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Helheim (W.I.P)





Once the home of an offshoot sect of the Dragon Cult, this ruin was built originally for the same purpose as the rest, in honor of those who wished to serve and worship the Dragons. However, over time this sect wished to look for methods of obtaining Immortality beyond being tied to the Dragon's power. While never removing the iconography of the Dragon Cult, this sect began using this place as a base in their search for this seemingly elusive goal. They would never succeed, and with the fall of the Dragon Cult, this ruin was eventually cleared by the Ancient Nords, who were almost successful in wiping out the members of this sect, and finding the location of their sanctuary.


When they arrived in this place, they found nothing but death inside, and a foreboding message for the ages, that they did not completely understand. They found a spring of red water in the first room, which smelled and tasted of mortal blood. Disgusted at this sight, they continued, only to find an even more puzzling sight - bloodied bodies, some having died to swords or knives, while others seemed to have bloody teeth marks. The room was awash in blood, with some of the blood being sprawled in messages such as "In death we shall understand that blood is life". Before the throne, the three leaders of this cult had slain themselves, pouring their life's blood into a basin before their thrones. This ritual did not grant them power, but was in effort for others who would take up this cause. While the Ancient Nords tried to make sure that whatever profane magic was at work, could not be used, they were unable. The basins could not be tipped, and their contents could not be removed.


These Nords sealed this ruin, in hopes that it's magic would remain there, unable to cause harm to the lands of Tamriel. They themselves would not be successful, as it is only by the actions of the one who would rediscover the location some years later, who would grasp the dormant power. Hela, the daughter of an Ancient Nordic Warlord, who was slain during a battle to take power in the Pale. She managed to escape the fighting, seeking out a nearby ruin that was said to hold some dark power - as she would go to such lengths to avenge those who fell in the conflict.


Characters - Vampires


All of these characters will be Vampires, some of them followers. There may be some named Thralls as well, possibly with some dialog(they will not be wearing rags or prisoner clothes).


Hela, Nord Vampire, TSF - An ancient Vampire, whose namesake created the Coven of Vampires in the ruin known as Helheim. Many have seen her to be a very powerful Vampire, able to surpass all others. Over the centuries, her skill has been tested on Vampires who believed her and the coven that is her namesake, is lying about her power. Yet, all of them have either fallen to her, or they have been shown otherwise, and she has allowed them to live, as they relented to her display of power. The most notable of these being a coven of Vampires that once existed in the tundra of Whiterun, and nothing of that clan remains but a ruined, and nearly buried fortress. In spite of the power she is known for, however, she has retained a sense of morality, and kept a hold of her humanity, at least within her mind, if not in body. She knows she must feed upon humanity, and does not refrain from doing so. But there is the realization that, there is still a beauty that she finds in humanity, and thus has put a great effort to preserve them, be it ensuring the survival of those she feeds upon, or defending those who would otherwise be killed, injured, by those who would not back down - bandits, and such, who she would likely kill without remorse, for they have made their choice.


In-Game Details


Armor/Clothing: ???
Class: Custom(To Be Named?)

Skills: Magic: 100 in all - Combat: 100 in all, but 80 for Archery and Smithing, Stealth: 100 in all, but 60 for Alchemy.
Spells: Vampire Spells, Frost Spells up to Expert, Grand Healing
Level: 200, Levels with Player.
-Yiffy Age - Uses female Beast Schlong, or Anthro Schlong if/when Available

-Active Effect: "Hel's Domain - While within the halls of Helheim, those baring this protection cannot be harmed". Effectively a perk or active effect which constitutes an essential flag - unlikely that an NPC with it will lose it.

-Like other vampires in Helheim, she may have longer fingernails, even in vanilla?


Alis, Nord Vampire, M - One of the soldiers loyal to Hela, and a brother to her not by blood, but choice, he faithfully accepted her gift of power - promising to serve her loyally in death, as he had in life.


