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“Prince’s mom is god damn …”



We spent Friday afternoon and most of Saturday in Christmas shopping. We split in teams: my Ivy, Fran and me, our moms and B.W., and Boss, my dad and Prince. Everybody knew what to buy to others. Of course, that included our close friends. We were all in touch so we wouldn’t duplicate or triple same gifts for one person. When we talked to each other about what we bought, my Prince’s name wasn’t mentioned at all. We all knew he is not into receiving gifts, but, still, it pained me. I tried to discretely influence on him yesterday morning, but he knows me too well. When I started cuddly: “Honeeeeeey, ammm, what……” he interrupted me saying: “No!” Seeing my sad face he apologized and said gently: “Honey, I didn’t mean to be rude, but …. don’t, just don’t, OK?! ….. I love you.” After that he loudly kissed me, lifted my blouse up to my breasts and showered my exposed tummy with kisses prattling to our baby boy. He still addresses to him as “My little one”.



We agreed that we would help decorating Boss’s house, store our gifts and have a family Christmas lunch at his place since he and his wife have the biggest house. We will cook at our houses and bring the food to their, except my Prince. He’s gonna cook with B.W. who feels much better now and who expressed “special” wish to cook with him. I thought she will cook with our moms and my Prince will cook with us, but she needed him for some reason and he can’t say “No” to her. (actually he hardly says “No” to anyone). When she asked us if it is OK if she “steal” him from us for couple of hours, we said it is OK. And we meant. He loves her and respect her as one of his three none biological moms and she loves him as her own son. So, my Fran will take his place in our kitchen. Now, I like my Fran but, we can’t deep kiss, eat food from each other’s mouth and have food sex with him. All of that disgusting him and he is not our husband. During the shopping yesterday morning, my Fran and I talked about Prince’s “gift problem”. My body guard was with us but he wasn’t involved in the conversation. He stood close by being on guard. My Prince and Ivy were in the Hotel rehearsing with the Hotel bend for Christmas program and organizing teams and jobs making sure that all goes smoothly for Christmas and New Year eves. I told my Fran that I’m sad and it makes me cry thinking how everyone will open their gifts on Christmas, but my Prince. I also told him that I tried to make him change his mind in the morning, but he didn’t let me. My Fran didn’t know what to do, but when we arrived home he looked all over our place looking for something that will “tell” him what to do. When he opened Prince’s wardrobe, he excitedly exclaimed: “ That’s it!” He pulled out the old coat (dated 1954 or 1964) that his father loved to wear. Old rugged jeans, cowboy boots, long white shirt hanging over the pants and that old black (now gray) coat was the part of his rock musician image during the winter. My Prince wore that coat more often when we lived in rented flat on 26th floor. Since we moved into new flat, he wore it too, but not so often, because few buttons were missing (although he rarely buttons up or zip his jackets) and silk and wool lining was heavily damaged. Some parts missed too. My Fran knows how much my Prince loved his father and how much he is attached to his and his uncle’s items. Fran said to me that we can restore that coat for him; repaint it in black and put the new buttons and lining. He also said that he will talk to the others who wants to buy a gift to him to collect that money for “The baby”. They will put that money in special envelop and give it to him as our Christmas gift to him that he cannot reject. I was so happy, thrilled, and melted that I started to cry hugging him and showering his face with kisses and “thank yous”. My Fran took the coat and left before my luvs arrived home. My Prince thrilled me with news when he and Ivy came home after the work. He said that he informed his team, all personnel and business partners that he and Ivy are unavailable for anyone from 12.00 – 16.00 in Tuesday, 25th. because they want to be with us, especially with me on the big family Christmas lunch for they know how much it means to me. After the lunch he and Ivy and Boss will return to the Hotel for they have obligations. We took shower and had excellent sex. Than we started to decorate our house for Christmas. My Ivy and I sang various Christmas carols along with stereo, kissed numerous times and danced in the rhythm while my Prince smiled watching us and decorating the house and Christmas tree with us for we enjoyed doing it. Seeing us happy, he was happy too.



