be like we once were again", Alexander says, "but I would like to help you raise the twins. I don't even have to be their dad to them; I could just be a playmate."

Maisie considers this.

"What are their names?" Alexander asks. She sighs, deciding that it would probably be good to have him around as a bit of assistance.

"Charlie and Katie."



After Maisie leaves, Alexander starts to work on his homework. He hums happily as he does.  He never thought he would be this happy to know Maisie would let him help out with the babies - their babies.

Smiling, he heads upstairs to try and find a ruler for his mathematics assignment.



Then, his mind goes blank. Lilith appears in the room.

"I do not think I can hold you for long anymore", she says as she glides closer, "but I figured out why you broke my control."

She smiles and commands him to undress.

"I see no reason not to protect myself from you using the same method."



He is completely unaware of her fucking him, riding him until he climaxes twice inside her waiting womb. She commands him to dress before dumping him on the bed - and leaving.

She needs to go into hibernation for a while. Otherwise, she fears their child will never be born.



To be continued!

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The Bjergsen-Salzmann Household


Recently, Cole received the kind of phonecall you do not want to get. His father had passed away.



Him and Clara discussed the situation for a long time, before deciding that they will go to Sulani to spend some time with Cole's family.



They have also invited Elsa to come along.

"It could be a good way to spend time before you go to university", was Cole's argument. Elsa, eventually, agreed.



Click to continue!


This has left Bjorn, Amina and their daughter Julia alone in the big house. Amina has been trying to get Bjorn to re-do the place. That way Clara and Cole will be forced to move away if they return to Windenburg - and they will have a bigger home.

Bjorn has, so far, not given her a reply.



Amina is also determined to cement her place as the new Mrs Bjergsen. The best way to do that? Get pregnant again.

So far, her attempts have not been successful.



For their stay in Sulani, Cole and Clara have rented a big house right on the beach. Joel is the first one to run insie and explore all the rooms. By the time the rest of them are in, he is already in his swim trunks.

"Last one into the sea is a loser!" he shouts.



The view from the back is stunning. While Joel explores the water, Clara and Cole share a glance.

Why would they ever leave?



As the children play and explore, Clara rests up in the sun. She has not felt this at peace in years.



In the evening, Cole's mother Iekika comes by to welcome them.

"Kahale", she greets her son, using his given Sulani name. "Welcome home."

"It's good to be back", Cole agrees. "Come, I want you to meet my family."



Joel and Oscar love their grandmother from the start - and Iekika is happy to finally meet Clara.

All in all, the family seems happier than they ever have been.



The only one not meeting Cole's mother is Elsa. She has been swimming about trying to clean up the water and the beautiful Sulani beaches. Tomorrow she will go see the conservationists and see if there is anything more she can do to help out.

On her way home, she spots a cave. Something about it intrigues her. As the sun is still up, she decides to go exploring for a bit.



"No treasures in there", she says to herself as the heads back out. The cave seemed to stretch for miles, so she had not ventured far. The only thing she brought back was actually some sort of kelp.

Maybe she can roast it and eat it.



She tests the kelp during lunch the next day. The rest of her family are off to a nearby beach, but she said she would stay at home and try and get in touch with the conservationists.

The kelp tastes mostly of salt. Overall, it is pretty bland. But after swallowing the final piece, her eyes snag on the water.

She needs to go for a swim.



The moment she submerges, her body undergoes a strange transformation. It feels... good. Like a warm caress.

She dives deeper, then surges up, moving faster and faster with the help of her new tail.



Incredible, she thinks as she finally stops swimming. That kelp must have transformed her into a mermaid - and now the sea sings to her. Calls her home.

She dives down and swims towards the depths.



Back in Windenburg, Bjorn is celebrating his birthday - and his retirement - along with Amina and Julia.



After cutting the cake, Amina approaches him with a smile.

"What is it now?" he asks. She takes his hand and places it on her stomach.

"We're having another baby."



To be continued!

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And that's a wrap!


I'll be updating the family portraits, post a general family info post and update the wiki as soon as I'm able.

However, first of all, there's a new survey that I would love if you all could go and take!


The link is available here - and in case this post is lost, you can also find it through by signature :) 


I won't be able to leave the survey open for more than a week - so make sure to get your answers in!

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!Family Update!


A full list of characters in the current households :) Family photos can be found in the original post, individual photos and information can be found on the wiki!


(Note! These are the households that I might go in and play as for the next part and that other households might merge with, but there are also other households that show up and play an important part for the story)



Abbelli Household

  • Riccarde Abbelli
  • Ebony Abbelli
  • Dominic Abbelli (son of Ebony Abbelli and Don Lothario)
  • Mateo Abbelli (son of Ebony Abbelli and Don Lothario)
  • Mia Abbelli


  • Neal Alexander
  • Amanda Alexander
  • Nina Presley
  • Enzo Alexander (son of Amanda Alexander and an unknown townie)

Amicable Acolytes

  • Grace Anansi
  • Tomax Collette

Bailey-Moon Household

  • Octavia Moon
  • Orange Bailey-Moon (son of Octavia Moon and Thorne Bailey)
  • Lauryn Bailey-Moon (daughter of Octavia Moon and Don Lothario)
  • Dia Bailey-Moon (daughter of Octavia Moon and Thorne Bailey)
  • Knight Bailey-Moon (son of Octavia Moon and Thorne Bailey)

Bjergsen Household

  • Bjorn Bjergsen
  • Amina Bjergsen
  • Julia Bjergsen
  • 2x unnamed babies

Brannon Household

  • Hector Brannon

Briny Tower (student dorm)

  • Cameron Fletcher

Cabral Household

  • Kason Cabral
  • Daphne Cabral
  • Brian Cabral (son of Kason Cabral and Eva Capricciosa)
  • Gracie Cabral (daughter of Kason Cabral and Eva Capricciosa)

Cartwright Household

  • Damien Cartwright
  • Yuki Cartwright
  • Arthur Cartwright
  • Phoebe Cartwright
  • Emmaline Cartwright (daughter of Yuki Cartwright and Jace Hartman)

Chambers Household

  • Thorne Bailey
  • Vanessa Chambers
  • Andy Chambers (son of Vanessa Chambers and an unknown townie)
  • Chance Chambers (son of Vanessa Chambers and an unknown townie)
  • Unnamed baby

Charm Household

  • Minerva Charm
  • Darrel Charm
  • Gemma Charm
  • Emilia Ernest

Corley Household

  • Samuel Corley
  • Luna Corley
  • Dante Corley (son of Luna Corley and Bjorn Bjergsen)
  • Julian Corley
  • Kaden Corley
  • Mario Corley

Dark Household

  • Jacob Dark

Darling-Flex Household

  • Marcus Flex
  • Elissa Darling
  • Bethany Darling-Flex (daughter of Marcus Flex and Eva Lyttle)
  • Olive Darling-Flex (daughter of Marcus Flex and Eva Lyttle)
  • Vicente Darling-Flex (son of Marcus Flex and Eva Lyttle)

De Lancey Household

  • Patrick De Lancey
  • Aphrodite De Lancey
  • Jack De Lancey
  • Marley De Lancey
  • Atticus De Lancey
  • Lydia De Lancey

Elderberry Household

  • Ekram Elderberry
  • Eleanor Elderberry
  • Rohan Elderberry

Feng Household

  • Victor Feng
  • Lily Feng
  • Malachi Feng

Goth Household

  • Mortimer Goth
  • Salim Goth
  • Alexander Goth (son of Mortimer Goth and Bella Goth-Knowles)
  • Juliette Goth (daughter of Bella Goth-Knowles and an unknown townie)

Goth-Knowles Household

  • Bella Goth-Knowles
  • Zayne Knowles
  • Anastasia Goth-Knowles
  • Vespera Goth-Knowles

