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Penis-LESS Mesh based on SOS body.

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Hello LoversLab community.  I'm new here, hooray and stuff.


I need a penis-less version of the SOS body mesh, not a separate underwear mesh, not a clothing mod or some other "just do this" fix.


A mesh... without the penis, and no hole. Hasn't anyone made a NeverNude style of the SoS body type? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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8 minutes ago, Nevershouldhavecomehere said:

To my knowledge, none exists because the body model is separate model from the schlong, resulting in a hole in the body model.

Correct. A schlong-free version of SOS would be a Ken Body, which no one AFAIK has bothered with. But I've never bothered looking for such so I could be wrong.

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...huh. I actually did exactly that (almost four years ago, apparently?!) but never bothered uploading it. Or, if I did, it was just posted randomly into a thread like this... which I could do again, but, ya know what? Fuck it, I'mma be fancy; going to package it up with a fomod installer and everything and make a download page here - give me maybe half an hour. Hour, tops. :)

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1 hour ago, rapeme4real said:

@Rogue_Kitsune would this be the Starting point of making a, um, BoyPussy? if so, could I get permission to well, try to make that?

I'm afraid not, no, sorry! I didn't make a "Ken Body" thing with it being nude but featureless - all I did was take the standard SOS body (with the hole in it) and added the underwear meshes in as part of the same mesh. Plus, to be honest, that's not exactly a project I'd be interested in...or capable of, frankly. I know almost nothing about 3D modelling - I was only able to pull this off because it just required taking two existing meshes and bashing them together in Nifskope. XD


That said, though, if you feel up to taking on that project, by all means, go ahead and go for it! SOS looks to be pretty open with their usage permissions (in short, has to be posted here, and credit the appropriate people, especially VectorPlexus and Smurf, the two who started it), and I think I've seen requests like that around here before... so if you could pull it off, I'm sure there's a few people who'd be thrilled to see it!

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On 7/5/2018 at 4:34 AM, rapeme4real said:

@Rogue_Kitsune would this be the Starting point of making a, um, BoyPussy? if so, could I get permission to well, try to make that?


You'll want to make an SOS addon for it, not modifying the base body mesh.


AFAIK SOS armors and clothing occupying the body slot (32) come with their own meshes, which will still leave a hole if you only modified the base mesh you use for nude bodies.

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