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Some Scripting Help


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Help! I'm too much of an idiot to understand scripting but I hoped I could modify one to my desires

The idea is to have a morph spell that changes a few things like hairstyle, eyes, skin texture, adds some spells and buffs and increases hump height.

Then upon recast, it's all supposed to be removed


The original one was simpler, but it focused on changing the race, I want it to leave the race as it is, and only change cosmetic assets

My first modification of this, followed the original and had a race "property" as a defined variable, and it worked. But I'm trying to take it to the next level


Scriptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  

float Morph

Quest Property CompanionsTrackingQuest  Auto  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  

SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  

SPELL Property Buff  Auto  


Faction Property Army  Auto  

companionshousekeepingscript Property pr auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
		Debug.Notification("You feel strangely ill,...")
		Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe you should rest.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseOne)

		Debug.Notification("You feel your body changing inside you...")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

		Debug.Notification("You feel overflowing with strange power.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTree)

		Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")

	if (Morph != 0)
		(CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair = Game.GetPlayer().GetNumHeadParts()
             (CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalEyes = Game.GetPlayer().GetNumHeadParts()
		(CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalSkin = Game.GetPlayer().Game.GetTintMaskColor(6, 0)
		if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)
			SetFloat(Morph, 1)
	      Caster.SetHair((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair)
          Caster.SetEyes((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalEyes)
          Caster.SetSkin((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalSkin)
          SetFloat(Morph, 0)


I learned the companions quest scripts serves to track player's original race, but only the race

Obviously, the way it's written now, it means it doesnt work at all and can't even get past the "compile" part of the process

So the first thing I need is a correct way of storing player's hair, skin texture and eyes.

Player Succubus Quest mod does that, but I can't make sense of what's in the script even though it looks fairly simple.

Then how to set the new ones, and finally how to return them


I thought the "Float" function was a way to set a "switch" variable and turn it on/off in the same script but the error says "SetFloat" doesnt exist


Also If I even manage to make it past this, I need a way to change jump height, and add an armor that works during the morph state. I was guessing in this case Caster. additem(ItemID, 1) and Caster.equipitem(ItemID) should work but with my luck, I know it wont. And I will have the same problems as not knowing how to store the origina geat and re-equip it

I understand the jump height is managed with a "Game Setting" but I have no idea how to write the script to change it and return it to normal


These are the errors I get upon attempt to compile:


(49,60): PlayerOriginalHair is not a property on script companionshousekeepingscript or one of its parents
(49,98): GetNumHeadParts is not a function or does not exist
(50,71): PlayerOriginalEyes is not a property on script companionshousekeepingscript or one of its parents
(50,109): GetNumHeadParts is not a function or does not exist
(51,60): PlayerOriginalSkin is not a property on script companionshousekeepingscript or one of its parents
(51,98): the type name Game cannot be used as a property
(51,59): type mismatch while assigning to a none (cast missing or types unrelated)
(59,34): variable MorphEyes is undefined
(60,36): variable MorphSkin is undefined
(60,19): SetTintMaskColor is not a function or does not exist
(61,34): variable MorphHair is undefined
(62,3): SetFloat is not a function or does not exist
(65,80): PlayerOriginalHair is not a property on script companionshousekeepingscript or one of its parents
(65,14): SetHair is not a function or does not exist
(66,83): PlayerOriginalEyes is not a property on script companionshousekeepingscript or one of its parents
(66,17): SetEyes is not a function or does not exist
(67,83): PlayerOriginalSkin is not a property on script companionshousekeepingscript or one of its parents
(67,17): SetSkin is not a function or does not exist
(69,10): SetFloat is not a function or does not exist


And this is the PSQ script I was trying to learn from, that still doesnt teach me anything


Scriptname SuccubusHESHINNScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect

PlayerSuccubusQuestScript Property PSQ Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	If !PSQ.IsHenshinchu && akCaster == PSQ.PlayerRef
		If !PSQ.IsHenshined
			StorageUtil.SetIntValue(Game.GetPlayer(), "PSQ_SuccubusON", 1)
			StorageUtil.SetIntValue(Game.GetPlayer(), "PSQ_SuccubusON", 0)

Function Henshin(Actor Succu)
	PSQ.IsHenshinchu = True
	PSQ.IsHenshined = True
	Int HenshinMoan = PSQ.SoundHenshinMoan.Play(Succu)
	PSQ.SuccubusTransFXS.Play(Succu, 0.5)
	PSQ.FireFXShader.Play(Succu, 0.5)
	PSQ.ShockPlayerCloakFXShader.Play(Succu, 0.5)
	If PSQ.EnableBreastChangeSuccubus
	If PSQ.HenshinBuff
		PSQ.SuccubusHenshinBonusSpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, Succu.GetBaseAV("Health") * PSQ.HenshinBuffRateHealth / 100)
		PSQ.SuccubusHenshinBonusSpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(1, Succu.GetBaseAV("Magicka") * PSQ.HenshinBuffRateMagicka / 100)
		PSQ.SuccubusHenshinBonusSpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(2, Succu.GetBaseAV("Stamina") * PSQ.HenshinBuffRateStamina / 100)
		PSQ.SuccubusHenshinBonusSpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(3, Succu.GetBaseAV("CarryWeight") * PSQ.HenshinBuffRateCarry / 100)
		Succu.AddSpell(PSQ.SuccubusHenshinBonusSpell, False)
	If PSQ.HenshinArmorRate
		PSQ.SuccubusArmorSpell.SetNthEffectMagnitude(0, PSQ.SuccubusArmorMagnitude * PSQ.SuccubusRank.GetValue())
		Succu.AddSpell(PSQ.SuccubusArmorSpell, False)
	If PSQ.CanWalkOnTheWater
		Succu.AddSpell(PSQ.SuccubusWaterWalking, False)
	If PSQ.HenshinEyes
		Int Eye = Succu.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNumHeadParts()
		Int i = 0
		While i < Eye
			If Succu.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i).GetType() == 2
				PSQ.OrgEyes = Succu.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i)
				i = Eye
			i += 1
	If PSQ.HenshinBody
		If !PSQ.HenshinHairColor && !PSQ.HenshinSkin
	If PSQ.HenshinSkin
		PSQ.OrgSkinColor = Game.GetTintMaskColor(6, 0)
		Game.SetTintMaskColor(PSQ.PSQSkinColor, 6, 0)
		If !PSQ.HenshinHairColor
	If PSQ.HenshinTattoo
		Float Manpukudo = PSQ.SuccubusEnergy.GetValue() / PSQ.MaxEnergy
	If PSQ.HenshinHair
		Int Hair = Succu.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNumHeadParts()
		Int i = 0
		While i < Hair
			If Succu.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i).GetType() == 3
				PSQ.OrgHair = Succu.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i)
				i = Hair
			i += 1
	If PSQ.HenshinHairColor
		PSQ.OrgHairColor = Succu.GetLeveledActorBase().GetHairColor()
	If StorageUtil.GetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_HasPenis") == 1
		StorageUtil.SetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_StillEquipPenis", 1)
		StorageUtil.SetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_StillEquipPenis", 0)
	If PSQ.HenshinPenis || StorageUtil.GetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_HasPenis") == 1
		Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong, 1, True)
		Succu.UnequipItem(PSQ.PlayerHumanSchlong, True, True)
		Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong, True, True)
		If !PSQ.PlayerHumanSchlong == PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong
			Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PlayerHumanSchlong, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PlayerHumanSchlong), True)
		StorageUtil.SetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_HasPenis", 1)
		If PSQ.EnableFutanariPower
			Succu.AddSpell(PSQ.PowerOfFutanari, False)
		If PSQ.AutoGenderSwitch
	If PSQ.HenshinBoots
		PSQ.OrgBoots = Succu.GetWornForm(0x00000080) as Armor
		Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusBoots, 1, True)
		Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusBoots, True, True)
	If PSQ.HenshinCuirass
		PSQ.OrgArmor = Succu.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor
		Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusCuirass, 1, True)
		Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusCuirass, True, True)
	If PSQ.HenshinGloves
		PSQ.OrgGloves = Succu.GetWornForm(0x00000008) as Armor
		Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusGauntlets, 1, True)
		Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusGauntlets, True, True)
	If PSQ.HenshinHorn
		Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusHorns, 1, True)
		Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusHorns, True, True)
	If PSQ.HenshinWings
		Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusWings, 1, True)
		Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusWings, True, True)
	If PSQ.HenshinTail
		Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusTail, 1, True)
		Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusTail, True, True)
	If PSQ.HenshinFear
	If PSQ.HenshinIsCrime
	;強化率 = 0.5 * (SuccubusEXP) ^ 0.25
	Float BoosterRate = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(PSQ.SuccubusEXP.GetValue())) / 2
	If BoosterRate < 1
		BoosterRate = 1
	Int i = 0
	While i <= 6
		PSQ.SuccubusSpellBoostPerk.SetNthEntryValue(i, 1, BoosterRate)
		i += 1
	If PSQ.EnableSuccubusSpellBooster
	PSQ.IsHenshinchu = False