Hartman Household

  • Jace Hartman
  • Colette Storm
  • Melissa Hartman-Storm

Havens Household

  • Penelope Havens
  • Dylan Havens
  • Ophelia Havens

Hilton Household

  • Humberto Hilton
  • Arabella Hilton
  • Catherine Hilton (daughter of Humberto and Arabella Hilton)
  • Olga Hilton
  • Daniel Hilton (son of Humberto and Arabella Hilton)
  • Sierra Hilton (adopted daughter of Humberto and Arabella Hilton)
  • Lucia Hilton (adopted daughter of Catherine and Olga Hilton)
  • Tristan Hilton (son of Arabella Hilton and Jackson Robertson)

Holiday Household

  • Paolo Holiday
  • Summer Holiday
  • Cory Holiday
  • Marius Holiday (son of Summer Holiday and Vladislaus Straud)

Houlihan Household

  • Marcel Houlihan
  • Danielle Beck
  • 2x unnamed babies

Huntington-Munch Household

  • J Huntington III
  • Siobhan Huntington
  • Wolfgang Munch
  • Morgan Munch
  • Scarlett Munch (daughter of Wolfgang Munch and Summer Holiday)
  • Juniper Huntington
  • Hugo Huntington

Khan Household

  • Rashad Khan

The Korean Household

  • Lee Jong
  • Aeja Lu
  • Jenny Park
  • Byeonh-Ho Yuri

Kumar Household

  • Ritu Kumar
  • Diego Kumar (son of Ritu Kumar and Marcel Houlihan)

Kyron-Dulanque Household

  • Ginny Kyron
  • Charlotte Dulanque

Landgraab Household (Oasis Springs 1)

  • Geoffrey Landgraab
  • Larissa Kimble
  • Krystal Landgraab (daughter of Geoffrey Landgraab and Gina Villareal)
  • Silas Landgraab (son of Geoffrey Landgraab and Gina Villareal)
  • Zackary Kimble (son of Larissa Kimble and an unknown townie)
  • Moses Landgraab (son of Gina Villareal and Marcus Storm)

Landgraab Household (Oasis Springs 2)

  • Malcolm Landgraab
  • Breanna Landgraab
  • Claire Landgraab
  • Shawn Landgraab (son of Nataly Landgraab and Jackson Robertson)

Landgraab Household (Brindleton Bay)

  • Nancy Landgraab
  • Taurus Greyheart
  • Nelson Landgraab (son of Nancy Landgraab and Geoffrey Landgraab)
  • Talitha Greyheart

Langerak Household

  • Kaylynn Langerak
  • Porsha Langerak (daughter of Kaylynn Langerak and Daniel Pleasant)

Le Chien Household

  • Joaquin Le Chien
  • Jade Le Chien
  • Clay Le Chien (son of Marcus Storm and Eva Lyttle)
  • Ellie Le Chien (daughter of Marcus Storm and Eva Lyttle)
  • Joseph Le Chien (son of Jade Le Chien and Marcus Storm)
  • Zoey Le Chien (daughter of Jade Le Chien and Marcus Flex)
  • Cassie Le Chien

Lobo Household

  • Diego Lobo
  • Candy Lobo
  • Audrey Lobo (daughter of Candy Lobo and an unknown townie)
  • Ivy Lobo
  • Jarred Lobo

Lothario Household

  • Don Lothario
  • Thalia Lothario
  • Kyra Lothario (daughter of Ebony Abbelli and Mortimer Goth)
  • Orlando Lothario (daughter of Ebony Abbelli and Mortimer Goth)
  • Rafael Lothario

Lucia Household

  • Lilith Lucia

Mahi'ai Household

  • Nalani Mahi'ai

Makolo Household

  • Tiare Makolo
  • Keoni Makolo
  • Vaihere Makolo

McCabe Household

  • Ryan McCabe
  • Dana Rush
  • Terry McCabe (son of Ryan McCabe and Eliza McCabe)
  • Rachel McCabe (daughter of Ryan McCabe and Eliza McCabe)
  • Jill Rush

Pancakes Household

  • Bob Pancakes
  • Hayley Pancakes
  • Clyde Pancakes (son of Drew Prius and Eliza McCabe)
  • Madelynn Pancakes (daughter of Drew Prius and Eliza McCabe)
  • Thomas Pancakes (son of Drew Prius and Eliza McCabe)
  • Luna Pancakes (daughter of Hayley Mireles and Victor Feng)
  • Olive Pancakes (daughter of Hayley Mireles and Victor Feng)
  • Felipe Pancakes (son of Hayley Mireles and an unknown townie)

Perry Household (Brindleton Bay 1)

  • Jenna Perry
  • Derek Perry
  • Brandy Perry
  • Marielle Perry
  • Unnamed baby

Perry Household (Brindleton Bay 2)

  • Robert Perry

Pizzazz Household

  • Dominic Pizzazz
  • Zion Pizzazz (son of Dominic Pizzazz and Penelope Havens)
  • Rory Pizzazz (son of Marcus Storm and Penelope Havens)
  • Jessie Pizzazz (daughter of Samuel Corley and Penelope Havens)
  • Kailee Pizzazz (daughter of Samuel Corley and Penelope Havens)
  • Jace Pizzazz (son of Dominic Pizzazz and Penelope Havens)
  • Ella Pizzazz (daughter of Dominic Pizzazz and Penelope Havens)

Pleasant Household (Brindleton Bay)

  • Daniel Pleasant
  • Mary-Sue Pleasant

Pleasant Household (Britechester)

  • Angela Pleasant
  • Lilith Pleasant

Presley Household

  • Felicity Presley
  • Mike Presley
  • Abigail Presley (daughter of Felicity Presley and Hector Brannon)
  • Elias Presley
  • Melody Presley

Robertson Household

  • Jackson Robertson
  • Rodrick Hoang

Romeo Household

  • Sergio Romeo
  • Sofia Bjergsen
  • Johanna Bjergsen
  • 2x unnamed babies

Rose Household

  • Chad Rose
  • Candy Rose
  • Jaden Rose
  • Raiden Rose (son of Candy Rose and Malcolm Landgraab)
  • Unnamed baby

Ross Household

  • Angela Ross

Salzmann Household (Sulani 1)

  • Clara Salzmann
  • Cole Salzmann
  • Elsa Bjergsen (daughter of Clara Salzmann and Bjorn Bjergsen)
  • Joel Salzmann (son of Clara Salzmann and Marcus Storm)
  • Oscar Salzmann

Salzmann Household (Sulani 2)

  • Alana Iekika-Salzmann

Savage Household

  • Celeste Savage
  • Unnamed baby

Singer Household

  • Izaiah Singer
  • Mariko Sasaki
  • Jazmine Sasaki (daughter of Mariko Sasaki and Victor Feng)
  • Adeline Sasaki (daughter of Mariko Sasaki and Victor Feng)
  • Sebastian Sasaki (son of Mariko Sasaki and Victor Feng)

Storm Household

  • Marcus Storm
  • Josie Weston
  • Eva Capricciosa
  • Abel Weston (son of Marcus Storm and Josie Weston)

Straud Household

  • Vladislaus Straud
  • Nicolette Straud

Thomson Household

  • Jules Thomson
  • Cassandra Thomson
  • Titus Thomson (son of Cassandra Thomson and Don Lothario)
  • Antonia Thomson
  • Bianca Thomson
  • Raven Thomson

Waites Household

  • Eliza McCabe
  • Connor Waites
  • Lauryn Waites
  • Jimmy Waites (adopted son of Connor and Lauryn Waites)
  • Tony Waites (son of Lauryn Waites and Marcus Storm)
  • Unnamed baby

Ward Household

  • Judith Ward

Vatore Household

  • Lilith Vatore
  • Caleb Vatore
  • Hanna Cameron
  • Kyra Cameron
  • Annie Cameron (daughter of Kyra Cameron and J Huntington III)

