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CrispAndClear Reshade Preset 2.0

6 Screenshots

About This File

Tired of all the blurry and haziness in game? I was so I decided to improve it.

I had to downsize  images to fit the 2 MB max so they actually look better in game but it should give you a fairly good idea of the changes.

Depending on your system you may notice a fps hit. I also uploaded an alternate version that is a bit lighter.
If you don't like something, you can change it to your preferred tastes using the ingame ReShade menu.


Download the latest ReSahde release at
reshade.me and follow the installation instructions.

Unzip the CrispAndClear.ini and place it in your game folder (where fallout4.exe is located).

In game open the Reshade menu and select CrispAndClear.ini from the dropdown menu.

If you have any questions or issues let me know, I'll do my best to help. 




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