Function DisHenshin(Actor Succu)
	PSQ.IsHenshinchu = True
	PSQ.IsHenshined = False
	PSQ.SuccubusTransFXS.Play(Succu, 0.5)
	If PSQ.EnableBreastChangeSuccubus
	If PSQ.OrgEyes != None
	If PSQ.HenshinBody
		If PSQ.OrgHairColor == None && PSQ.OrgSkinColor == 0
	If PSQ.OrgSkinColor != 0
		Game.SetTintMaskColor(PSQ.OrgSkinColor, 6, 0)
		If PSQ.OrgHairColor == None
	If PSQ.HenshinTattoo
		NiOverride.AddNodeOverrideFloat(Succu, true, "Face [Ovl2]", 8, -1, 0.0, true)
		NiOverride.AddNodeOverrideFloat(Succu, true, "Feet [Ovl2]", 8, -1, 0.0, true)
		NiOverride.AddNodeOverrideFloat(Succu, true, "Hands [Ovl2]", 8, -1, 0.0, true)
		NiOverride.AddNodeOverrideFloat(Succu, true, "Body [Ovl5]", 8, -1, 0.0, true)
	If PSQ.OrgHair != None
	If PSQ.OrgHairColor != None
	If StorageUtil.GetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_HasPenis") == 1
		Succu.UnequipItem(PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong, True, True)
		If StorageUtil.GetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_StillEquipPenis") == 1
			Succu.AddItem(PSQ.PlayerHumanSchlong, 1, True)
			Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.PlayerHumanSchlong, True, True)
			StorageUtil.SetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_HasPenis", 1)
			If !PSQ.PlayerHumanSchlong == PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong
				Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong), True)
			If PSQ.AutoGenderSwitch
			Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PlayerSuccubusSchlong), True)
			StorageUtil.SetIntValue(Succu, "PSQ_HasPenis", 0)
			If PSQ.AutoGenderSwitch && PSQ.SexLab.GetGender(Succu) == 0
	Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusBoots, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PSQSuccubusBoots), True)
	Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusCuirass, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PSQSuccubusCuirass), True)
	Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusGauntlets, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PSQSuccubusGauntlets), True)
	If PSQ.OrgArmor != None
		If Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.OrgArmor) > 0
			Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.OrgArmor, abSilent = True)
	If PSQ.OrgGloves != None
		If Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.OrgGloves) > 0
			Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.OrgGloves, abSilent = True)
	If PSQ.OrgBoots != None
		If Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.OrgBoots) > 0
			Succu.EquipItem(PSQ.OrgBoots, abSilent = True)
	Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusHorns, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PSQSuccubusHorns), True)
	Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusWings, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PSQSuccubusWings), True)
	Succu.RemoveItem(PSQ.PSQSuccubusTail, Succu.GetItemCount(PSQ.PSQSuccubusTail), True)
	PSQ.OrgArmor = None
	PSQ.OrgGloves = None
	PSQ.OrgBoots = None
	PSQ.OrgSkinColor = 0
	PSQ.OrgEyes = None
	PSQ.IsHenshinchu = False


Anyone? Please?

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I wonder how is that every single sex mod out there relies on scripting, but whenever someone needs to learn about them, there is nothing but silence and intrincated mazes of long tutorials that lead you to many places but hardly ever where you want to go.

Is there like a secret papyrus coder's club or something?




I'm taking the longass road and reading all those little tutorials one by one and see if there is anything at all that works


I guess my first objective is to find out why the hell can't I set a proper "Float" variable as an on/off switch for the spell.

Should I use a quest and set the stages as the switch?

Perhaps a Global? What's the correct syntax on any that?

Does anybody even care? No? Anyone?


Where do all the cool people go to get help on their scripts? ?

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The things you want to do are not easy if you do not have basic knowledge about computer programming.

Papyrus is another laguage for programing computer and you need know the basic.

For example, Float is a data type, as like in all other computers languajes, and is not a switch, simply store data.


My knowledge in 3d modeling is too limited, but at least i know what is a mesh and a texture and how intereact, have nifscope for see it, but i can't touch any inside it. Open and see a lot of nif, but never change any and never save any.


Can you explain me how can i make an armor in a mesage like that?

Same problem have i. Can't explain all that you need.

Maybe can be better request a favor, and someone can make an armor for me or any can make a program for you.


But im on holydays now and not have access to my main computer. Can't compile any here and can't help you more until the next week.

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1 hour ago, GenioMaestro said:

The things you want to do are not easy if you do not have basic knowledge about computer programming.

Papyrus is another laguage for programing computer and you need know the basic.

For example, Float is a data type, as like in all other computers languajes, and is not a switch, simply store data.


My knowledge in 3d modeling is too limited, but at least i know what is a mesh and a texture and how intereact, have nifscope for see it, but i can't touch any inside it. Open and see a lot of nif, but never change any and never save any.


Can you explain me how can i make an armor in a mesage like that?

Same problem have i. Can't explain all that you need.

Maybe can be better request a favor, and someone can make an armor for me or any can make a program for you.


But im on holydays now and not have access to my main computer. Can't compile any here and can't help you more until the next week.


Ok, thanks for answering.

No worries. I can wait if you say you "could help" even if next week. After asking around I understood that it's not as simple as it should be

Ideally it would be just about a variable (Now I'm told an "Int" is better) and a way to check it, and set it on/off depending on the wish

Then the next problem would be finding a way to store head part data, change it to new models and recall the stored ones


But it's trickier than that isn't it?

Anyway, Made another attempt after asking around, this one kind of works, but only as a way to test the "toggle" capacity of the spell (adds a spell and removes it upon "transform")


criptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  
SPELL Property Buff  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  


Faction Property Army  Auto  

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
		Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe we have to wait?")
		Debug.Notification("You feel all funny during the visual effect,...")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseOne)

		Debug.Notification("You feel funny pleasant sensations in your body.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

		Debug.Notification("You feel ligher and ligher.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTree)

		Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")

	If !Caster.hasSpell(Buff)
		if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)


I learned the hard way that Floats, Ints, Bools and probably not even Globals are good to make the toggle functional

For some reason, the script just refuses to change their values to my will.

So now it's ussing the presence or absence of a spell instead to differentiate the outcome


Finally, I learned of this Papyrus Util thing could help with some functions to store variables (and possibly head parts) for later recall.

Still a long way though

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Hoo.. yes.. i can make this next week... not worry...

But is evident that you want learn and you want make it yourself.

I try teach you some things and help in the way i can.


10 hours ago, Myst42 said:


  Reveal hidden contents

criptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  
SPELL Property Buff  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  


Faction Property Army  Auto  

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
		Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe we have to wait?")
		Debug.Notification("You feel all funny during the visual effect,...")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseOne)

		Debug.Notification("You feel funny pleasant sensations in your body.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

		Debug.Notification("You feel ligher and ligher.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTree)

		Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")

	If !Caster.hasSpell(Buff)
		if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)


I learned the hard way that Floats, Ints, Bools and probably not even Globals are good to make the toggle functional

For some reason, the script just refuses to change their values to my will.

So now it's ussing the presence or absence of a spell instead to differentiate the outcome


Finally, I learned of this Papyrus Util thing could help with some functions to store variables (and possibly head parts) for later recall.

Still a longway though

Floats, Ints, Bools are Data Types, but Global is a Definition, are not the same. For example:

Float var1 = 77.777

Int var2 = 77

Bool var3 = true

These are 3 variables each of diferent data type but you can put Global before each:

Global Float var1 = 77.777

Global Int var2 = 77

Global Bool var3 = true

That is for make this 3 variables accesibles from any other scrip. But you not need it now.


You can make a switch with any variable, for example with a bool puting it in true or false, with a int puting it in 0 or 1, with a float making the same, or with a property... but make it with a spell... is the first time i see it.


Really this must work, put a bit of overcharge, but not more. Your script must compile and execute. I not see any problem at first view. Maybe you forgot put some mesages in the last part. Add it and try. Some Like this:


    If !Caster.hasSpell(Buff)

Debug.Notification("caster not have spell buf.")
        if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)

Debug.Notification("caster is not in faction army. addiding it")
            Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)

Debug.Notification("caster HAVE spell buf. Removing")

;------------------------The first verification ---> if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)

;------------------------If not remove from the faction only execute the fragment ONE time




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Scriptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  


float Morph

Quest Property CompanionsTrackingQuest  Auto  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  

SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  

SPELL Property Buff  Auto  


Faction Property Army  Auto  

companionshousekeepingscript Property pr auto


Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
    if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
        Debug.Notification("You feel strangely ill,...")
        Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe you should rest.")
        Caster.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, ?
        Caster.Removespell (PhaseOne)

        Debug.Notification("You feel your body changing inside you...")
        Caster.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, ?
        Caster.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

        Debug.Notification("You feel overflowing with strange power.")
        Caster.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, ?
        Caster.Removespell (PhaseTree)

        Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")

    if (Morph != 0)
        (CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair = Game.GetPlayer().GetNumHeadParts()
             (CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalEyes = Game.GetPlayer().GetNumHeadParts()
        (CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalSkin = Game.GetPlayer().Game.GetTintMaskColor(6, 0)
        if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
            Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)
            SetFloat(Morph, 1)
          Caster.SetHair((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair)
          Caster.SetEyes((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalEyes)
          Caster.SetSkin((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalSkin)
          SetFloat(Morph, 0)



Basically, it should be variable properties.
Unless there is only one temporary variable valid at the term.