Sonya, Nord Vampire, F - One of the soldiers loyal to Hela, who accepted her offer of power. Previously, this woman of noble blood was of similar stock to the later Imperials, and preferred a lifestyle of riches and royalty, befitting even early Solitude. But as she was only minor nobility, it was only visits for her to the city above the sea. The conflicts of the era were numerous, and mostly kept from her sight. Eventually, they would upend her life almost entirely, and she would be among few of her family that found themselves crossing the border of the Pale, being taken in by one of the Lords of the Pale. Only a day later, her eyes met the sight of a raven-haired girl about her age - whose attire was leather clothing, and a few armor pieces, alongside a sword on her belt - but it was this girl's actions that drew her eyes more. Her hands would emit sparks, and then send a arc of lightning towards a training dummy. Then her palms would appear almost covered in ice, then a dagger or spear of the frost would stab through the dummy.
Their first meeting would be moments later, and in spite of their differences, they quickly became friends. Though she never would've believed it, as the two came of age, Sonya would display a perhaps equal skill with a blade, and have a lesser, but still notable control of magic. When Hela's father began his campaign to take power in the Pale, she would fight at Hela's side.

Shirogane, Hideki, Selachii Vampire, M - "'Anata wa shizen'na chitsujo ni taisuru shingaidesu'. Yet, I did not believe that. They said it about so much, about dragons, about her. But I had long begun to distrust them. Dragon after dragon, fighting, but seemingly out of a sense of desperation, survival. She wasn't exactly the same, though. She fought for survival too, but the look on her face, was so confident. So sure of herself. She met those opposing her with those blue eyes, and they betrayed none of her feelings, where she saw, deep down, fear in the hearts of those that, in the end, named themselves her enemies."


A former member of the Akaviri Dragonguard, he was among a group seeking to eliminate Dragons around Skyrim's northern coast, and in this pursuit, they sought the legend of a Dragon that some regarded as just as much of a terror as the World Eater, and yet, the stories suggested said Dragon had not participated in the Dragon War, remaining in hiding within the waters of the Sea of Ghosts. This group of the Dragonguard would indeed meet this horror, and this dragon would issue a challenge only to Hideki himself, seeing within him something that his allies could not. But their failure to acknowledge this bequest, lead to the destruction of one of their ships, losing Hideki to the waves, and later, they would lose much more to something they, as trained warriors, could never hope to defeat with another century of experience. Only Hideki himself would survive this, given a choice after his supposed allies nearly put him to the sword.


In-Game Details


Armor/Clothing: Selachii Battlemage Armor(Vampire texture)?

Class: Custom(To Be Named?)

Skills: Magic: 100 in all, but 80 for Alteration and Illusion - Combat: 100 in all, Stealth: 100 in all, but 60 for Alchemy.
Spells: Vampire Spells, Frost Spells up to Expert, Grand Healing
Level: 175, Levels with Player.
-Uses Selachii Human schlong.

-Active Effect: "Hel's Domain - While within the halls of Helheim, those baring this protection cannot be harmed". Effectively a perk or active effect which constitutes an essential flag - unlikely that an NPC with it will lose it.


Kora, Nord Vampire, F - Once of a group that bore similar beliefs as those known later as the Skaal, she saw the faltering of her people, to the point where she was left a scavenger in the southern half of the land that had been recently labeled as the Pale. It is known that her eventual fate began with her committing a crime in the name of survival, and those who were her captors, decided this grievous offense was worth sending her south to work in the silver mines of the Reach. But the men who captured her were not guards of the Pale - no, they were slavers. As their caravan headed south, they were spotted in the night by a figure in the darkness that looked upon their actions with glowing blue eyes - a man in leather armor who jumped from his perch atop a ruin, his blade severing the head of the driver. The guards around it tried to either run, or try to fight, only to die for their efforts. When he freed these prisoners, only one remained behind - one with red hair, and freckles upon her face. 


Planned Content


In-Game Details


Armor/Clothing: Vampire Royal Armor?
Weapons: N/A
Spells: Vampire Spells. 
Class: ????
Level: 125, Levels with Player
-Yiffy Age: Uses FemaleNoSchlong Addon.