Webber Household

  • Jonas Webber
  • Carlee Webber
  • Amelia Webber
  • Nigel Webber
  • Lucas Webber (adopted son of Jonas and Carlee Webber)
  • Natasha Webber (daughter of Carlee Webber and Marcel Houlihan)

Whitlock Household

  • Bradley Whitlock
  • Miriam Whitlock
  • Emilia Whitlock (daughter of Jacques and Katrina Villareal)
  • Isabel Whitlock (daughter of Jacques and Katrina Villareal)
  • Blaine Whitlock (son of Miriam Whitlock and Bob Pancakes)
  • Unnamed baby

Villareal Household (Windenburg)

  • Katrina Villareal
  • Gina Villareal (daughter of Katrina Villareal and an unknown townie)
  • Max Villareal (son of Jacques and Seraphine Villareal)
  • Dimitri Villareal (son of Jacques Villareal and Gina Villareal)
  • Nathanael Villareal (son of Jacques Villareal and Ebony Abbelli)
  • Ramon Villareal (son of Jacques Villareal and Ebony Abbelli)
  • 2x unnamed babies

Villareal Household (San Myshuno)

  • Declan Padilla
  • Hugo Villareal
  • Rebecca Eriksen (foster child)

Wyvern Hall (student dorm)

  • Becca Clarke
  • Julia Wright
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Reminding everyone to do the survey!


Been checking the results so far and it's really interesting to see what you guys want to see happen to certain characters... ?


The survey will remain open until Friday the 22nd, at 11pm Central European Time!


So make sure you go fill it out - and make sure to get all the way to the end! (like last time; the survey ends with the question Is there something you want more of?)


Survey link here!

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On 11/20/2019 at 9:17 AM, beautyxxdark said:

Reminding everyone to do the survey!


Been checking the results so far and it's really interesting to see what you guys want to see happen to certain characters... ?


The survey will remain open until Friday the 22nd, at 11pm Central European Time!


So make sure you go fill it out - and make sure to get all the way to the end! (like last time; the survey ends with the question Is there something you want more of?)


Survey link here!

Last chance, everyone! Survey closes in 6 and a half hours!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone,


Hope you're all doing alright in the world, what with covid-19 happening at the moment. I've been self-quarantining since Sunday night due to a cold, but will probably be back at work at the end of the week.

Anyway - the next part of the story is done and has been so for quite a while now. I just haven't had time to sit down, arrange everything and post it (posting and writing up the story takes longer and longer every time due to the amount of sims...). But I'm going to start posting tonight, once dinner is done, and hopefully I'll have everything up by the weekend! The next end-of-the-season questionnaire is almost ready for posting as well, so that will be up right after the final part, and the wiki had undergone some major updates - and will be getting more if nationwide quarantine happens.


Once again, hope you're all doing alright, and let's get on with it, shall we? ;) 

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Storm Household


Everything continues as normal in the Storm household. The vampires - Marcus, Eva, and toddler Abel - are in charge...



...and their mindless slave Josie is busy cooking, cleaning, and servicing her masters' sexual needs.

Her own needs are not a priority - even now that she is pregnant.



Click to continue!


Marcus and Eva still spend a lot of time having sex with one another - especially when Josie is busy taking care of Abel or cleaning the house, and as a bit of a warm-up before they go on a hunt.



"Josie is getting quite big, isn't she?" Eva says after their successful hunt.

"She is pregnant", Marcus reminds her.

"I know that", Eva scoffs, "but I think it might be time for her to... pop. Maybe we should help her?"

Marcus raises an eyebrow.


Eva smiles.

"Did you know that some sex might help?"



Marcus does not need much more of an explanation. Not that they have kept away from Josie throughout the pregnancy, but this time - this time is different.

This time they will keep going until she is ready to birth that baby.


She blinks as the enthrallment takes hold.

"Yes, master..."



She undresses on the way to the bedroom and gets on the bed. First, Eva and her tease Marcus, taking turns giving him a blowjob...



...and then they climb on top. Eva sits on Marcus' face, maintaining eye contact with Josie, who sinks down on Marcus' cock.

They move like that for hours, all three of them coming over and over again.

And then something else spills from Josie, down onto Marcus' shaft.

"Stop", Eva says, smiling. "It's time."



The enthrallment is the only thing keeping Josie on her feet as she stumbles up the stairs to the waiting cribs. Yes, cribs - because Eva figured there was a high posibility of twins. They can always get rid of one of them if there is just one baby.



However, Eva's suspicion was right; a boy and a girl are born.

And Josie collapses straight after.

Her breath slows, as does her heartbeat. Blood flows out of her as she slowly, slowly dies.

"What a shame", Eva says, shaking her head at the mess. Marcus puts the twins down after inspecting them for fangs - which he found on both. Vampire children.

"I'll take care of her", he says. "You take care of the twins."



He carries the corpse out into the backyard and buries it. For a few moments, he stands staring at the grave. Josie was a good woman. Shame she did not last longer.

They will have to find someone new.



To be continued...

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McCabe Household


Opposed to how Terry is dealing with school, Rachel is quite a popular girl in her year. And in other years. She seems to have a knack for befriending anyone.



Back home, Jill is equally lovable. And Dana is truly becoming the mother of the house.



Click to continue!


During dinner, Rachel and Jill are the ones babbling away the most. Terry is usually quiet - which Dana and Ryan have simply decided is how he is.



Much later, Dana finds Ryan on the phone on the couch after she has finished putting the kids to bed. She easily unzips is pants, freeing his cock and starting to lick it.

"Yeah..." Ryan grunts into the phone as his cock starts to harden. "Hey, Samuel? I'll... see you later."



Ryan almost rips her clothes from her skin as he hurries to undress her and sink her down onto him, letting her ride him.

"Just a quick one tonight", he grunts in her ear.

"Why?" Dana says, sighing as he hits that spot.

"We have a meeting."



After finishing up - and cleaning up - they take a cab to Windenburg. Ryan refuses to tell Dana anything about what the meeting is for. Instead, she watches as they near one of the small pubs in the outskirts of the neighbourhood.

Inside, several men take note of them entering. Dana vaguely recognizes a few of them. They're Ryan's friends.




It's Samuel Corley. He pulls out a chair for her at a table and then sits down next to her, while Ryan wanders off to buy them some beer.

"What's this about?" Dana asks. Samuel smiles.

"Well, we thought that since you're Ryan's girl, you should be welcomed into the family."

"What... family?"

Samuel's smile widens, before he slides a folded paper across the table to her. She takes it and unfolds it.

The note is signed by Bradley Whitlock and - other than the signature - contains only four words.

Welcome to the Mafia.



To be continued...

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Malcolm Landgraab Household


Malcolm is, continuously, spending his days drinking.



Which makes him completely oblivious to his children's wellbeing.

Such as the fact that Claire is now getting bullied at school - by one of the newer kids, Ernest Staton.



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Claire usually goes home crying - and her not being present during the after school activites means she also misses out on the fact that there are some that do not like what they see. One girl in particular is very vocal about Ernest's bad behaviour; Natasha Webber.



But, as has been said before, Claire does not know.

Back home, she tends to lock herself away in the office and do her homework. Breanna, on the other hand, ignores her homework, instead spending time on the computer or - like today - her phone.

"That's nice, Ernest", she says. "Maybe you're worthy of being my partner after all."

Her brother, Shawn, frowns at what his sister is saying. He heard something about Ernest being a mean kid. Why would Breanna like him?



"You kids are on your own tonight", Malcolm says while they are eating dinner. "I have a meeting."

"Alright, dad!" Breanna says, sounding like a little angel. Claire does not look up from her food, which makes Shawn frown.

Something is wrong - and he is determined to find out what!



Malcolm heads out to one of the local bars, where he has called a group of slightly shady people to help him. The Windenburg Mafia.