In your case, morph would be used as global Boolean.

Not Int or Float, because the declaration of the data types defines the size of the reserved RAM.


In CK go to Globals. Create a new Global -> Type Boolean -> Default = False (or 0) (call it globMorph for example)

In your script properties -> add a new property -> type bool - click ok. (call it Morph for example)
Set the value of the property to your global globMorph (use the picklist)


Use in script..



globalvariable property Morph auto


To read this Global in the script:

if morph.getValue () == false
if morph.getValue () == true




to set this Global:
morph.setValue (false)


morph.setValue (true)


(0 and 1 should work too)





lines like this

    CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair = Game.GetPlayer().GetNumHeadParts()

and this

   Caster.SetHair((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair)

can`t work.


This are NOT properties of CompanionsHousekeepingScript or the Parentquest.


But honestly, I do not know exactly what you want to achieve.

You add spell, wait, remove the spell.
This one after another for 3 spells.


What do you want to achieve? A race change with certain looks, skills, buffs etc?




To set normal variables, the syntax is:
variable = value


variable = value as data type

SetFloat etc. does not exist.

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11 hours ago, Andy14 said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Basically, it should be variable properties.
Unless there is only one temporary variable valid at the term.

In your case, morph would be used as global Boolean.

Not Int or Float, because the declaration of the data types defines the size of the reserved RAM.


In CK go to Globals. Create a new Global -> Type Boolean -> Default = False (or 0) (call it globMorph for example)

In your script properties -> add a new property -> type bool - click ok. (call it Morph for example)
Set the value of the property to your global globMorph (use the picklist)


Use in script..



globalvariable property Morph auto


To read this Global in the script:

if morph.getValue () == false
if morph.getValue () == true




to set this Global:
morph.setValue (false)


morph.setValue (true)


(0 and 1 should work too)





lines like this

    CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair = Game.GetPlayer().GetNumHeadParts()

and this

   Caster.SetHair((CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalHair)

can`t work.


This are NOT properties of CompanionsHousekeepingScript or the Parentquest.


But honestly, I do not know exactly what you want to achieve.

You add spell, wait, remove the spell.
This one after another for 3 spells.


What do you want to achieve? A race change with certain looks, skills, buffs etc?




To set normal variables, the syntax is:
variable = value


variable = value as data type

SetFloat etc. does not exist.



Actually, the fragment I posted earlier, kinda worked, with some minor modifications


If !Caster.hasSpell(Buff)
		(CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalRace = Game.GetPlayer().GetRace()
		if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)


I still have no idea why I need to keep some lines about the companions quests even though it's not "using" them. Without them, the stages do not work ant I have to add the morph spell manually


Anyway I tried your modifications like this:


If MorphStage.GetValue () == false
		(CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript).PlayerOriginalRace = Game.GetPlayer().GetRace()
		if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)
             MorphStage.SetValue (1)
             MorphStage.SetValue (0)


And it was the only way it worked, because setting "true and false" gave me errors for... some reason


On the rest of what you said

Yeah, I know a lot of the early the companions lines can't work. That thing was just a scrap of intent. I though the companions quest could serve as a storage, since other mods apparently store race values in it

But it only works for race, and not hairstyles or eyes


As to what I want

-Transformation mod (like vampire lord or werewolf)

-Only with less drastic effects. I'm not aiming to change the race, I'm aiming to change the aspect of the player while maintaining a humanoid physique

-This means basically just changing a few colors and models (new eyes, new hairstyle color as in new texture, not just a tint, and new body skin texture)

-The transformation is meant to also add buff spells, resistances, a new outfit, abilities, etc, but that's the "easy" part

-I also want to alter the jump height during the transformed stage


Why? Because I wanted something neat and simple as a transform, possiobly useable as a template for custom other transformations. Also because it's common that a transformation mod changes the player's race, but that's not what I wanted. Race change like that for a humanoid aspect has disadvantages such as (consider the morph race is a tweaked nord) differnet heights, in this case an imperial using the spell would be taller and I dont want that.



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Forget the companions quest, you not need it.


Well.. i make some search and find a scrip that can help. Copy it to your code for test:


    ActorBase PlayerBase
    PlayerBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
    int NumParts = PlayerBase.GetNumHeadParts()
    Debug.Notification("Player HeadParts Num : "+NumParts)
    int i = 0
    while i < NumParts
        Debug.Notification("Player HeadPart("+i+") : "+PlayerBase.GetNthHeadPart(i).GetName())
        i += 1

If this work only need store the data and make a inverse function for recover the original status.


The second point is HOW you want select the new parts. In your original scripts you have:


but MorphEyesMorphSkin, MorphHair are not defined.

You can define it in CK and insert in the scrip with properties.

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On 7/26/2018 at 5:26 AM, GenioMaestro said:



Thanks. That also worked

Added the lines after the "transform" section and the messages begin popping up as well as the buff spell I placed for testing. Counts about 7-8 head parts plus their names in game depending on the character. On the final product I only need to change eyes and hair though.

Also. I want a texture change for the skin


Scriptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  
SPELL Property Buff  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  


Faction Property Army  Auto  

GlobalVariable property  MorphStage auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
		Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe we have to wait?")
		Debug.Notification("You feel all funny during the visual effect,...")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseOne)

		Debug.Notification("You feel funny pleasant sensations in your body.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

		Debug.Notification("You feel ligher and ligher.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTree)

		Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")

	If MorphStage.GetValue () == false
		if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)
             ;Getting HeadParts;
             ActorBase PlayerBase
             PlayerBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
             int NumParts = PlayerBase.GetNumHeadParts()
             Debug.Notification("Player HeadParts Num : "+NumParts)
             int i = 0
             While i < NumParts
                  Debug.Notification("Player HeadPart("+i+") : "+PlayerBase.GetNthHeadPart(i).GetName())
                  i += 1
             MorphStage.SetValue (1)
             MorphStage.SetValue (0)


This is what it looks now.

Also removed the companions references

I'm gonna try and see if I can mess with an effect that changes the jump values next, since I still have no clue how to get the headpart system running, I figured at least I can try some of the other features first. To do: Jump height, morph armor equip and recall, hair and eye +  texture change


Unfortunately I have yet to find a way to declare a head morph variable on the script.

I mean I could use "HEADPART Property Hair  Auto" but the CK drop-down menu with the head part list doesnt work. I checked and there's only a handful of things that can be picked that way. I think some other people managed to make it work though. No idea how.


Oh, and lastly. There is this jump height change script from the Become a Fairy mod. But by the looks of it, it's permanent, and I'm having compilation issues, even when copying the exact same script. I'll try to find a way to include it into the "toggle" system of the morph script.


Scriptname Fairy3rdPhaseJump extends activemagiceffect  

GlobalVariable Property JumpHeight Auto

Event onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	JumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )
	Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 200.0)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight )

Event OnCellLoad()
	;JumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )
	Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 200.0)

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
	JumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )
	Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 200.0)


EDIT: Ok I think I identified the problem with the jump script lines

It is possible to set the fgame setting values normally with "Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)"

However, the original Fairy script was using a Global to store the value and re-establish it to the game setting from the Global value

On my end, for some reason I can't compile the script to set the value from the declared property.

In other words "Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight)" is failing

It only works if I write is as "Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 76.0)"


Which brings a whole new set of questions regarding this too

-Why is it failing? Why can't I use a global as storage and recall it like the Fairy script does?

-Why does the original script try to change the value OnCellLoad and on PlayerLoadGame too?

-Does this mean the value gets reset after loading a game and I should have a safe for cells and saved games as well?

-Is it even worth it to ask these questions and wanting to store the base jump value, or should I just alter the values between 76 (vanilla) and 250 (morph buff) (because I already tried it like this and it works just fine, I'm just worried that it would be better to use a means to change it from an aquired base value instead of a generic vanilla guess)


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Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight )


JumpHeight is a float (as global variable)? Okay then


Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )


But, if you never change the Value of global JumpHeight then you don't need it as global variable.

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11 hours ago, Myst42 said:


Thanks. That also worked




Which brings a whole new set of questions regarding this too

-Why is it failing? Why can't I use a global as storage and recall it like the Fairy script does?

-Why does the original script try to change the value OnCellLoad and on PlayerLoadGame too?

-Does this mean the value gets reset after loading a game and I should have a safe for cells and saved games as well?

-Is it even worth it to ask these questions and wanting to store the base jump value, or should I just alter the values between 76 (vanilla) and 250 (morph buff) (because I already tried it like this and it works just fine, I'm just worried that it would be better to use a means to change it from an aquired base value instead of a generic vanilla guess)

Well... not worry... i travel today and tomorrow i have my main computer again.


For continue making things, i recomend you read the fantastic papyrus guide made by CPU. You must learn some basic things. And not worry, the developing process is complex and slow, and sometimes, VERY FRUSTRATING.


You must install Notepad++ if you not have it. Is totally free and a very good editor. One of the best features is make double click over a word in the document and automatically hitligth all the posititions of the same word. Is very usseful for see all the uses of a variable. Try it.


I try answer your questions:

JumpHeight is an -Auto- variable defined as -Property- of type -GlobalVariable- as it:

GlobalVariable Property JumpHeight Auto

And that mean some things:

GlobalVariable ---> is another DataType defined in the game, as like int, float and int.