This day started perfectly, but ended badly. Just as we opened our eyes, my luvs kissed me first, each other and then they both cuddled and kissed my tummy talking to the baby. They do it every night and every morning. After sex under the shower and our morning routine, my Prince made excellent breakfast for us. I still exercise although I changed the technique. I’m doing exercises for pregnant women. My luvs are still very disciplined in joggings and martial arts trainings. They improved in every way. Both of them are very fast, strong and precise. We were preparing to cook together because our parents and Fran will come over for lunch. We are celebrating good winter season. All apartments in villa and bungalows are rented until 15th of January (thanks to old and new guests and Fran’s excellent work and advertising). Suddenly my Prince received video chat request from his sister. When he answered, it was his mother. He deeply sighed and became lightly nervous because he had a bad feeling about that call. Not wanting to disturb us, he went to talk to her on the balcony. We watched him through the windows.



Very shortly after he started to talk to her he became very upset. He walked up and down, waved with hands and his face was red as tomato. After short conversation he threw his phone on the chair and started to kick the kick bag. Then he ran to our beach and jumped in the sea although it was very cold. My Ivy and I talked about him and his mother and sister feeling sorry for him although we didn’t know what they talked about. We prepared everything for cooking before he joined us in the kitchen after the shower. He knew we want to know what happened. In short: his mom, Kurt and his sister planned to come in visit for Christmas holidays, but they will not come if he still lives in sinful relationship with us. He replied that we are still together and we will never break up. He also told her that I’m pregnant and that he plans to have a child with Ivy too. Hearing that, his mother went mad and told him that she will never accept our child and that he will not see his sister until he repents and break up his unholy relationship with us. She hanged up and he started to kick the kicking back. Maybe my Prince should play smarter and tell her not about my pregnancy and about the plan to have a baby with my Ivy. But, he is not a person who knows and wants to play games. He is direct and open no matter how much it will cost him. I agree that it is not always smart and good, but that’s him. He has been like that all his life and he doesn’t know other way. Ivy and I felt bad because we won’t see his sister either. We love her and she loves us.



We cooked together but we didn’t do it as we always do: happily dancing, kissing, slapping butts and similar. My Prince was sad that he will not see his sister and that his mother is still against our marriage. We sympathized with him. We hugged him and kissed him many times saying we love him. When we prepared the lunch, he dressed, took his gun loaded with wooden bullets, kissed us and said that he needs some time to be alone and deal with his sadness. He told us to not to worry because he will not cause any troubles and he will avoid fighting. He took the gun only for protection.



Our parents and Fran arrived and we explained to them what happened. They couldn’t believe what his mother is doing to him. My dad said:

- I feel very sorry for him. Having a mother like her makes your life much difficult. She is god damn religious crazy fanatic!

My mom looked at him sharply and told him that although he is right about her it’s not nice to say such things about her so openly. Anyway, we waited some time for my Prince’s return and then we started to eat although nobody had appetite after that. Instead of having long lunch filled with laughter and fun, we ate in silence. When my Prince returned, he kissed us, our parents and excused himself. He went to the bedroom, dressed off and laid in the bed. He slept almost immediately. My Ivy checked his gun and she saw he didn’t use it and his cloths weren’t dirty or ruined which means he didn’t fight as he promised. Instead of having celebration lunch we were all quiet and my mom sobbed whispering Prince’s name. In that moment I realized how lucky I am having my mom as my mom. I don’t know what will I do if I will have a mother as my Prince. His mother was hard on him all his life and he never turned to be bad. My mom was very good and nice to me and I turned to be a bad girl. What a paradox?! I showered my mom with kisses and tears thanking her for loving me as I am and never turned against me. Not even in the periods of my life when I was extremely rebellions and bad girl. My Ivy excused herself and she left to lay by his side and shower him with love and kisses. The lunch was shorter than we expected. Everyone helped in cleaning the table and washing the dishes, then they went home. I laid beside him too and gently kissed him cuddling his face. She wrapped around him and she slept kissing him. I couldn’t sleep. My hormones wild and I stood up to write this diary.