He quickly explains the situation to them; the girl that it meant to be his is married to someone else and does not seem to understand that this is wrong.

"Is she rejecting you?" one of the men asks.

"No. I've made her submit. She's just not coming to stay with me."

The men share smiles between them, before one - their leader, Bradley Whitlock - holds out a hand.

"Welcome to the family, boy. We'll take care of your problem together."



As the drinks are served, Malcolm calls Candy, ordering her to come by. She does. The moment she arrives, he shoves a drink into her hand.

"Drink up."

The men cheer as they watch her down it.



Some time later, Malcolm has dragged a drunk and nearly unconscious Candy into the bathroom. He is fucking her limp body relentlessly.



After he spills into her, the excess cum dripping down her thighs, he yanks her head out of the toilet seat. Her eyes are cloudy and she barely utters a moan as he slaps her.

"You're mine, Candy", he growls as he slaps her again. "Mine. And my new friends are going to help me convince you."



To be continued...

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Geoffrey Landgraab Household


The big day is almost here. Larissa's wedding gown - with the final alterations done - just arrived, and she tries it on one last time before she is to wear it walking down the aisle.



Upstairs, Zackary and Krystal are, as usual, busy with one another. Now that Silas has moved down into Moses' room, they have the loft to themselves - and they even got their parents to buy them a double bed.

However, this day, they do not have time for more than teasing.

"Dinner's ready!" Geoffrey calls.



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Family dinners are a big thing for both Geoffrey and Larissa. They refuse to let anyone eat on their own; they eat together, discussing their days and what is to come.

In this case; the wedding.



Krystal and Zackary are on cleaning duty after dinner - and as the others leave, Krystal catches Zackary's eye.

"Want to sneak out to San Myshuno tonight?" she whispers. "I hear there's a festival happening."




After cleaning up, they manage to get out of the house without being spotted by either of their parents.

But Silas notices them.

"Hey, where are you going?"
"Nowhere", Krystal snaps.

"Well, I'm coming too", Silas replies. "And I'm calling Bailee."



The four of them arrive at the famous San Myshuno Romance Festival just in time for the Sakura Tea to be served. No one takes note of them being teenagers and probably should not consume all that is in the "tea".



Silas and Bailee soon find a quiet place for themselves to sit and talk - and kiss, and cuddle.

"My mothers' rented a house for me", Bailee says between kisses.


"Because they thought I'd need a space of my own. There's a new baby."

Silas hums. Bailee's two mothers keep adopting new children, running almost a charity. Of course they would want Bailee - their oldest - to have some space.

"You could come stay with me", she says against his lips.




Silas' eye snags on his watch and he shoots up with a curse.

"Damn, the curfew! Krystal!"

"Yeah, yeah", his sister says, waving him off, "we'll be home soon."

Silas hesitates. He should probably make sure Krystal and Zackary get back home - they have had another cup of "tea" each - but then... he is not their baby sitter.

"Offer still stands!" Bailee calls after him, blowing him a kiss. He grins, jogging backwards towards the train station.



After Bailee leaves as well, Zackary suddenly drops to one knee in front of Krystal.

"I want to spend my life with you, baby", he says, pulling out a ring that - probably - cost half of his allowance. Krystal gasps.

"Oh, honey, I want the same thing!"



Someone clears their throat nearby.

"If you two lovebirds are interested", one of the festival's Oracles says, smiling at them, "we are allowed to officiate wedding ceremonies here."

"Oh, that would be so cute!" Krystal says. "And so scandalous!"



The Oracle waves them over to an archway, where she conducts a short ceremony - containing only the essentials. Some other festival goers - drunk on Sakura tea - cheer them on and act as witnesses when they later sign the official papers.

"I now present you with Mr and Mrs Landgraab."

The Sakura Tea is poured once more and passed around. Again and again.



The two are giddy with excitement as they get home, long after midnight. Though they change into their pyjamas, Krystal drags Zackary to the couch and pulls down his pants, giggling.

"It's our wedding night, babe", she says. "Let's make the most of it."



After teasing Zackary's cock with both fingers, lips and tongue, they both decide to undress completely. Krystal smiles as every inch of her body seems to hum as his cock enters her. It is different now to how it has been before. She feels... like a goddess. Like she has left her body behind and all that exists is pure pleasure.

The sky is starting to turn grey when they finally collapse on the bed to get a few hours of sleep before their parents' wedding, the effects of the Sakura Tea slowly releasing them and pulling them into blissful darkness.



The wedding between Geoffrey and Larissa takes place at the Von Haunt Estate, in the freshly fallen snow. Everyone who is anything has been invited to witness the ceremony.



After it is done, Krystal wanders over to the bar. She is parched!

Her half-brother - Malcolm - hands her a glass of wine.

"Everything alright there, sister?" he says. "You look... exhausted."

"I'm fine", Krystal says with a sigh. "Just thirsty."

She meets Zackary's gaze across the lawn and share a smile with him. And secretly married.

It is a shame she hardly remembers anything after their ceremony, though. She figures they had a wedding night - considering how she feels between her legs - but she just does not remember it.

"Well", Malcolm says, raising his glass, "drink up, then!"

She does.



The party soon moves from the lawn to indoors. Larissa walks around accepting congratulations when her eyes snag on one older man in the background.

Bradley Whitlock.

She trembles as she walks over to him.

"Congratulations", he says. "It was a beautiful ceremony."

"Thank you", she says.

"In fact, I have a gift for you. Meet me in the labyrinth in one hour."



Silas has stepped outside to get some air when his phone buzzes. It is Bailee.

Everything alright?

He types a quick response.

Yeah. It's just... so many people I don't know.

Want to come over? Bailee asks. Silas looks around. Other than one of the Whitlock girls - Emilia - there is no one looking his way.

He takes one final look in through the doors at the party and then leaves.



Some time later, Larissa hurries out of the party room to the labyrinth.



Bradley is already waiting for her. He steps in close, grabs her arm with one hand and her face with the other.

"Your payment is not yet fulfilled, Larissa", he says, his voice deceptively gentle.

"I... I did what Jacques asked."

"Yes. But getting Geoffrey and Gina divorced was never all you had to do."

His hand strays from her arm to the buttons of her dress, slowly undoing them one by one.



She lets him fuck her. Lets him have his way. Maybe then he will not demand this from her more. Maybe once will be enough.



Krystal lets out a giggle as she stumbles into the party room. One glass became two, three, four... what comes after four?

She stumbles. Someone catches her arm.



It is a man - a bit older than her. And he is gorgeous.

"How are you?" he asks.

"Perfect", she replies, giggling slightly. He smiles, guiding her over to the couch.

"I'm Dylan."




Eventually, the Landgraabs make their way home. Geoffrey and Larissa celebrate their wedding night, although their thryst is short. Larissa is still thinking about what happened with Bradley, and Geoffrey - well, Geoffrey is not exactly young anymore.



Upstairs, Zackary and Krystal fall asleep without fooling around. Krystal sighs in her sleep, her dreams drifting to her memories of what happened before they left the Von Haunt Estate...



She feels the books press into her back as Dylan presses into her, lifting one of her legs straight up. She bites her lip to keep from moaning at the feeling. So big! Much bigger than Zackary!

In her sleep, her fingers drift down between her legs. Her eyelids flutter open as she nears her climax. Whatever happened during her wedding night with Zackary cannot have been better than what happened with Dylan.



No one seems to have realized Silas never came home with the rest of them...



To be continued...

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The Salzmann Household


In Sulani, the Salzmanns are settling in as expected. When they do not have school, Joel and Oskar spend time swimming around in the sea.



Today, however, is a Friday - and the family are inviting Cole's mother and sister, brother-in-law and niece for dinner.



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The dinner is for two reasons; to get together as a family, and to celebrate Joel's upcoming birthday.