Property ---> is a definition and that mean that can be linked with creation kit.

JumpHeight ---> is a the name of the variable.

Auto ---> as CPU say in the guide is a keyword for make automatic get() and set()


Because JumpHeight is define as Property you must use the SetValue function for put a value inside it, as show in

JumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )


and must use the GetValue function for obtain the value and the problematic line must appear like:

Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )


Why the original script complile and your script not compile??? 

I not know. Probably is a fail in the Papyrus Compiler, caused because the original script have the Property defined and linked in the esp and you not. Note that -defined- and -linked- are two direfent steps that must be made in Creation Kit.


if the operation is made on OnCellLoad and on PlayerLoadGame i presume is because must need.


The fJumpHeightMin is defined in the base game and is changed by some script, as you say by the mod Become a Fairy, and as i know by Player Sucubus Quest, and you are making a mod that change it.

Then, all the 3 mod's must collaborate and must use a system that permit change and restore the values in a good way for make it compatibles betewn them.

For be more clear, for example, if you have the Player Sucubus Quest, when your player is human the fJumpHeightMin is equal to the vanilla value of 76 but when you transform to sucubus the fJumpHeightMin is changed to 150 as i remember. If you run your script when your player is alrready transformed in sucubus and when your effect end put the fJumpHeightMin in the vanilla value you are breaking PSQ because the sucubus form must have a fJumpHeightMin of 150.

For that, when the effect start you must store the fJumpHeightMin value and when the effect finnish you must put the fJumpHeightMin variable in the value that have originaly.

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3 hours ago, Andy14 said:

Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )

Much appreciated! Now it works perfectly with the toggle.

3 hours ago, GenioMaestro said:


Ok, I'll see about that guide

Already have Notepad ++

I also get how to declare a property now... I think so.

I just dont know how to declare a HeadPart property, since the CK menu doesnt list them as the rest.

Declaring global or spell variables enables the drop down list on the CK, headpart, doesnt.


On the jump effect, yeap. It works now, and it IS using the global stored value to reset it to normal instead o "76". (At least I think so, since the toggle spell reverts the changes)

My guess is if one were to, like you said, use this morph spell on top of the Succubus mod, the stored value would be the succubus jump height and not the vanilla one.

I reckon this is where stuff gets messy since more messed up stuff could happen if the succubus mod were to alter it again on top of this. One would probably need to deactivate them in order to properly return to normal, I dunno...

Anyway, my intention was not to play this thing with the succubus mod or other mods that alter jump height, but instead of them. Sill some optimal compatibility would be very nice.


On the "OnCellLoad" and "OnPlayerLoadGame" question, I figured a possible logical explanation to have those, would be to have them as some kind of a failsafe to apply or revert the changes when loading happens

So I tried to replicate the idea but none of what I tried seems to work. The script compiles, but if I load a save that's supposed to have the active jump height effect, it just loads it with the last stored value no matter what.

IE, loading for the first time, is vanilla height. Then loading any save game after I used the spell in game, loads it with increased height, even if the "morph" status is not supposed to be active.

This kind of tells me the game can't keep individual save tracks of the altered variables.

However, I think it's a minor nuissance since recasting to off/on again is still working.

If I wanted to save on a morph state, I wouldn't get to have the jump boost unless I reverted and morphed again in game (which currently takes less than a second)


Here's my attempt script at checking the status of globals on a morphed state, hoping it would work from saved games. It doesnt seem to do anything really.

I added it to one of the buff spells added when the morph is on, so it would get removed when the spell is not present.


Scriptname MorphJumpScript extends activemagiceffect  

GlobalVariable Property JumpHeight Auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpFall Auto
GlobalVariable Property  MorphStage auto

;Jumpyness loading failsafe?;

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	     MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
            MorphStage.SetValue (0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", JumpFall.GetValue() )

Event OnCellLoad()
	     MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
	     MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)



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Well, no luck today on the failsafe scripting

I read a few things saying I should make a quest with "start game enabled" and that that was the way to have a condition that cheded up on every save

Then some stuff about a reference alias that's supposed to be the player. According to the CK wiki, I should have 2 more scripts, one for the quest, that would handle the actual effects, and one for the "player alias" whatever the hell that means

Effect quest script compiles just fine, but the alias one refuses to.

On the wiki page it appears to summon the "Maintenance" function from the quest script, but on the CK it simply refuses to compile because it says "Maintenance" doesnt exist, even when the other script was already created.

I tried several ways of getting or "declaring" the function from the quest script but none of them worked.


Also, I don't even know if I was going somewhere with this. For all I know, it could be just another dead end.

I'm starting to find the wiki has a suspiciously large number of functions and scripts that just don't work

IE PlayerRef could be a way to target the player, but nope. Doesn't compile. Game.GetPlayer() works instead.

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Maybe you should try and do some basics first, maybe go through the tutorials on the CK Wiki, there is a lot of information (for example how to setup editors for syntax highlighting, some even have plugins to build the scripts directly out of your editor). Get a feel on how everything works.


The problems you have with scripts not working are mostly because of your inexperience, and not because the code is faulty. PlayerRef is a variable/property you have to set up yourself. The differences between variables and properties are also explained in the CK wiki. Game.GetPlayer() might work, true, but it's not recommandable as it's just way slower than assigning a reference to a property.


Aliases are references to ingame-locations, objects, actors, etc. and allow you to receive events those would get, and other stuff, without having to alter the base records. I think there is also a tutorial on the wiki, working with aliases.

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8 hours ago, novaarr said:

Maybe you should try and do some basics first, maybe go through the tutorials on the CK Wiki, there is a lot of information (for example how to setup editors for syntax highlighting, some even have plugins to build the scripts directly out of your editor). Get a feel on how everything works.


The problems you have with scripts not working are mostly because of your inexperience, and not because the code is faulty. PlayerRef is a variable/property you have to set up yourself. The differences between variables and properties are also explained in the CK wiki. Game.GetPlayer() might work, true, but it's not recommandable as it's just way slower than assigning a reference to a property.


Aliases are references to ingame-locations, objects, actors, etc. and allow you to receive events those would get, and other stuff, without having to alter the base records. I think there is also a tutorial on the wiki, working with aliases.

I have been looking on the CK tutorials

But it's not that simple to navigate through the maze of links in it getting where you want to be when you dont have a clear guide. At least for me is not.

I have seen some very simple stuff explaining how to declare a variable, when apparently I already know that, then the next link leads me to some code that barely makes any sense to me. At some times it's way too easy and the next moment I need a tutorial to understand the tutorial itself.

I think most of the problems I'm having relate to the correct words to say something. IE I knew before I needed to get a value from a global and apply it as a change to something, but the exact syntax eluded me.


Anyway. This is how I left it for tonight. It compiled perfectly, and the parts that should work, are already working.


Scriptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  
SPELL Property Buff  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  

Faction Property Army  Auto  

GlobalVariable Property  MorphStage auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpHeight Auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpFall Auto

HeadPart Property MorphHair Auto
HeadPart Property MorphEyes Auto

Armor Property MorphOutfit Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
		Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe we have to wait?")
		Debug.Notification("You feel all funny during the visual effect,...")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseOne)

		Debug.Notification("You feel funny pleasant sensations in your body.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

		Debug.Notification("You feel ligher and ligher.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTree)

		Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")
;The actual morphing spell;

	If MorphStage.GetValue () == false
		    If !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			    Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)
             ;Add Bonuses;
             ;Add Morph Outfit;
             ;Caster.OrgArmor = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor; How to store original armor?;
		     Caster.AddItem(MorphOutfit, 1, True)
		     Caster.EquipItem(MorphOutfit, True, True)

             ;Jumpyness Set;
             JumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )
             JumpFall.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin") )
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)
            ;Getting HeadParts - Future Alter Cosmetics;
             ActorBase PlayerBase
             PlayerBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
             int NumParts = PlayerBase.GetNumHeadParts()
             Debug.Notification("Player HeadParts Num : "+NumParts)
             int i = 0
             While i < NumParts
                  Debug.Notification("Player HeadPart("+i+") : "+PlayerBase.GetNthHeadPart(i).GetName())
                  i += 1

             ;Switch On;
             MorphStage.SetValue (1)
             ;Remove bonuses;

             ;Remove Morph Outfit;
             Caster.RemoveItem(MorphOutfit, Caster.GetItemCount(MorphOutfit), True)
             ;If Caster.GetItemCount(OriginalGear) > 0;
		     ;Caster.EquipItem(OriginalGear, abSilent = True);

             ;Jumpyness Reset"
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", JumpFall.GetValue() )
             ;Restore Cosmetics;

             ;Switch Off;
             MorphStage.SetValue (0)


Stuff to do:

-Maintenance scripts. Do I really need a quest and a player alias to make the game check the jump height and morph variables on every load?

-How to declare a head part property in terms the CK can understand so it gives me the list

-How to store player head parts and equipped armor

-How to recall and restore head parts and previously equipped armor

I almost forgot. The last thing I need to change is skin texture. There is a Texture Set declarable property with a proper list on the CK, but I was wondering if maybe for that is the best way or perhaps a body mesh swap function would be better


More to read tomorrow...