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My mom was very good and nice to me and I turned to be a bad girl.

That is the point where you are mistaken.


Let me correct your mistake:


My mom was very good and nice to me and I turned to be a bad good girl.

You would like some advice?

It will be hard advice


Ignore his mother. Till the end of her days. It's better for you all.

Maybe she starts to behave better someday? Probably yes. But don't wait for it. And don't call. She will call, when she is ready.


Sad experience is speaking here.


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I do not know if this will help, but - I think his mother is projecting her own issues onto him.


I am going to guess, though:



Spoiler: bible verses ahead.


I am guessing his mother is misinterpreting some part of the bible, thinking that suggestions specific to some other people's situations was intended to describe your relationship.


So, first, I am going to point out some bible verses she probably is trying to pretend do not exist. Verses which strongly suggest that complicated relationships can be legitimate. (Though, of course, those relationships are not your relationships, also.)



Exodus 21:10 -- "If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights."


Genesis 29 -- Jacob,Rachel and Leah's relationship (the basis of the tribes of Israel).


And then Song of Solomon (the whole book and related writings) - Solomon had 600 wives and 300 concubines (probably in part trying to recover population after war, and of course also to create alliances to keep from being wiped out, and also possibly with other males involved or lots of close female-female relationships or something because otherwise it would have been probably too lonely, even for the sort of highly structured system that military discipline tends to create).


John 4 (the entire chapter) - here was a woman with five husbands. Especially note: (a) Jesus did not tell her to stop sinning or any such thing, and (b) she was extremely happy with his acceptance of her.


So, basically, what I am trying to point out here, is that his mother probably believes that the entire foundation of the bible is sinful.


Then there's the other side of the story - his mother's side of the story.



I think she's basing her opinion off of opinions formed from people reading "Paul"'s writings, and from surviving some really awful relationships.


Now... "Paul" (originally named "Saul") was infamous for attempting to destroy the Christian Church. Mostly, I think he was expressing views of a particular sect to people that bothered him - probably also he was strongly influence by Roman culture. Anyways, ... for some reason it's really popular to imagine that what Paul wrote overrides anything else in the bible. And I imagine that that's what's happening here.


My belief is that she is projecting her own sin (or her own ideas of sin - I rather strongly suspect that someone with her background can't adequately understand what sin really is -- but sin has to include the sort of foolishness that gets people killed) onto you all. 


In other words, I expect she is a part of a religious group that is based on claiming to respect the Bible while actually trying to destroy everything it stands for. And, so: lots of snide remarks and implying things without actually saying them - of necessity, because it's sort of nonsense and sort of based on completely different situations. This is the legacy of tv preachers...


Which is kind of depressing, but also kind of boring (since that has been the way of things for some people throughout history).


That said, ... if we look at history, ... there are going to be plenty of reasons for people to not be in relationships. Also, sexual relationships tend to have limited size (because diseases if nothing else, but also because of emotional and practical limitations of people). But... his mother's using the Bible as an excuse to criticize your relationship probably means she has not read it, or has utterly failed to comprehend it.


Then again, I am just guessing. I have not actually met her, and  maybe she's just using phrases like "living in sin" because that's the in-thing to do in her social group, and/or she has some other entirely different reason for saying such things???  Probably not, though, so I am expecting the boring explanation to be accurate here.




People get base their understanding of other people on their own experiences. This is completely natural but all-too-often unpleasant.

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Sad news indeed. Yet I'm confident Prince will overcome it. And sooner or later, his mother will want to see his child ; accompanied in this with his sister. After the rain comes the fine weather, or so we are told. :classic_smile:


1 hour ago, sen4mi said:

I do not know if this will help, but - I think his mother is projecting her own issues onto him.


I am going to guess, though:


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Spoiler: bible verses ahead.