It is the first time Cole's sister Tiare and her family - her husband Keoni and her daughter Vaihere - have been to the house.



As the bigger brother, Cole is - of course - a bit suspicious of Keoni. But once they get to talking, he can see just how well suited the man is for Tiare.

"You should come with me on a fishing trip", Keoni suggests while Clara goes to prepare the cake.

"I haven't gone fishing since I was a boy", Cole says. "It would be fun."



After everyone has left in the evening, Cole and Clara help each other clean up in the kitchen. Cole falls asleep the instant his head hits the pillow, making Clara smile as she walks into the room.

Then she quietly sneaks out onto their private sundeck instead, closing the door behind her. She needs to spend some time to herself before joining her husband in bed.

She dozes on the deckchair before a beautiful sound reaches her ears. Music. Such beautiful music.

She stands and moves towards the edge of the deck.



In the sea not far from the house is Keoni. Notes - clear and high - rise from his throat and into the sky, winding their way into Clara's brain as she takes off her trousers and drops into the sea.



Keoni does not look her way as she approaches.

He hates doing this - but it is the only option. If he did not do this now, he would have gone too long without taking the life force of a human - and he would be at risk of taking Tiare's.



As Clara swims up in front of him, Keoni pulls her in close.

"I'm sorry", he murmurs, even though she cannot hear him in her current charmed state, "but you were my only option. And... I know about..."

His gaze drifts to her chest, rising and falling against his. Somewhere beneath her skin the sickness festers.

He convinces himself that this is mercy, before kissing her - and dragging her beneath the waves.



Some time later, Clara's lifeless body floats to the surface. Slowly the waves push it in the direction of her house, washing it up onto the beach.



To be continued...

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The Havens Household


Little Ophelia is growing bigger every day. Dylan occasionally helps out, but mostly, he leaves the care of the child to Penelope.



Who, of course, does not protest. She always makes sure that Ophelia has eaten, gone to the potty, practiced her words and letters, played a bit, and then gets enough sleep.



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Once Ophelia is in bed, Penelope goes straight to the bedroom, where Dylan waits for her to please him.



However, Dylan has found that his mind is drifting. Ever since they attended the Landgraabs' wedding, his mind has gone to the girl he fucked in the attic library. Krystal.

Having Penelope at his beck and call is wonderful, of course, but at times she is a bit... robotic. Krystal was alive.

He makes up his mind and calls her, asking her to meet him in San Myshuno.



"I'm going out for a bit", Dylan calls to Penelope. She smiles and nods.

The moment the door closes, she finds herself walking towards the fridge, taking out a bowl of clam chowder that she made the day before. She never had any herself - never had any time - but now that Dylan is out...



A tremor runs through her body as the food hits her tongue, goes down her throat. It is divine!

She takes another bite. An ache springs from between her legs. Another bite.

Oh. Oh, this... oh...



Outside, Krystal and Dylan have reunited. Unlike last time, neither is drunk. And they both want one another.

"Not tonight", Dylan murmurs into another kiss. "Your family will miss you."

"Oh, babe", Krystal says, biting his lower lip, causing a moan, "they think I'm having a sleepover with a friend. Shouldn't I have just that?"

Dylan pulls her closer.

"Let's get a room."



As the hours pass and Dylan remains out, Penelope consumes more and more food. Each bite sends pleasurable shivers through her body. Each empty bowl makes her cum. She is ravenous.

Food... need... food...



To be continued...

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The Lothario Household


"How about we have a party tomorrow?"

Orlando looks up at Kyra.

"A party? Where? Here?"

"No, silly", she says. "At a club. Loads of people will come if we ask them."

Orlando purses his lips in thought. Them going out to a club - possibly getting drunk - is not exactly the best idea.




"Kyra! Orlando! Breakfast!"

The twins rush into the kitchen, grabbing food from Thalia who is still at the stove. Their adoptive mother smiles at them and then goes back to cooking. If she overheard their discussion in the living room, she says nothing of it.



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Soon, the twins are off to school, Don is off to work, and Rafael is off to kindergarten.

And once they are all out, Thalia wanders into the living room, stripping off her clothes as she does.




Anyone walking by outside would see Thalia standing naked in the living room, swaying slightly. But, to her, there is someone else with her.


He has made her daydream of him whenever she is home alone. Made her imagine the feeling of him pumping his cock into her, his fingers joining in. Hours pass as he does not let her reach her end until the rest of the family is almost home.

Good girl...

She moans, her legs hardly keeping her standing as the daydream makes her cum, hard.



The exhaustion of the daydream sex makes Thalia fall asleep in the bathtub, completely missing out on the rest of her family returning home.



Don is annoyed with Thalia's new behaviour. She refuses to even kiss him on the cheek and now she is forgetting about the children.

Maybe he should take up Judith's offer...



Orlando has brought a friend home - Nigel Webber. They were introduced by Peter, who moved away not long ago.

"Hey, Kyra said something of a party tomorrow", Nigel says.

"Yeah... what do you think?" Orlando asks. Nigel grins.

"It's the best idea in a long time!"



Kyra has, of course, already posted about the party online. The photo is getting tons of likes from people at school; a lot of them will try and show up at the club.

This will be the party of the century!



In the night, Thalia wakes up, gets dressed as if going to a party, and leaves the house.



As she has been every night for close to a month now, she gets beamed up to the waiting ship and taken to SixAm.



"What a nice dress", Marcus says. Thalia only mumbles in reply - he does not let her speak often. He likes her wordless.



"Now", he says, "let's make sure you have been a good girl..."

His powers penetrate her skull, shifting through every recent memory. He is pleased when he finds she has not shown any romantic affection to anyone but him - or the daydream of him.

"Oh, you really are such a good girl", he says with a grin. Thalia mumbles incoherently and then starts to remove her dress.



It is the same procedure every night. Marcus likes to take her roughly, from every angle, and for as long as he can. She, of course, submits to his will.



He lets her cry out a bit when he pushes a fist into her ass, then makes her relax. He pulls out and replaces the fist with his cock.

"Good girl."



He circles her waist and pushes three fingers inside her, moving them in time with his cock. His free hand moves up to her face. She licks his fingers.

"Perfect", he growls in her ear. "My little perfect girl. You please me."



It is nearly dawn when he brings her back home. Her dress and shoes are back on SixAm. As are many other garments she has worn when brought to him.

It is a wonder no one questions why she buys so many new pieces of clothing.



Don sighs when he is - once again - the first to wake up to Rafael's soft whimpers in the next room. The boy has never been one for loud cries, but Thalia was always the one to wake up and help him before.



After helping Rafael and making sure the twins get up for school, Don takes out his phone and makes the call.

He needs a break.

"I'll be there after work", he says.

"Good", Judith says, then hangs up.



Leaving the house that morning is a strange feeling. He told the kids that he would go away for a bit before they left for school. Thalia is still asleep; he left her a note on the kitchen table.



In the evening, the teens gather at one of the Del Sol Valley clubs for Kyra's party. She somehow managed to convince the bartender that they were celebrating their first semester at university, that they were legal drinkers.

No one has to show an ID.

"Are you sure..." Orlando begins, but Kyra hushes him - and then keeps flirting with Orange.



The night continues and the drinks are flowing. The music is pumping.



"Three cheers for Kyra!" Orlando calls. The rest of the teenagers follow the cue.



"Hey, Nigel?"

Orlando shakes his head to clear his vision. Nigel's right in front of him, looking expectant.

"Hey... I like you", Orlando continues. "Like... really like you."

Nigel's nose scrunches up.




Kyra's spent most of the last hour - maybe two hours - on the dance floor. Hands brush against her, a pair of lips - Orange's - press against her shoulder.

Then she spins and meets a pair of blue eyes.

Hello gorgeous!