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Sorry, i'm traveling and can't answer you in the correct time.

But i'm at home and now i have my computer, my mod's and all my utils, then go for it.

22 hours ago, Myst42 said:


On the "OnCellLoad" and "OnPlayerLoadGame" question, I figured a possible logical explanation to have those, would be to have them as some kind of a failsafe to apply or revert the changes when loading happens

So I tried to replicate the idea but none of what I tried seems to work. The script compiles, but if I load a save that's supposed to have the active jump height effect, it just loads it with the last stored value no matter what.

IE, loading for the first time, is vanilla height. Then loading any save game after I used the spell in game, loads it with increased height, even if the "morph" status is not supposed to be active.

This kind of tells me the game can't keep individual save tracks of the altered variables.

However, I think it's a minor nuissance since recasting to off/on again is still working.

If I wanted to save on a morph state, I wouldn't get to have the jump boost unless I reverted and morphed again in game (which currently takes less than a second)


Here's my attempt script at checking the status of globals on a morphed state, hoping it would work from saved games. It doesnt seem to do anything really.

I added it to one of the buff spells added when the morph is on, so it would get removed when the spell is not present.

  Reveal hidden contents

Scriptname MorphJumpScript extends activemagiceffect  

GlobalVariable Property JumpHeight Auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpFall Auto
GlobalVariable Property  MorphStage auto

;Jumpyness loading failsafe?;

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	     MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
            MorphStage.SetValue (0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", JumpFall.GetValue() )

Event OnCellLoad()
	     MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
	     MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)




First of all, scuse me.

I make a BIG error in one of my answers, basically for not reading everything with the corresponding care.

When i say:

On 7/30/2018 at 12:20 PM, GenioMaestro said:

if the operation is made on OnCellLoad and on PlayerLoadGame i presume is because must need.

This is not TRUE.

When I wrote it, I was thinking that you paste COMPLETE code that works from other authors, and that is why my ERROR.

It seems that you have paste "code that works from other authors" inside your script, waiting for the code to work, but sometimes things are not so easy.

You are making an activemagiceffect and the event's that the game can process inside an activemagiceffect

are detailled in the CK wiki and if you see it NOT HAVE the event's OnCellLoad or OnPlayerLoadGame. That mean that the game not call the functions and the game not process the code inside that functions when they are declared inside a script of the IN-CORRECT TYPE. In a good compiler that must show an error or at least one warning, but the papyrus compiler say NONE and you, of course, think all is correct and expect good result.

But the principal ERROR IS MINE, for not alert you of that when i write my message yesterday. Excuse me.


18 hours ago, Myst42 said:

Well, no luck today on the failsafe scripting

I read a few things saying I should make a quest with "start game enabled" and that that was the way to have a condition that cheded up on every save

Then some stuff about a reference alias that's supposed to be the player. According to the CK wiki, I should have 2 more scripts, one for the quest, that would handle the actual effects, and one for the "player alias" whatever the hell that means

Effect quest script compiles just fine, but the alias one refuses to.

On the wiki page it appears to summon the "Maintenance" function from the quest script, but on the CK it simply refuses to compile because it says "Maintenance" doesnt exist, even when the other script was already created.

I tried several ways of getting or "declaring" the function from the quest script but none of them worked.


Also, I don't even know if I was going somewhere with this. For all I know, it could be just another dead end.

I'm starting to find the wiki has a suspiciously large number of functions and scripts that just don't work

IE PlayerRef could be a way to target the player, but nope. Doesn't compile. Game.GetPlayer() works instead.



Sorry again, you're fighting with code that does not work, for my mistake, of course, and trying to do things out of your knowledge without any explanation of what you should do and why.


I think you not need the event OnPlayerLoadGame, but if you REALLY need it, must be made as the wiki say.

For correctly use the event OnPlayerLoadGame you need two scripts and if you want a magic effect you need another script. Of course, this is a bit complex for understand at first view, and appear excesive and innecesary, but is the way of the game is made and we must follow it, like it or not.

Your problem with "Maintenance" sure is caused because you try paste the wiki code inside your script, like you make yesterday, and of course that is not the way. When you see the OnPlayerLoadGame in the wiki you see some code, open the spoiler for see it, i write a lot of thing inside it for try help you understand it:




---------- START FIRST SCRIPT-----------

ScriptName YourQuestScript extends Quest
---> extends -Quest- mean that this script is linked to the main quest processor


Float Property fYourModVersion Auto
---> a simple variable


Event OnInit()
---> this OnInit event is called only ONCE when the game start the quest for the first time


---> this Maintenance() is a function declared some lines down

Function Maintenance() 
---> this is the Maintenance function for make some things

    If fYourModVersion < 1.23 ; Current version
        If fYourModVersion
            Debug.Trace("Updating from version " + fYourModVersion)
            Debug.Trace("Initializing for the first time.")
        fYourModVersion = 1.23

---------- END FIRST SCRIPT-----------


---------- START SECOND SCRIPT-----------
ScriptName YourPlayerAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias
---> extends -ReferenceAlias- mean that this script is linked to the alias processor


YourQuestScript Property QuestScript Auto
---> This line link to the first script and permit call function of the first script from the second script


Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
---> This event is proccesed ONLY when is declared in a scrip of TYPE -ReferenceAlias- 

    ---> -QuestScript- is the name used for the link and Maintenance is defined in the first script.


---------- END SECOND SCRIPT-----------

I expect you understand now some things, but if you have dudes, not worry, ask again.

Maybe i not explain good, or maybe you need know more things. 


9 hours ago, Myst42 said:

I have been looking on the CK tutorials

But it's not that simple to navigate through the maze of links in it getting where you want to be when you dont have a clear guide. At least for me is not.

I have seen some very simple stuff explaining how to declare a variable, when apparently I already know that, then the next link leads me to some code that barely makes any sense to me. At some times it's way too easy and the next moment I need a tutorial to understand the tutorial itself.

I think most of the problems I'm having relate to the correct words to say something. IE I knew before I needed to get a value from a global and apply it as a change to something, but the exact syntax eluded me.


Anyway. This is how I left it for tonight. It compiled perfectly, and the parts that should work, are already working.

  Reveal hidden contents

Scriptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  
SPELL Property Buff  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  

Faction Property Army  Auto  

GlobalVariable Property  MorphStage auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpHeight Auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpFall Auto

HeadPart Property MorphHair Auto
HeadPart Property MorphEyes Auto

Armor Property MorphOutfit Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	if !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
		Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe we have to wait?")
		Debug.Notification("You feel all funny during the visual effect,...")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseOne)

		Debug.Notification("You feel funny pleasant sensations in your body.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

		Debug.Notification("You feel ligher and ligher.")
		Caster.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
		HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, 8)
		Caster.Removespell (PhaseTree)

		Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")
;The actual morphing spell;

	If MorphStage.GetValue () == false
		    If !Caster.IsInFaction (Army)
			    Caster.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)
             ;Add Bonuses;
             ;Add Morph Outfit;
             ;Caster.OrgArmor = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor; How to store original armor?;
		     Caster.AddItem(MorphOutfit, 1, True)
		     Caster.EquipItem(MorphOutfit, True, True)

             ;Jumpyness Set;
             JumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )
             JumpFall.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin") )
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)
            ;Getting HeadParts - Future Alter Cosmetics;
             ActorBase PlayerBase
             PlayerBase = Game.GetPlayer().GetActorBase()
             int NumParts = PlayerBase.GetNumHeadParts()
             Debug.Notification("Player HeadParts Num : "+NumParts)
             int i = 0
             While i < NumParts
                  Debug.Notification("Player HeadPart("+i+") : "+PlayerBase.GetNthHeadPart(i).GetName())
                  i += 1

             ;Switch On;
             MorphStage.SetValue (1)
             ;Remove bonuses;

             ;Remove Morph Outfit;
             Caster.RemoveItem(MorphOutfit, Caster.GetItemCount(MorphOutfit), True)
             ;If Caster.GetItemCount(OriginalGear) > 0;
		     ;Caster.EquipItem(OriginalGear, abSilent = True);

             ;Jumpyness Reset"
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )
             Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", JumpFall.GetValue() )
             ;Restore Cosmetics;

             ;Switch Off;
             MorphStage.SetValue (0)


Stuff to do:

-Maintenance scripts. Do I really need a quest and a player alias to make the game check the jump height and morph variables on every load?

-How to declare a head part property in terms the CK can understand so it gives me the list

-How to store player head parts and equipped armor

-How to recall and restore head parts and previously equipped armor

I almost forgot. The last thing I need to change is skin texture. There is a Texture Set declarable property with a proper list on the CK, but I was wondering if maybe for that is the best way or perhaps a body mesh swap function would be better


More to read tomorrow...



For that i not refer you to the CK tutorials. Some times are too easy and simply and say really none and others times are too complex and hard for understand it. Is the way as normally the big companies made this things.


One good guide is made by CPU and i give you a link to it. Try read and ask any that you not understand.


"I need a tutorial to understand the tutorial itself."

Not worry, i can be your personal tutorial, and of course, any other user of the site, i not claim exclusivity in any way. This is a plublic post.