-Active Effect: "Hel's Domain - While within the halls of Helheim, those baring this protection cannot be harmed".


Runa, Nord Vampire, F - Once part of a noble family in Solitude, the political upheaval in Skyrim during the later part of the Second Era saw her family fleeing Solitude after a conflict that gained Haafingar new leadership. Several nights later, her family was attacked on the road, near the city of Snowhawk by bandits, who were after much more than gold or riches. She was forced to watch as her family was killed, and worse, while she was attacked herself. On the verge of death, she heard a screeching sound, which soon became more akin to the skittering sounds made by bats, as what must have been a flurry of them, swept through the bandits, leaving only a few unscathed.


Within moments, the bats disappeared into the darkness, and what stepped out of that inky black void, was a woman wearing a leather dress, with fur around the collar, and blood stained her lips. A pair of glowing, bright blue eyes stared at the men, who in spite of their fear, readied themselves to attack her. They failed to so much as touch her, as they were either killed outright, or played with by this woman.


Approaching the dying girl, she gave her a choice. "The strength you possess, should be preserved. I can give you reason to keep that strength. But it is yours to choose - do you wish for your death to be in honor, or do you wish for salvation by blood?"


Since then, she has acted as leader of the Coven, when Hela slumbers.


Planned Content


Dialog - Link - W.I.P
In-Game Details

Armor/Clothing: Vampire Royal Armor?

Weapons: N/A

Spells: Vampire Spells. 


Level: 100, Levels with Player


-Yiffy Age: Uses FemaleNoSchlong Addon.

-Active Effect: "Hel's Domain - While within the halls of Helheim, those baring this protection cannot be harmed".


Mimir, Nord Vampire, F - Once a child born with a talent for knowledge, she became known for the possession of such damning knowledge that made her a target for those who believed, she would use what she knew against them. Even if they were wrong, they believed the possibility too great to consider her existence anything less than a threat to them, even if perhaps she knew nothing about these men. Various Jarls and their like sent mercenaries, and assassins after her, and when most of the attempts failed, this brought more slander to her name, than to the ones hired to find and kill her. It was then believed that she was even more dangerous, possessing the knowledge of magical arts as well. Yet, this did not stop these rulers from seeking her death, at least not until she seemed to vanish from history, some years after she became well known. 


Planned Content - (W.I.P)


In-Game Details


Armor/Clothing: Vampire Armor(White/Grey)

Weapons: N/A

Spells: Vampire Spells. 


Level: 90, Levels with Player


-Yiffy Age: Uses FemaleNoSchlong Addon.

-Active Effect: "Hel's Domain - While within the halls of Helheim, those baring this protection cannot be harmed".


Joudy, Nord Vampire, TSF - W.I,P


Corvida, Dunmer Vampire, TSF - W.I.P


Kuran Kagasueki, Selachii Vampire, F - Few among the residents of Helheim know her story - a secret amongst her race that dates back to Akavir itself. A bloodline of immortal Selachii - Vampires, but one whose views align easily with that of Vampires capable of critical thinking, and more importantly, a viewpoint on mortality where it is something to be watched over, not bled dry. The origin of this line of Vampires is all but unknown to history, with not even the barest mentions that one could possibly find within the texts held among scholars of nearly any other race. Only the Selachii's own, possess tales of them, and most are unsure - though it is possible that a few do know - and rarely do Selachii, or others, die of bloodloss on the island of Same-Shuto.


"Yes....I can smell you already. Step forward, pup."


Keita Kagasueki, Selachii Vampire, M - (W.I.P)


Shirogane, Kyoko, Selachii Vampire, TSF - Some years ago, Hideki traveled to the home of his race, and spent some years among them, his family embracing their estranged ancestor, with most seeing little issue. But as she spent time with Hideki, she grew to admire him, and as she grew, realized that she had the wish to protect herself, and her people, thus she would take up the sword as he had. Between what she learned from other Selachii Warriors, and him, she eventually gained his confidence, and when he made it known he was to leave, she made the choice to pledge herself to him, and whatever cause he would champion. 


