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Requiem - The Dungeon Compatibility Patch 0.1

About This File

Just a quick patch to make Requiem 1.9.3 (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19281/?) and The Dungeon (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/38223-the-dungeon-milk-mod-economy-follower-home/) play nice together.


The problem is that TheDungeon contains a Custom Race entry, to which Requiem cannot apply it's Perks that disable health Regen etc. All I did was manually add these perks via this patch, this allowed Requiem's Skyproc Patcher to run through successfully.


Load this file after both Requiem.esp(including the optionals you chose to enable) and the dungeon.esp - but before the dynamic plugins (Requiem - for the indifferent.esp and any other you might use (ASIS.esp etc....) ).


This is my first contribution, and first mod. Enjoy!

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