"Stuff to do:" 

I'm working on a fully functional script for make all this, but need some time. Maybe today, but sure tomorrow.

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On 7/31/2018 at 4:25 AM, Myst42 said:


I have the script working but need ask some things to you because i make a lot of changes.

I not want give you a piece of code that you can't understand and can't touch.


Have you understand how work the two scrips for OnPlayerLoadGame?


Do you know how the game store the data?


How you launch the spell that make the transformation?

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On 7/31/2018 at 7:51 AM, GenioMaestro said:

I think you not need the event OnPlayerLoadGame, but if you REALLY need it, must be made as the wiki say.

For correctly use the event OnPlayerLoadGame you need two scripts and if you want a magic effect you need another script. Of course, this is a bit complex for understand at first view, and appear excesive and innecesary, but is the way of the game is made and we must follow it, like it or not.

Your problem with "Maintenance" sure is caused because you try paste the wiki code inside your script, like you make yesterday, and of course that is not the way. When you see the OnPlayerLoadGame in the wiki you see some code, open the spoiler for see it, i write a lot of thing inside it for try help you understand it:

  Reveal hidden contents


Ok regarding that I understand I need 2 scripts

IF I'm getting this right, these 2 should be used for "maintenance" function. Every time the lame loads, a check should be made to see how are the variables, and correct them if needed.

Again, if I understood the wiki correctly, one is placed and linked as a quest script, in the quest window, and the other as a reference alias script on that big reference alias window that pops up when you try to add one to the quest as the wiki says

So quest is "start game enabled", which would mean on every load, the quest is active right?

Quest references player as an alias. for some reason

Whatever that reason is, the script calls upon another script, which would be the quest script containing the maintenance function

Problem is, I never could find a way to call upon the quest script from the reference script

In other words " QuestScript.Maintenance()" on the second script, didn't work. And yes, I declared the QuestScript Property Auto thing as a variable first. It still tells me there is no such function as Maintenance, even though the other script had it.


BTW, my maintenance wished effect is something like this, which would be the quest script to check for the altered globals and game settings


SPELL Property Buff  Auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpHeight Auto
GlobalVariable Property JumpFall Auto
GlobalVariable Property  MorphStage auto
Event OnInit()
Function Maintenance()
	If Game.GetPlayer().hasSpell(Buff)
	     MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)
            MorphStage.SetValue (0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", JumpHeight.GetValue() )
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", JumpFall.GetValue() )



Ok and to your questions

1.- Not quite. What I understand is what I said above. I still don't know how to make the other script properly call the Maintenance function.


2.- How the game stores data? No, I dont think so. I have a vague understanding that globals and game settings are not exactly stored in the save, but as something running while one is playing/loading/on game menus. At least I think so since if the changes were actually stored in the save, I wouldnt need all this maintenance "OnLoad" stuff. Which kinda worries me for the future since I think maybe a complex thing will be needed to store head parts beyond single saved games or playing sessions as well


3.- Spell is alredy made and working. A lot of the changes are already playable. I also tweaked the system from the fairy mod, so you drink a potion, some time happens, and then the spell is added.

I has the script in the magic effect window and id calls it upon cast. Having the spell (as a lesser power) allows voice key casting, script runs perfectly so far. Toggle on-off, add, remove spell, outfit etc... Dunno what else you might want to know about it.


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Well... then i think must explain some things more.


Skyrim is designed having the quest as primary objective and for that the quest are the more complex screen in CK and have 14 tab and 8 of them are for dialog, because dialog is the second objective.

The quest are designed as main data holder of the game and for that, near every mod need a quest.

Normally the quest are marked as "Star Game Enabled" but some not have this tick.


When you make a savegame all the data of all the quest is stored in the savegame and of course is restored when load it. This data include ALL the data refered by each quest, including the data from the script.

For that, when you upgrade a mod a lot of times you need a "clean save" because the game store ALL in the savegame. When a mod change some specific data in the update the saved data in the savegame take preference from the new data that come from the update, and a a "clean save" is the only solution.


The quest window is big and complex and you can write a lot of conditions in diferent screens for make diferent things on each moment, but this is not enougth and sometimes you need write framents of code for make specifics thing. This framents of code are papyrus code that are managed by CK but sometimes need more and here start the developement of complete scripts.


When you start making scripts for skyrim must know some important things.

The first line of the script is VERY important and look like this(i put some for explain the diference):

Scriptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect

Scriptname MorphScript extends ReferenceAlias  

Scriptname MorphScript extends quest


The word that put after -extends- define the TYPE of the script, really the class, and determine a lot of things about what you can make inside that script and what things can make THE GAME.

One of the most important is the Event system of the game and that mean the, for example, the following:

An event like OnInit() is called by the game ONLY when is defined in scrip of type quest

An event like OnplayerLoadGame() is called ONLY when is defined in scrip of type ReferenceAlias

An event like OnEffectStart() is called ONLY when is defined in scrip of type activemagiceffect


The seconf important thing about the TYPE of the script is called PERSISTANCE and can be diferent for each type of script and can be diferent in diferent situations.

The PERSISTANCE is refered about how many time the system, the game, or the engine, retain the data that have asociated to the script.

For example, a script of type quest have a PERSISTANCE that come from start quest to stop quest.

For example, a script of type ReferenceAlias have a PERSISTANCE that come from the initializacion of the reference to the elimination or change of the reference. A special case is an alias for the Player characte, because the Player character NEVER change, and in this case and ONLY in this case, can have the same persistance that the quest.

For example, a script of type activemagiceffect have a PERSISTANCE that come from start the magic efect to stop magic efect.


In this way, when you have a quest with the tick "Star Game Enabled" the data from the quest are initialized when you click "start game" in the main menu and this data are stored in the savegame and restored in load. The data from the quest is DISCARDED only when stop the quest.

In other way, when you define data in a script of type activemagiceffect the data from the script are initialized when start the magic efect and PERSIST only while the magic efect is running and are DISCARDED when the magic efect expire.


I publish now because i not want lost all that i wrote. I continue in the next message.

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Another important thing that you must know is the diferent DATA TYPES that you can have in a script.

You can declare a variable of the basic Data Types, like in other languajes, int, float, bool, string... 

But you can declare a variable of each type of object that you have in CK like spell, armor, weapon, actor...


One importan diference that you must know is that not ALL data type are clearely defined in CK and some are a bit obscured. The most complex is ACTOR and sometimes in some scripts and in some functions of the script you must use the diferent definitions for requeriments of the script or for requeriments of the function.

A lot of functions of the game use the simple Actor, but other times you must use the BaseActor, and others times the ReferenceAlias or the LeveledActor. All of this are diferent definitions of the same thing, an actor, but in diferent stages, and this can give you a lot of problem. Have it in mind.


Another important thing is the declaration of PROPERTY that give you the direct conection between CK and the script. When you declare a PROPERTY you are creating and EMPTY link. This link must be filled in CK and permit the use of specific object in the script.

For example, you make a spell in CK and for use and access the spell from the script you must declare a property like that "SPELL Property Queen Auto" and FILL the value of the property in CK.


One of the most strange points is that you can create a property of type script and link it with CK but the property type that you must use is the name of the script. Look the diference:

SPELL            Property Queen Auto

MorphScript Property MS      Auto

In the first      line you are creating a property of type SPELL            called Queen.

In the second line you are creating a property of type MorphScript called MS.

This two properties MUST BE FILLED in CK for work.


I close here and make another message.

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All of this things that is explain is for understand WHAT i make with your script and for WHAT, because you must repeat my steps for make work the script.


I create a quest and put your script in a main module and create another script that call the main script.


I must create a quest, and mark the tick "Start Game Enabled", for store, in permanent way, the data about the armor, eyes and hair that have the player before launch the script.

In the quest i create and Alias for Player and attach the main script to the alias. This main script have the function and store the data.

In the effect of the spell i create a property of type script for join the two script and the result is this:


MUST HAVE TWO scripts because the event OnEffectStart only is called inside a script of type ActiveMagicEfect and because have limited PERSISTANCE i need store the data in other script.