Kumo, Selachii Vampire, M - Born in his race's home island of Same-Shuto, he found himself orphaned at a young age. Left with almost nothing, he sat himself on a crate near the docks, eventually watching a spider crawl over his hand, which itself rested on a second crate, taller than his own height, sitting, at least. He found some solace in watching the few people on the docks, before one caught his eye. A striking, red-scaled Selachii whose very presence seemed to elicit an air of royalty. Eventually his eyes looked away, believing the sight to be something he would eventually forget, as it would not change anything about his current situation. However, he soon heard footsteps, and as he looked up, he first saw an outstretched hand, holding a small pile of silver coins, and then to the eyes of the same Selachii he'd seen before - a pair of big and vivid, almost glowing, blue eyes. "Name what you would like, and a good meal, alongside good company, is yours."


Nessa, Argonian Vampire, F - Born into a life of chains on the island of Vvardenfell, she was lucky to have her "ownership" change hands to a member of House Telvanni - Raven. The Mage would put her to some menial tasks, cooking, cleaning, but seemed fair in how she treated her charges. One day, while looking through magical tomes in Nessa's view, Raven turned to watch her most recent servant emit sparks from her hand. Rather than anger, this Telvanni Mage then sought to teach Nessa of magic, promising that if she would reach a certain level of magical skill - Nessa would be free to walk the lands of Morrowind, or the rest of the Empire as she desired. Five years later, she would be accepted as equals among the Telvanni, after she managed to defeat two of Raven's rival Telvanni in a magical duel.


Julia, Nord Vampire, F - (W.I.P)


Vosh, Orc Vampire, F - (W.I.P)


Ulrik, Nord Vampire, M - (W.I.P)


Corvus, Nord Vampire, M - (W.I.P)


Sina, Bosmer Vampire, F - Due to her race, she has a history with the consumption of flesh, and thus, drinking blood was not that much of a stretch for her. While originally born in Valenwood, she lived for some time in Cyrodiil.


Planned Content


Dialog - Link(W.I.P)
Rami, Dunmer Vampire, F - Once a member of Morrowind's Great Houses, she was taken as a slave by the Argonians sometime during the late Second Era. Passed around by a few "Masters", she eventually came into the possession of an Argonian Pirate, who ran afoul of a naval ship belonging to a race new to Tamriel - the Selachii. With the Argonian killed during the fighting, she was taken from his ship, boarding the Selachii vessel, and while she may have been expecting to continue her enslavement, she was quickly told by the ship's Captain, that she was to be considered a free woman, as she stood on board a ship bound for Same-Shuto, the Capital city of the Selachii in southern Black Marsh, a "Free" city, where it's leaders and populace did not tolerate slavery. Treated fairly by the crew, she was taken in by a wealthy member of the Kai family. 
Planned Content
Dialog - Link(W.I.P)
Sindri, Vampire, F - (W.I.P)
Characters - Thralls
Considered such in name only, the mortal residents making their stay within Helheim have a majority of their needs seen to, being appropriately fed, clothed and cared for. They are not exactly prisoners, their stay either being transitory, or a matter of being given appropriate time to recover from a traumatic situation. A few, have chosen to stay, either to offer blood to a Vampire they have an interest in, or because they wish to become a Vampire themselves.
Norra, Nord, F - A recent resident, her story is rather common - an abusive husband, whose drunken rage caused the death of their child, and would have caused hers, if one of Helheim's Vampires had not intervened.

Tovjor, Nord, M - Not long after the Imperials set up camp near not only the Pale's northern coast, but an old ruin, this soldier left the camp in the dead of the night. The conflict with the Stormcloaks destroyed his family, and a recent battle saw his brother - bearing the symbol of Eastmarch upon his shield, executed at Helgen. The events that destroyed the fortress were fresh in his mind, but it paled in comparison to the fate of his brother, or perhaps that of his fellows who perished that day. He would nearly perish in the cold of the Pale, but soon, he would awaken to blue flames, warm clothes, and the sight of a Khajiit with an equally warm smile on her face, and an unusual blue tint to her eyes.