The man steps forward, dancing with her to the beat. Kyra smiles; she loves dancing. Her mind goes briefly to Orange, wondering where he is, but then the music picks up and she is dancing with the Blond Man.



Images blend together. Hands, skin, lips. Hardwood floor against her cheek as she moves back and forth. Something moving inside her. So good. Warm. Sleepy.



Don has, at the same time, arrived at Judith Ward's mansion. She shows him around, opening one door to reveal the spare bedroom - his bedroom - with its own bathroom and closet.



"Now, down here..."

She continues down the same corridor his room is in. The final door opens to reveal a room decorated in red and black. It is filled with objects that Don knows Judith intends to use on him.

She turns, gives him a once over.

"Well?" she says. "Strip off."



He does. Once he is fully naked, she points at a pillory positioned at the end of a bed. He obediently lets her lock him up.

He watches as she undresses as well and lies down on the bed, legs spread to give him a full view of her pleasing herself. His mouth goes dry as his cock hardens.

"If you cum", Judith says, "you will be punished."

He tries to fight it - but in the end, his cock wins the battle. Judith sits up, an angry frown on her face.



She unlocks him.

"Down on the floor."

He lies down. She mounts him - and then her fingers circle his throat. His eyes widen.


"It is Madame Ward to you", she says, her grip tightening somewhat, "and I will not hurt you if you do as I say. Do. Not. Cum."

This time, he does as she says, clenching every muscle in his body to keep from disobeying.

After she cums, she climbs off, looking down at him with a pleased expression.

"Good. Now go wash off. You have the night to yourself."



To be continued...

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The Singer Household


The day before their planned private wedding, Izaiah gives Mariko a gift.

"What is it?" she asks, shaking the box slightly. He smiles.

"Open it."

Inside are three books - on vampires.



Mariko immediately starts going through the book. Izaiah smiles and heads downstairs, helping the children with their breakfast.

"Jaz, you need to hurry", he says.

"I know, dad", Jazmine says. Izaiah smiles at the word. Dad. He might not be her father by blood, but she is the father she chose.



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After Jazmine leaves for school, Izaiah brings the twins upstairs. Adeline always wants to learn things her own way, using toys or a tablet, but Sebastian prefers an adult to tell him right from wrong.



When the kids go to take a nap, Izaiah joins Mariko in the bedroom. She is still reading the book he gave her.

"This is fascinating", she says as he sits down. "Did you grow up learning this?"

"I did", Izaiah says, then takes out the second book. "I am sorry for not talking about it... but maybe this can make up for it."

Mariko smiles.

"It does. At least now I can learn how to defend myself against them."



When Jazmine gets home, Adeline comes running out to meet her.

"Mama is in toilet", the toddler says.

"Is mama getting dressed?" Jazmine asks while helping the toddler back in. Adeline smiles widely.

"Yes! Mama is a princess!"



After helping her sister, Jazmine takes a peek into the bathroom. Mariko is standing in front of the mirror, making the final touches for her wedding look.

Yes, Jazmine thinks, mama is definitely looking like a princess.



Izaiah is the one to put the toddlers to sleep, giving Mariko a bit of extra time to prepare. Jazmine keeps him from peeking into the bathroom, ordering him out to their homemade wedding arch. The girl comes down the stairs and around the corner before her mother, as if they were in a proper church.

They perform their own version of a ceremony - mainly because Jazmine demanded they have a wedding. Tomorrow they will go down to the town hall and sign the necessary papers.



Jazmine is difficult to get to bed in the evening, but when she eventually closes her bedroom door, Izaiah and Mariko make their way to their own bed.

"We're married", Izaiah says.

"Sort of", Mariko says with a smile, making him smile as well as he turns over to kiss her.

"Sort of", he agrees.



No matter the ceremony or the fact that - on paper - they are not legally married yet, they spend the night as if it were an actual wedding night. Sort of married is close enough.



To be continued...

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The Pizzazz Household


Not long after the children all leave for school, Dominic gets a call from Jenna.

Since that fateful day when Robert caught them together, they have not met up that much - so Dominic heads over there straight away.



Jenna pulls him upstairs to one of the master bedroom. A gurgling sound comes from a crib.

"Who is that?" Dominic asks, looking at the baby in the crib. Jenna smiles at him.

"It's your daughter. I named her Gracelynn."



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Meanwhile, at his new high school, Zion is trying everything to fit in. His family is just... so chaotic. And rumors about his missing mother and his many siblings circulate from day one.

But, at least, he finds somewhere to sit at lunch.



Chaos reigns as always at home. Rory runs about wrecking. Kailee and Jessie keep training Apollo. Ella daydreams the days away and Jace tries to be a little mini-boss.

And, of course, Dominic expects Zion - as he is the oldest - to help out a bit more at home. Meeting friends is hardly an option.

"Dad?" Ella asks.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can I go play with the Chambers tomorrow? I promise I'll be home on time."

"Of course", Dominc replies. Zion sighs inwardly. Of course Ella - as the youngest - gets to go out with no questions asked.



The next day, Ella heads over to Del Sol Valley to play with the Chambers - Andy and Chance.

"Mum's busy prepping for her big day", Andy says.

"So her and Thorne Bailey are engaged?" Ella asks.

"Not yet", Chance replies, climbing up the side of the rocket ship on the play ground. "Thorne's still has to divorce his old wife. Then he'll be our new step-dad."

Neither of the boys look that happy about the idea.



Back home, Dominic has finally managed to figure out what to do with what Jenna showed him yesterday.

He has another daughter. He got her pregnant and she had his child.

He calls her over.



By the river behind his house, Dominic gets down on one knee in front of Jenna.

"I know it might not be the right time for us yet", he says, "but... when that time comes, will you marry me?"




As the kids are all off playing in the snow - or playing with friends (other than Zion who seems to be moping downstairs) - Dominic and Jenna take to the bedroom for a bit of fun. Their engagement is a promise; one day they will get married. Just not now.



To be continued...

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The Bailey-Moon Household


It is a quiet day in the Bailey-Moon household. Orange and Lauryn are having lunch on their own while Octavia prepares for her Star Of Fame ceremony that same evening.



The toddler twins - Knight and Dia - have also had some to eat. They will not go to the ceremony; a nanny will come and take care of them.



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Orange has kept practicing his modelling in his free time. No agency has hired him yet, but with his name - and looks - it is only a matter of time.



Maybe what he needs to do is get some new photos taken?

He takes out his phone and sends a text to Orlando.

Hey, want to meet up at the photo studio in San Myshuno?

The answer takes a while to arrive.




Orlando seems uncertain about being in the studio - even though Orange paid for them to use it.
"I'm not good in front of a camera", Orlando says.

"Relax", Orange says with a grin. "You start taking photos of me and you'll get into the vibe."



Orlando snaps a few photos, adjusting the lights every now and then. An employee comes over with two flutes of champagne. Orlando downs his at once, while Orange takes it easier with his.



The champagne seems to have helped Orlando, however, and he is soon posing alongside Orange while one of the studio's own photographers snaps photos of them. It is the greatest afternoon Orange has ever had!

"We were awesome!" he says as they take the train back to Del Sol Valley. "We should quit school and do this for a living!"

Orlando smiles, but other than that he does not answer.



Orange only just has time to get dinner before him and Lauryn go with Octavia to her Star Of Fame ceremony. The area is crowded; so many people have come out to see the event!

"Orange!" a familiar voice calls. Orange turns and spots Lucia Bheeda from school.



"So, did you come to see my mum's ceremony?" Orange asks with a grin.

"Yeah", Lucia replies with a wide smile of her own. "She's brilliant, isn't she?"

"She sure is. Hey, weren't you at Kyra's party?"

Something flashes in Lucia's eyes, as if she thinks he has forgotten something.

"Yeah, I..."

"Ladies and gentlemen!"



Everyone turns towards Octavia and the presenter.