Main Script:


Scriptname MorphScriptMain extends ReferenceAlias  

SPELL Property Queen  Auto  
SPELL Property Buff  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseOne  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTwo  Auto  
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto  

Faction Property Army  Auto  

GlobalVariable Property MorphStage auto
GlobalVariable Property MorphJumpHeight Auto
GlobalVariable Property MorphJumpFall Auto

HeadPart Property MorphHair Auto
HeadPart Property MorphEyes Auto
Armor Property MorphSkin Auto
Armor Property MorphGloves Auto
Armor Property MorphOutfit Auto
Armor Property MorphBoots Auto

;From https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetType_-_HeadPart
;Number    Type
;0    Mouth
;1    Head
;2    Eyes
;3    Hair
;4    Beard
;5    Scar
;6    Brows

;Data definition for store original head parts and armors
HeadPart Property OriginalEyes Auto
HeadPart Property OriginalHair Auto
Int OriginalEyes_Pos
Int OriginalHair_Pos
Armor Property OriginalSkin Auto 
Armor Property OriginalBoots Auto 
Armor Property OriginalArmor Auto 
Armor Property OriginalGloves Auto

Function Morph()
    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() 
    ActorBase PlayerBase = Player.GetLeveledActorBase()

    if !Player.IsInFaction (Army)
        Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe we have to wait?")
        Debug.Notification("You feel all funny during the visual effect,...")
        Player.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, ?
        Player.Removespell (PhaseOne)

        Debug.Notification("You feel funny pleasant sensations in your body.")
        Player.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, ?
        Player.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

        Debug.Notification("You feel ligher and ligher.")
        Player.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2, ?
        Player.Removespell (PhaseTree)

        Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")
;The actual morphing spell;
    Debug.Trace("MorphStage:" + MorphStage.GetValue() )
    If MorphStage.GetValue() == 0
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("MorphStage == 0 changing the player")
        Int NumHeadParts = Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNumHeadParts()
        Int i = 0
        While i < NumHeadParts
            If Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i).GetType() == 2
                OriginalEyes = Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i)
                OriginalEyes_Pos = i
            If Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i).GetType() == 3
                OriginalHair = Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i)
                OriginalHair_Pos = i
            i += 1
        OriginalSkin = PlayerBase.GetSkin()
        OriginalBoots = Player.GetWornForm(0x00000080) as Armor
        OriginalArmor = Player.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor
        OriginalGloves = Player.GetWornForm(0x00000008) as Armor
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalEyes:" + OriginalEyes)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalHair:" + OriginalHair)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalSkin:" + OriginalSkin)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalBoots:" + OriginalBoots)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalArmor:" + OriginalArmor)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalGloves:" + OriginalGloves)
        If !Player.IsInFaction (Army)
            Player.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)
         ;Add Bonuses;

         ;Jumpyness Set;
         MorphJumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )
         MorphJumpFall.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin") )
         Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
         Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)
        ;changing the player
        Player.AddItem(MorphGloves, 1, True)
        Player.AddItem(MorphOutfit, 1, True)
        Player.AddItem(MorphBoots, 1, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphGloves, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphOutfit, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphBoots, True, True)
        ;Switch On;
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("restoring the player")
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalEyes:" + OriginalEyes)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalHair:" + OriginalHair)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalSkin:" + OriginalSkin)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalBoots:" + OriginalBoots)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalArmor:" + OriginalArmor)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalGloves:" + OriginalGloves)        
        ;Remove bonuses;

        ;Jumpyness Reset"
        Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", MorphJumpHeight.GetValue() )
        Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", MorphJumpFall.GetValue() )

        ;Restore Cosmetics;
        PlayerBase.SetNthHeadPart(OriginalEyes, OriginalEyes_Pos)
        PlayerBase.SetNthHeadPart(OriginalHair, OriginalHair_Pos)
        Player.RemoveItem(MorphGloves, 1, True)
        Player.RemoveItem(MorphOutfit, 1, True)
        Player.RemoveItem(MorphBoots, 1, True)
        if OriginalBoots != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalBoots, True, True)
        if OriginalArmor != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalArmor, True, True)
        if OriginalGloves != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalGloves, True, True) 
        ;Switch Off;

Effect Script:


Scriptname MorphScript extends activemagiceffect  


MorphScriptMain Property MSM Auto


Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)


This scripts have some properties that MUST BE FILLED in CK for make the script work.

I make screenshots of this:




All the properties can be filled normally except the HeadPart because i have the same problem that you.

I cant select it in the list, as you can see in the screenshoot. I not know WHY happend and can't solve it.

The properties that i use for store Original data can be empy, not fill it.


The only solution that i find for CORRECTLY fill the HeadPart property is use Tes5Edit.

You must assign the value of NONE to the property in CK. If the property have <default> Tes5Edit not show it.

Save the esp and close the CK. Open the esp with Tes5Edit.

Go to the property and fill it as i make in the screenshot:




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On 8/2/2018 at 2:12 PM, GenioMaestro said:


First of all, THANKS AGAIN for all the time and trouble to write all those things. For the first time I feel like I'm reading this and it actually makes sense to me.

Some of it I had already understood butit's nice to gain deeper understanding of it.


So basically, quests are used to store data since magic effects are not persistent enough to make it through multiple saves/loads right?

That part about declaring properties I think I got it covered already, been messing with it a lot during this ride, and yes, declaring a head part through TES5Edit worked too ?

Calling the morph script from the effect script using "TheOtherScript'sName Property PropertyName Auto" syntax structure also worked.

The long, main morph script compiled perfectly as well, though I had to install Papyrus Util directly in the game folder since my Mod Organizer doesnt much like the CK for scripting work, so I guess it's a requirement now.

Spell now calls the effect script, which in time calls morph function from the Reference Alias script contained within the PlayerRef I created within the quest (feww... that's quite a follow up structure)


Now, I'm facing a new set of issues though...

Spell works at first. Potion is drank, time passes, effects are added, morph spell is added (First morph to changed)

Transformation sets new eyes, armor and hairstyle since I haven't gotten to the skin texture part yet


Spell again to de-morph (to normal) and stuff begins to go sideways

-First it forgets the character had eyebrows and removes them, even though I dont remember seeing or writing any lines related to eyebrows

-Second, the original non-morphed armor becomes permanent, so it can't be changed or unequipped (it can be dropped though)

-Original armor pieces are also duplicate now

Morph (to changed) again

-On the second morph, the desired armor is not equipped at all. I'm guessing it has something to do with the "permantently equipped" status of the original gear

Morph (to normal)

-This time, something worse can happen like forgetting the original human eyes, and now my character is stuck on the changed eyes, or hair or both

More attempts

-Eventually, it becomes so broken that even the head mesh may dissapear entirely giving that creepy mouth model and eyes only look, plus one time it created a duplicate set of eyes that became visible hanging lower from the other set.


So, I have no clue why it's failing when the structure is completely rational. It is in fact storing, changing and restoring as it should, at least a few times.

I thought it might be the sctipt needs time, but I tested waiting like a minute before re-morphing and the issues still happened

Figured an idea would be to divide the load between the scripts again

Giving more stuff to do to the effect script, and have it check the morph script only for stuff that needs storage instead. Perhaps using the spell check line as the original maintenance idea was.

I mean ecause a lot of the effects seemed to be working better from the effect script

But I'm too tired to try that now. I'll come back later and try that to see what happens.







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Well... not worry... near all your problems are, again, MY FAIL.. SORRY... I not make the necesary test.


First, the armor problem is in the lines that equip the original armor because i put "Player.EquipItem(OriginalBoots, True, True)" and must be "Player.EquipItem(OriginalBoots, FALSE, True)" Change the section to:


        if OriginalBoots != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalBoots, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalArmor != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalArmor, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalGloves != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalGloves, FALSE, True) 

If the second parameter is True the armor CAN'T BE REMOVED, then must be FALSE


The eye problem can be for the type of functions that i use for make it. Try this:


        ;Restore Cosmetics;

        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PlayerBase.SetNthHeadPart(OriginalEyes, OriginalEyes_Pos)
        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PlayerBase.SetNthHeadPart(OriginalHair, OriginalHair_Pos)



Other problem can be, as you say, because the script need a lot of time and need a controler condition. If you call the script two fast times the script is still executing and can cause problems.

For solve it create a bool variable, like MorphRunning and put it in true or false on each fase of the script in this way.


Armor Property OriginalSkin Auto 
Armor Property OriginalBoots Auto 
Armor Property OriginalArmor Auto 
Armor Property OriginalGloves Auto


Bool MorphRunning = False


Function Morph()

    if MorphRunning == False

         MorphRunning = True

         Debug.Notification("Morph is in way... wait for see the effects...")



    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() 
    ActorBase PlayerBase = Player.GetLeveledActorBase()



When the morph fase end put MorphRunning in false and when the de-morph fase start we test the variable again:


        Player.EquipItem(MorphGloves, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphOutfit, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphBoots, True, True)

        MorphRunning = False

        ;Switch On;

         if MorphRunning == False

             MorphRunning = True

             Debug.Notification("Morph is in way... wait for see the effects...")


        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("restoring the player")
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalEyes:" + OriginalEyes)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalHair:" + OriginalHair)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalSkin:" + OriginalSkin)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalBoots:" + OriginalBoots)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalArmor:" + OriginalArmor)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalGloves:" + OriginalGloves)        


When the de-morph fase end put MorphRunning in false again:


        if OriginalBoots != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalBoots, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalArmor != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalArmor, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalGloves != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalGloves, FALSE, True) 


       MorphRunning = False

        ;Switch Off;


For see better, my original script with the corrections is this:


Scriptname MorphScriptMain extends ReferenceAlias

SPELL Property Queen  Auto
SPELL Property Buff     Auto
SPELL Property PhaseOne     Auto
SPELL Property PhaseTwo     Auto
SPELL Property PhaseTree  Auto


Faction Property Army  Auto

GlobalVariable Property MorphStage auto
GlobalVariable Property MorphJumpHeight Auto
GlobalVariable Property MorphJumpFall Auto

HeadPart Property MorphHair Auto
HeadPart Property MorphEyes Auto
Armor Property MorphSkin Auto
Armor Property MorphGloves Auto
Armor Property MorphOutfit Auto
Armor Property MorphBoots Auto

;From https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetType_-_HeadPart
;Number       Type
;0      Mouth
;1      Head
;2      Eyes
;3      Hair
;4      Beard
;5      Scar
;6      Brows

;Data definition for store original head parts and armors
HeadPart Property OriginalEyes Auto
HeadPart Property OriginalHair Auto
Int OriginalEyes_Pos
Int OriginalHair_Pos
Armor Property OriginalSkin Auto
Armor Property OriginalBoots Auto
Armor Property OriginalArmor Auto
Armor Property OriginalGloves Auto

Bool MorphRunning = False

Function Morph()

    if MorphRunning == False

         MorphRunning = True

         Debug.Notification("Morph is in way... wait for see the effects...")



