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Unique Player horse names 2.0

About This File

These are some NSFW names I translated from Danish using Google translate.


Whiterun horse - Alfsigr was given in game by Skulvar, I just dropped the Queen part.
Windhelm horse - Kusse Kriger translates to Cunt Warrior
Riften horse - Jomfru Elsker translates to Virgin Lover
Solitude horse - Fisse Båre translates to Pussy Stretcher
Markarth horse - Røv Straf tranlates to Ass Punishment


Hearthfire Horses are so far untested but named.


Not sure which horse goes to which house.


Palomino horse - Sæd Dyse Which translates to Semen Nozzle
Grey horse - Pige Kværn translates to Girl Shredder
Black horse - Bryst Gardin translates to Breast Drencher or Breast Curtain


2.0 roughly doubles the vanilla stamina for all player horses, all mentioned above went fro 106 to 200 stamina for longer sprint bursts, Frost went from 148 to 300, Shafowmere went from 198 to 400, and finally Arvak went from 106 to 1000, cause dead things don't get tired.


Note that this is designed for use with conveniant horses or vanilla, Immersive horses does this whole mod it self

What's New in Version 2.0


  • Intital Upload, changed the names of player horses.
  • Changed message used in renaming to player horses to not do that.
  • 2.0 Player horses have roughly double the vanilla stamina for longer sprint bursts.

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