I am guessing his mother is misinterpreting some part of the bible, thinking that suggestions specific to some other people's situations was intended to describe your relationship.


So, first, I am going to point out some bible verses she probably is trying to pretend do not exist. Verses which strongly suggest that complicated relationships can be legitimate. (Though, of course, those relationships are not your relationships, also.)


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Exodus 21:10 -- "If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, or her marital rights."


Genesis 29 -- Jacob,Rachel and Leah's relationship (the basis of the tribes of Israel).


And then Song of Solomon (the whole book and related writings) - Solomon had 600 wives and 300 concubines (probably in part trying to recover population after war, and of course also to create alliances to keep from being wiped out, and also possibly with other males involved or lots of close female-female relationships or something because otherwise it would have been probably too lonely, even for the sort of highly structured system that military discipline tends to create).


John 4 (the entire chapter) - here was a woman with five husbands. Especially note: (a) Jesus did not tell her to stop sinning or any such thing, and (b) she was extremely happy with his acceptance of her.


So, basically, what I am trying to point out here, is that his mother probably believes that the entire foundation of the bible is sinful.


Then there's the other side of the story - his mother's side of the story.


  Hide contents

I think she's basing her opinion off of opinions formed from people reading "Paul"'s writings, and from surviving some really awful relationships.


Now... "Paul" (originally named "Saul") was infamous for attempting to destroy the Christian Church. Mostly, I think he was expressing views of a particular sect to people that bothered him - probably also he was strongly influence by Roman culture. Anyways, ... for some reason it's really popular to imagine that what Paul wrote overrides anything else in the bible. And I imagine that that's what's happening here.


My belief is that she is projecting her own sin (or her own ideas of sin - I rather strongly suspect that someone with her background can't adequately understand what sin really is -- but sin has to include the sort of foolishness that gets people killed) onto you all. 


In other words, I expect she is a part of a religious group that is based on claiming to respect the Bible while actually trying to destroy everything it stands for. And, so: lots of snide remarks and implying things without actually saying them - of necessity, because it's sort of nonsense and sort of based on completely different situations. This is the legacy of tv preachers...


Which is kind of depressing, but also kind of boring (since that has been the way of things for some people throughout history).


That said, ... if we look at history, ... there are going to be plenty of reasons for people to not be in relationships. Also, sexual relationships tend to have limited size (because diseases if nothing else, but also because of emotional and practical limitations of people). But... his mother's using the Bible as an excuse to criticize your relationship probably means she has not read it, or has utterly failed to comprehend it.


Then again, I am just guessing. I have not actually met her, and  maybe she's just using phrases like "living in sin" because that's the in-thing to do in her social group, and/or she has some other entirely different reason for saying such things???  Probably not, though, so I am expecting the boring explanation to be accurate here.




People get base their understanding of other people on their own experiences. This is completely natural but all-too-often unpleasant.

Interesting points. In my opinion, one could found a lot of messages in the bible, some of then relatively contradictory (the Messiah which was supposed to destroy Israel's enemies being one of those, the Jews are still waiting for that part to come true while Christians went for a completely different interpretation). So in the end, regardless of what the text does say, the added weight of tradition and interpretations are what define how the roman church calls out for the Christians to behave. And currently, that tradition goes by marriage. And here goes the obstacle for polygamy in the Christian church. So, as you mentioned, it's not a pure consequence of the texts.  Smiley_henri_gaud-belin_HFR.gif


What would be a straight consequence from the texts however, would be NOT to reject the ones considered as sinners, and on the contrary give them extra attention. That can be found in the Bible, and is at the complete opposite of the attitude of quite a lot of Christians. :classic_angel: Not of all of them though.



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30 minutes ago, Tirloque said:

What would be a straight consequence from the texts however, would be NOT to reject the ones considered as sinners, and on the contrary give them extra attention. That can be found in the Bible, and is at the complete opposite of the attitude of quite a lot of Christians. :classic_angel: Not of all of them though.