"Please", the presenter's voice echoes in the speakers, "put your hands together for our latest Five Star celebrity - Octavia Moon!"

A thunderous applause echoes through Del Sol Valley as Octavia receives the frame and gets to put it in place. She has done it; she is a Five Star celebrity.

The party continues indoors, at the nearby museum, but Octavia refuses to let them stay long. Which also means Orange never gets to hear what else Lucia had to say.



The next day, Kyra calls and asks to come over. She seems worried.

"What's wrong, babe?" Orange asks as he meets her outside the house.
"Well... do you remember the party?"

"Yeah. It was awesome! Are you planning on hosting another? 'Cause you totally should."

"I... not now. Orange... I think we had sex that night and..."

Her hand drifts to her stomach - and his eyes widen.



"You're pregnant?"


Orange does not think. He simply drops to one knee and pulls out an empty keyring.

"Never fear", he says, echoing a line they learned in drama club, "for I shall not abandon you, fair lady."

Kyra giggles and accepts the keyring, the tension gone from her shoulders as he rises and kisses her. No need to tell her that he hardly remembers the party either. Or even dancing with her.



What Orange can remember is that, yes, he was pantless with someone. He remembers the heat he pressed his cock into. It must have been Kyra...



To be continued...

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The Romeo Household


Using the money from Sofia's latest tour and Sergio's promotion, the two have built a new house for themselves, with room for both their careers and their expanding family.



Not too long ago, Sofia gave birth to twins - Kristian and Simon.



And, tomorrow, a film crew is arriving to film their own reality show.

"Are we ready?" Sofia asks Sergio. He sighs.

"As ready as we can be. I'm glad it will only be one special episode for now."

Secretly, Sofia hopes there will be more. But she understands Sergio's reluctance; he does not seek fame like she has come to do.



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The crew arrives on time and set up in the house.

"Act normal", they tell Sergio and Sofia. "If we have things for you to explain, we'll tell you."

Sofia therefore starts off answering e-mails - as she always does. But she has - as Rashad adviced her to - taken extra care of her apperance. Sexy but innocent.



Sergio has also dressed up, but he focuses more on Johanna - at least before he has to head in to work.

"I'm dropping Johanna off at kindergarten", he calls to Sofia.

"Thank you!" she calls back. A toddler and twin baby boys is too much when you also try to produce music.



Sergio is hardly out of the house when Sofia's phone chimes. It is Rashad.

Need me to come over and create content?

Sofia feels her nipples harden. She has a feeling what sort of content Rashad wants from her - other than making music with her.


He arrives shortly after - as if he was nearby.

"Hello", he says to the cameras and the crew. "Rashad Khan, Sofia's manager."



For the first three hours, they work on music and planning another tour. Creating content for the reality show. Sofia heads to the kitchen to grab some quick lunch for herself. When she gets back, she sees one of the crewmembers shaking hands with Rashad.

"What's going on?" she asks. He grins at her.

"Bedroom. Now."



On the way up, Rashad explains that he has bribed the crew to turn off their cameras for a while, take a break - and let him use one of the cameras. To record them having sex.

The camera is already in the bedroom, pointing at the bed. Sofia swallows, but Rashad tugs her forward and removes her shorts, his hand running in between her legs.

"Already wet?" he murmurs in her ear as he moves her underwear aside to slide a finger into her. She moans.

A few moments later, she is on her stomach on the bed. Her underwear is ripped to shreds on the floor and Rashad is fucking her hard.



She comes once. Twice. He pulls off her shirt and his own, pressing her down onto the mattress.

"This is what you want, isn't it?" he whispers. "For a man to show you how to fuck."

Sofia whimpers. It hurts, but it also feels so good.



Downstairs, Sergio arrives back home after work, along with Johanna. Hearing music from upstairs he figures Sofia is working - and that the crew is with her. He decides to get dinner going for them in the meantime.



Upstairs, Rashad spills into Sofia one last time, then gets dressed.

"Such beautiful music we make", he says as he takes hold of her chin. Her legs tremble as she attempts to stand, making him grin.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Same time. Same plan."



Sergio looks over his shoulder as he hears steps on the stairs.

"Hello, Rashad", he calls, seeing the producer, followed by one of the film crew members with a camera.

"Hello", Sofia's producer replies with a smile. "Did you hear the music?"

"Yes. It sounded good."

Rashad chuckles.

"That it did."



During dinner, the cameras turn off slightly, allowing Sergio and Sofia some time to discuss the recordings with the crew.

"We almost have enough", the leader says. "Two more days and we should be done."

"Has everything gone alright today?" Sergio asks, looking at Sofia. She seems tired.

"Of course."



Despite feeling exhausted, Sofia spends a few hours after the children are asleep working on her music. If Rashad plans on spending the majority of his time here fucking her, she needs to get more done on her own.



It is past midnight when she finishes. Yawning, she heads upstairs and into the bathroom, changing into pyjamas and brushing her teeth.

She hardly manages a step out into the bedroom when her mind goes blank.

Colette Storm smiles at her, makes Sofia tilt her head sideways, and then plunges her fangs into her neck.



Once Colette is done, Sofia collapses onto the floor, sleeping off both the exhaustion and the enthrallment. She does not notice when the door to the bedroom opens again and someone walks up to her unconscious body, slowly pulling her pants off.



"Cameras do wonders, don't they?" Rashad says as he sinks into her, fucking her unconscious body. "I put one up in here earlier, before I left. Just so that I could know when to come and see you again, my sweet girl."



Still feeling the effects of the vampire's enthrallment charm, something in Sofia's mind twists. Like someone is scrambling it up.

She sees herself on an empty, dark beach. She is wearing white, but the clothes are more like underwear. Nothing covers her between her legs. Rashad is with her. He presses into her and fucks her hard.

Somewhere, a dark wedding march is playing.

You'll always be mine, Rashad says, his voice echoing as if far away. And you want it that way.



In the morning, Sergio wakes up and finds Sofia's side of the bed empty. Looking around, he spots her crumpled form on the floor.


He quickly checks her pulse. It is steady, and she is breathing regularly.

She is just not waking up.



To be continued!

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The Pleasant Household (Britechester)


Lilith Pleasant and her twin sister Angela recently moved to a house in Britechester - courtesy of their parents - in order to attend university. However, Lilith knows that there is one thing the students need more than homework and classes.


She has made sure to invite everyone who is in their year - and some who are not - and asked them to bring others.



She has also managed to get the campus cafeteria to deliver food. Some threats, some flirts and a bit of bribery do wonders!



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As the guests start to pour into the basement party hall, drinks are soon flowing freely from the keg. Music is pumping - thank god they are not in a dorm with such rules - and the games are running smoothly.



The only one who seems to not be that keen on attending is Angela.

In fact, Lilith is stunned when her twin sister suddenly appears in the basement.

"You decided to join us?" she asks.

"No", Angela replies. "Bowen asked if we should do some homework instead. I'm just grabbing a drink."



Bowen is one of Angela's partners at school. A bit of an odd man, but cute, in a way.

Angela sits back down and starts sipping on her drink as they go over their homework.

Before long, the room starts to spin. She giggles at everything Bowen says. The cup is empty - it was such a good drink!



"Hey, is the bathroom in here?" Cameron Fletcher asks. Angela bursts into a fit of giggles, making both Cameron and Bowen frown.

"Are... you alright?" Bowen asks.

"She's fine", Tomax says as he wanders by. "Have you had alcohol before, Angela?"

She giggles.


"Ah", Bowen says, leaning back. "Well, then I think you should get to bed. Tomax, help me get her upstairs?"




Cameron heads back downstairs to give Lilith a heads up on her sister's condition.

"Jeez, she got that drunk from one cup?" Lilith says. "My sister is such a lightweight. I'm glad Tomax and Bowen are helping her."