    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
    ActorBase PlayerBase = Player.GetLeveledActorBase()

    if !Player.IsInFaction (Army)
        Debug.Notification("..., then nothing. Maybe we have to wait?")
        Debug.Notification("You feel all funny during the visual effect,...")
        Player.Addspell (PhaseOne, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2,8)
        Player.Removespell (PhaseOne)

        Debug.Notification("You feel funny pleasant sensations in your body.")
        Player.Addspell (PhaseTwo, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2,8)
        Player.Removespell (PhaseTwo)

        Debug.Notification("You feel ligher and ligher.")
        Player.Addspell (PhaseTree, false)
        HRANDOM = Utility.RandomFloat(2,8)
        Player.Removespell (PhaseTree)

        Debug.Notification("You feel inside your body metamorphosing.")

;The actual morphing spell;
    Debug.Trace("MorphStage:" + MorphStage.GetValue() )
    If MorphStage.GetValue() == 0
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("MorphStage == 0 changing the player")
        Int NumHeadParts = Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNumHeadParts()
        Int i = 0
        While i < NumHeadParts
            If Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i).GetType() == 2
                OriginalEyes = Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i)
                OriginalEyes_Pos = i
            If Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i).GetType() == 3
                OriginalHair = Player.GetLeveledActorBase().GetNthHeadPart(i)
                OriginalHair_Pos = i
            i += 1
        OriginalSkin = PlayerBase.GetSkin()
        OriginalBoots = Player.GetWornForm(0x00000080) as Armor
        OriginalArmor = Player.GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor
        OriginalGloves = Player.GetWornForm(0x00000008) as Armor

        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalEyes:" + OriginalEyes)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalHair:" + OriginalHair)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalSkin:" + OriginalSkin)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalBoots:" + OriginalBoots)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalArmor:" + OriginalArmor)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalGloves:" + OriginalGloves)


        If !Player.IsInFaction (Army)
            Player.ModFactionRank(Army, 1)

         ;Add Bonuses;

         ;Jumpyness Set;
         MorphJumpHeight.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin") )
         MorphJumpFall.SetValue( Game.GetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin") )
         Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
         Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)

        ;changing the player

        Player.AddItem(MorphGloves, 1, True)
        Player.AddItem(MorphOutfit, 1, True)
        Player.AddItem(MorphBoots, 1, True)

        Player.EquipItem(MorphGloves, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphOutfit, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphBoots, True, True)

        MorphRunning = False
        ;Switch On;
         if MorphRunning == False
             MorphRunning = True
             Debug.Notification("Morph is in way... wait for see the effects...")

        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("restoring the player")
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalEyes:" + OriginalEyes)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalHair:" + OriginalHair)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalSkin:" + OriginalSkin)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalBoots:" + OriginalBoots)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalArmor:" + OriginalArmor)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalGloves:" + OriginalGloves)

        ;Remove bonuses;

        ;Jumpyness Reset"
        Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", MorphJumpHeight.GetValue() )
        Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", MorphJumpFall.GetValue() )

        ;Restore Cosmetics;
        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PlayerBase.SetNthHeadPart(OriginalEyes, OriginalEyes_Pos)
        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;PlayerBase.SetNthHeadPart(OriginalHair, OriginalHair_Pos)


        Player.RemoveItem(MorphGloves, 1, True)
        Player.RemoveItem(MorphOutfit, 1, True)
        Player.RemoveItem(MorphBoots, 1, True)

        if OriginalBoots != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalBoots, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalArmor != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalArmor, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalGloves != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalGloves, FALSE, True)

        MorphRunning = False
        ;Switch Off;


Test the changes and tell me if work as intended.

The armors problem must dissapear and the script is protected about running again while the morph process is already running.


If the problems with eyebrows and the duplicate eyes persist, can be a a problem of type of eyes.

Maybe you make a NEW eyes ussing a incorrect race on origin, orc for example, and when put the eyes in other race, a imperial for example, the game have problems. Verify it.


EDIT1: I have problems for recompile the new script and appear is for color format. Sorry.

EDIT2: I remove the colors in the last spoiler. Get the code from it if you have problems.

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Make some test more and locate a problem.

The MorphRunning switch must not be checked in each step of the transformation.

If made, lock the second step and the de-morph process is not made.


The firts step is good when start the function as is un-modified as:


Armor Property OriginalSkin Auto 
Armor Property OriginalBoots Auto 
Armor Property OriginalArmor Auto 
Armor Property OriginalGloves Auto


Bool MorphRunning = False


Function Morph()

    if MorphRunning == False

         MorphRunning = True

         Debug.Notification("Morph is in way... wait for see the effects...")



    Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() 
    ActorBase PlayerBase = Player.GetLeveledActorBase()



But not must be chequed when make the de-morh:


        Player.EquipItem(MorphGloves, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphOutfit, True, True)
        Player.EquipItem(MorphBoots, True, True)

;BAD        MorphRunning = False

        ;Switch On;

;BAD         if MorphRunning == False

;BAD             MorphRunning = True
;BAD        else

;BAD             Debug.Notification("Morph is in way... wait for see the effects...")

;BAD             Return

;BAD        endif
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("restoring the player")
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalEyes:" + OriginalEyes)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalHair:" + OriginalHair)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalSkin:" + OriginalSkin)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalBoots:" + OriginalBoots)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalArmor:" + OriginalArmor)
        MiscUtil.PrintConsole("OriginalGloves:" + OriginalGloves)        


Only need reset the MorphRunning switch at the end of the function as:


        if OriginalBoots != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalBoots, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalArmor != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalArmor, FALSE, True)
        if OriginalGloves != None
            Player.EquipItem(OriginalGloves, FALSE, True) 


;BAD       MorphRunning = False

        ;Switch Off;


    MorphRunning = False



Sorry again, but for want give a fast answer i give a BAD answer. Really SORRY.

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17 hours ago, GenioMaestro said:



I was just about to write since I tested these last changes

The absolutely EXCELLENT part is that apparently it finally works in a stable way now.

(I have no words to express how good this feels)

Game is not broken anymore, eyebrows and head dont dissapear and the outfit swap is handled correctly


I used all the extra lines about Morph Running, and as you already knew, it failed completely since the de-morph no longer worked. After retiring them, tested again and that was the first time it worked near perfection.

Added the corrections from your last post and now, I'm not sure if they do anything since I saw no messages (Maybe I didn't hit the spell button fast enough to catch the spell on script still running though - Which in theory would be better than good because it wouldn't be a heavy scripting delay issue, I guess)


Minor Bugs:

-The eyes sometimes still may disappear, either on morp or de-morph stage. Switching back and forth 1 or 2 times seems to fix them though. Not sure if this is even fixable, since even the Succubus mod had some anomalies like that when I tested it. (Saw character switch to potato face model a few times when that option was enabled, switching back and forth also fixed it)

-Jumping variables (game settings) are still stubborn and refuse to be reversed or changed between saves. I have an idea for that, but not much faith in it though.

EDIT1: HELL YEAH!! Jumping variables storage works now. Added the original "failsafe" code lines for it, and now the changes seem to be working, and be preserved through loading. These, Btw


Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
      If Game.GetPlayer().HasSpell(BuffSpells)
            MorphStage.SetValue (1)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", 250.0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallHeightMin", 2000.0)
            MorphStage.SetValue (0)
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpHeightMin", MorphJumpHeight.GetValue() )
            Game.SetGameSettingFloat("fJumpFallMin", MorphJumpFall.GetValue() )




-My last concern is about the skin property. On the original long script you gave me, skin is declared as an Armor property, but I wanted to switch the entire skinset of the player, meaning face, body and hands as a Texture Set ID. (So that it looks like another race, but really isn't). I'm gonna give it a go and see what I can do...

EDIT2: Skin change is also working now. But I'm still not sure how to change the head texture. A "naked skin" can be used by a race but I dont remember those working with head parts such as a head. I was hoping to avoid changing the head model for it, I only want the skin texture change. But i've seen it before. On Dynamic Vampire Appearance mod in example. I'll se what else I can find about it...

EDIT3: And now I got a perfect example of why the CK Wiki cconfuses me. I know I'm being a total noob here, but I searched, and the function is listed among SKSE stuff, and for some reason, it's a lie. I though it could be because that function list is for the ActorBase Script, but it's still the same list that contains other functions that are already working in the script, such as "PlayerBase.SetSkin(OriginalSkin)" which looks similar to " SetSkin(Armor skin)"



Does not Exist.jpg



I think that's it for now.

Oh and btw, I feel compelled to mention if you wanted to speak Spanish to explain something better, I can understand. Using English cause English spoken forum...

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