I agree to your interpretation! From the depth of my heart.


I would strongly advise those self proclaimed "christians" to start reading a book. Lets start with the bible. Probably they have heard of it, but surely they never read it. :classic_huh:


...and they make me feel sick



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1 hour ago, Tirloque said:

Interesting points. In my opinion, one could found a lot of messages in the bible, some of then relatively contradictory (the Messiah which was supposed to destroy Israel's enemies being one of those, the Jews are still waiting for that part to come true while Christians went for a completely different interpretation). So in the end, regardless of what the text does say, the added weight of tradition and interpretations are what define how the roman church calls out for the Christians to behave. And currently, that tradition goes by marriage. And here goes the obstacle for polygamy in the Christian church. So, as you mentioned, it's not a pure consequence of the texts.  Smiley_henri_gaud-belin_HFR.gif

I am also inclined to think some about the "what is marriage" thing.


Is it a certain kind of ceremony?


Is it a certain legal status?




(Obviously, originally, none of these. Personally, I imagine originally, it was both the act of sex (mating) and the sorts of relationships which naturally grow out of that. Everything else, I feel, is after-market addons...)


Weight of history, indeed...

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Your hormones being wild is not gonna go away until you give birth Eva ☺️, its natural.


As for her mother, Prince should cut her off honestly, this religious crusade of her has no place in your life and your kid too, last thing would need she start force converting the kid some fanatic like that Kurt guy. ?


He is rightfully angry, but I think he can get over this, no way he gonna let her rampage your lives.



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Thank you, guys for wonderful comfort. My Prince sleeps and my Ivy is awaken with me because I can't sleep. We had a long walk and talk last night and he feels much better.  You see, he and his disabled sister were very close. She enormously loves him and my Prince suffer because he knows how hard it is for her not seeing her brother. He was her whole world after father's death. He just hope she won't have any other mental complications after their mother's decision to not to see each other.


@worik> I turned to a good girl thanks to my Prince. But before I met him, I was very bad person in every way. My father wasn't hard on me like Prince's mother was hard on my Prince, but he knew to be rough and senseless when he had enough of my mischief. My mother was always full of understanding, patient and love for me. I simply ignored her good heart. As for my Prince, he blocked his mother on his phone. He told her to call him only if she is ready to accept our marriage and Ivy and me. But she was slick and she used his sister tablet to provoke him. Kurt incredibly spoiled her mind and she became very fanatical and extremist. I'm grateful that our parents accepted him as their own son and they love him and support him (and us). My Prince told me that his mother read the Bible every day and she was very active member of some Pentecostal church, but she lived "emotional" Christianity and didn't understand the Bible. Her worldview was the same as of Inquisition.  Therefore, all the things she couldn't understand and agree with she marked as evil and from the devil.


@sen4mi> Thanks for theological insight. I know nothing about it, but my Prince does for his father has Master's degree and theology, psychology and philosophy. They talked a lot about god and meaning of life. According to my prince he is sure that his father will accept our marriage and support it if he would be alive. Some people are still blind minded regardless of hundreds of sermons they listened. If something doesn't fit to their "religious box", it must be wrong according to them. I can only imagine how hard it was to my Prince to live with such a woman. I believe that his mother is one of the main reasons why he is strongly against any kind of oppression and forcing.


@Tirloque> He will recover. He always does. Ivy, me and our baby gives him strength to go on. After his father's death and before he met us, he was mostly on tranquilizers, depressed and withdrawn, although he was a good guy. I hope that his mother will change some day and that she will realize that her son is more important to her than some fanatical religious person like Kurt. I hope that her true motherhood will come to surface again and that she will accept all of us. Thank you for the word of encouragement.


@Resdayn> My Prince never let her molest us. When she did it in the past, he drove her out from our house after several warnings to stop. He will keep her away from us until she change. As for our child, I0m million times sure he will not let her even to try to force her religion on it. Thanks for the support and nice words.

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