Bowen takes his leave after helping Angela up the stairs. Tomax is about to do the same - but then Angela starts stripping.

God, she is so hot!

Well, he has thought that for a long time. But... wow!

She stumbles into his arms, giggles, and then she is kissing him. Sloppily, but still; Angela Pleasant is kissing him!



Tomax hardly manages a coherent thought as Angela tugs him forward, making them both tumble onto the bed. All he wants is to taste her skin, feel her heat.

She moans loudly as he sinks into her. She is all warm, tight velvet.

He does not last as long as he wants.



"Need... a drink", Angela mumbles while they rest together. She stumbles up, giggles as she nearly falls over.

She is still drunk.

Tomax winces. He has just taken advantage of this beautiful woman. Why was he not strong enough to back away? He should have backed off when she kissed him.

Swallowing back the shame, he pulls his powers to him - and erases Angela's memories of what just happened. She blinks, yawns, and then crawls back in beneath the covers of the bed. Tomax leans over and presses a swift kiss to her cheek, before teleporting out of the house.



The party downstairs lasts until long after midnight - and Lilith sleeps for most of the day after. Luckily, she has no classes to attend.



Angela, however, is up early - as always - and working on her class projects. She has no lectures today, but it never harms anyone to keep on top of everything.

Last night is a bit of a blur - she probably should stay away from alcohol - but she remembers Tomax and Bowen being sweet and helping her to bed. She also vaguely remembers someone kissing her on the cheek after putting her to bed. It must have been Bowen; Tomax left after getting her upstairs.

She decides to call him over.



"Hey, so, about last night..." she begins as he shows up.

"Everyone gets a little drunk at times", Bowen says with a smile. "Don't worry about it."

"Yes, well, I think I should stay away from alcohol", Angela says, smiling back. "However... I just wanted to thank you. You were so sweet helping me last night and... I was just wondering if, perhaps, I could make it up to you? Maybe... maybe we could go out for dinner?"

Bowen's eyes widen, and then his smile turns into an extatic grin.
"I'd love that."



To be continued...

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The Abbelli Household


On the lower floor of the apartment, Mateo is working on a school project with his friend Rory Pizzazz. Neither is focusing that much.



Upstairs, Ebony is filming another video. Alone, today, as Riccarde is away preparing the final pieces of the Lotus Club's opening night.



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Which, as it happens, is in a few hours. And Ebony is meant to attend - as one of the main attractions.

So after wrapping up her video, she takes a perfumed bath - and gets herself ready for the show.



The Lotus Club is located at the top of one of the most expensive office buildings in San Myshuno. It is an exclusive club - requiring you to pay an entrance fee to attend, and if you want to partake in the exclusive upper entertainment floor, you have to pay extra.



The opening party is mostly being held on the lower floor, however - and from the perspective of Riccarde and his co-owner Mike Presley, the night is a success.



Upstairs, Ebony is performing at the pole - and one sneaky party-goer has managed to sneak in after her.

Rodrick Hoang. Her biggest fan.

As Riccarde is downstairs with the rest of the crew, Ebony permits him to take things a little further than a simple lap dance. A few times around.



Ebony gets up late the next day, after Riccarde has gone to work and the children to school. Last night was a complete success and Riccarde will probably want her to attend more times, but tonight she knows she is free. So she spends a few hours preparing her videos, uploading them, and even cooking dinner for the family.

Then she gets a text from Rodrick.

Want to come over?



Ebony hesitates. Rodrick is just a bit of fun - a fan. She should probably not encourage this.

But she is just so bored of just sitting around making videos all day.

She gets dressed, heads out the door, and takes a cab to Rodrick's apartment. He greets her with a kiss and a hug.

"Hey, want to try something out with me?"

He holds out a handful of pills. Drugs, most likely. They look like some that Rodrick occasionally provides her with - the ones that make her feel all calm and fuzzy. Ebony takes one and swallows it down.



Soon, she does feel all warm and fuzzy. Almost like she is drunk. She pulls off her coat, then her shirt, and her bra. She stumbles as she walks. The room spins.

Not warm and fuzzy. Tired.

She collapses onto the floor.



Rodrick puts the other pills aside. It worked! Ebony is out cold.

He starts undressing her, then carries her to the bed. God, she is even sexier like this than when she is awake! His fingers run down in between her legs. The moment he pushes inside, he feels his cock go rock hard in his pants - and he has to get them off.



Soon, he switches his fingers for his cock, lazily pushing in and out, in and out. Ebony remains asleep, occasionally moaning or mumbling something. He kisses her as he increases his speed.



When Ebony blinks awake, she feels all warm and fuzzy again. She is wearing different clothes. Her arms are tied to the bed.

The situation makes her giggle.



Then Rodrick climbs onto her, filling her vision - and her, as he presses into her.

"Oh", she gasps, adjusting around him as he starts moving. "Rodrick..."

"We should stay like this... forever", he grunts, leaning forward to change the angle.


"Say you'll stay - and I'll untie you."



"I'll... stay", Ebony whispers. At least for the night. There is no way she can get home in one piece by now.

Rodrick unties her, rips the corset from her body, and starts pounding into her. Ebony moans loudly and wraps her arms around him as she cums.



After a bit of a rest, Rodrick pulls out of her - and Ebony starts to stand. She needs to go to the bathroom.

But the room starts to spin again and she falls onto the floor. With a sigh, she lets sleep claim her again.

Rodrick watches from the bed. Then, he slowly stands, walks over to her and carries her back to the bed. His cock is getting hard just touching her - and he groans when he sinks back inside of her.



To be continued...

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The Presley Household


Mike suddenly finds himself living the perfect life - again.

He is rich, married to an influential woman, and has managed to seduce his stepdaughter - who, by now, follows his very wish and whim. That drug he gave her truly works wonders.

Also, he owns a club - and that club is where he gets to play around with Abigail most of all. He is considering bringing Nina there as well, but she moved out to Neal's not long ago - and he figures they need some time together before he swoops in and completes his Twin Set.



Back home, he makes sure that Abigail knows she is only allowed to act coy and sexy with him when the rest of the family are away. When they are present, Abigail is to act as normal; do her studies, go to work, and cook when it is her turn.

Thanks to the drug, she does this - and when the others leave, it is like flipping a switch.



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The fact that Abigail has never been in a relationship before he made her his makes Mike think is the reason why she is so tight. She makes the most wonderful sounds whenever he fucks her. Unlike with Nina, he does not like her giving him head - but then, variation is good.

It is a shame he cannot have her more often. Usually, they only get to see each other as he wants them to an hour - maybe two - each day, before other members of the family or other obligations take them away.

He needs to come up with a solution.

"How about", he says as he lazily pumps in and out of her one day, "I buy you an apartment of your own? I could come stay with you overnight, claiming that I have an overnight shoot."

"Oh", Abigail gasps, "I would love that. Oh, please, please, that would be... so good."



Said and done; he buys her an apartment. And makes Abigail tell her mother - Felicity - that the apartment has been acquired through the hospital.

"I suspected it might eventually happen", Felicity sighs, "but I would have liked to have you at home a bit longer. Nina moved out so recently."

"I'm still in the same city, mum", Abigail says, smiling sweetly. Mike smiles as well, while helping Melody with her school project. This is working out perfectly.



The next day, Abigail moves out. The apartment was recently vacated by an older couple moving to a retirement home - and they left a lot of their furnishings.

Abigail does not see the need to buy more. After unpacking her bags, she just eagerly waits for time to tick by. For the clock to turn seven.

Mike promised he would be there at seven.



He arrives a little late, but she does not care. He came!

"Overnight shoot", he says, smiling as he lifts her onto the counter. His hard cock presses against her and she shudders. She wants it inside of her. The whole night.

"Please", she whispers as she starts to move against him. "Please..."

Mike smiles. She is all his.



To be continued...

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