Characters - Creatures (Names are, or may be W.I.P)


Fenrir, Death Hound/Black Wolf - Once a very much normal looking hound, this canine was the loyal companion of Hela's father, and a friend that she had known since birth. Assumed lost in the fighting, he was found by Hela some years later, surviving in the wilderness, but he had not forgotten the girl he had known for some time. But he was old, and not long from death. Wishing to retain her bond with her companion, but respectful of his wishes, her newfound abilities allowed her to converse with her canine companion, and he, wishing to stay faithful to her, drank of her vampiric blood. After this, he is seen as a larger than average wolf, seemingly possessing some level of Immortality, along with other abilities. Unlike other Vampiric Hounds, he did not succumb to the monstrous appearance as is usual. Instead, he merely took upon himself black fur, and the glowing blue eyes of his master.


Note - He will not be available to the player as a companion. The player will also not be able to damage him at all. 


Skoll, Death Hound* - A black Death Hound with Purple eyes, she is known to be more powerful during the night. Her bites inflict a drain health effect. 


Hati, Death Hound* - A white Death Hound with Red eyes, he is known to be more powerful during the day. His bites inflict fire damage. 


Dulaasmaar(Devour-Life-Terror), Dragon - A Dragon that seems to have been the reason for the construction of the ruin later known as a Helheim, and it seems to have supported the cult that later rose from this location, and after this, it was not seen again for some time. Ancient stories speak of this dragon, though they can equally refer to the World-Eater, Alduin.


Devon, Gargoyle** - Of an unknown creation, this Gargoyle serves the Vampires of Helheim. He is known to be friendly to all those who ally themselves with the Coven, and will defend the Coven to his death, though he is known to be stronger than most Gargoyles. 


* - Will function just like the two Death Hounds in Volkihar Keep, though they will explicitly require that the player is a vampire, and is part of the Helhiem Vampire faction, to get them as followers. They will be essential. 


** - Not meant to be a follower, but will defend the player - if a Vampire and a member of the faction - from threats near the entrance. If killed, he will respawn a day later.


Design Outline


Entrance - Exterior



Entrance - Interior


Main Hall - Throne/Dining



Scene Outlines (W.I.P)
Runa's Welcome

[Player enters throne room - all of it's inhabitants will either look in their direction, while some of them(such as any thralls in the room or Vampires focused on them), will not divert their attention.]


[Runa will stand from her throne as the player enters]


Hela's Awakening

[Runa walks from the throne room, towards the Crypt. The player is asked to follow, and a quest maker labels where they should stand - opposite the sarcophagus in the middle of the room, opposite Runa]


Runa: The fact that Vampires live for long periods is known to you, but Hela is unique even among Vampires. 


R: While she was once Mortal, her Vampirisim came directly from Molag Bal - but her sacrifice was not thousands or millions of innocent lives, even if that was a price she would have paid for revenge - she would've perhaps had or found enough enemies to suffice.


R: Instead, she sacrificed her mortality, and her virginity to Molag Bal. Taken, body and soul before the thrones of this tomb, she was remade in lust and blood, into a Vampire. 


R: You may know of Lamae Bal, a similar creation of the Daedric Lord. Only she was, unwilling, even in death, to bow to the Lord of Domination. Hela did bow, but for a purpose. Not to betray, as that would be difficult, but rather to take revenge for her father. She swore that Bal would freely take the soul of all she would kill. Any whose blood sated her lust, any she would slaughter for whatever purpose befell her. 


R: But more to the point - she slumbers here, and to truly gain her respect, she must know you - all the deep secrets you hold, even if you wish to keep them that way. I will give her my blood, and you shall give yours, and she will awaken to this era, and greet you, our newest member. 




World Events (W.I.P)


"Death Lives!"


In various places across the game, the player may encounter a black robed priestess, who can be talked to, and pending certain dialog choices, she will give you clues to find Helheim's location. However, once the player speaks to her, and obtains a certain bit of information, the encounter will stop appearing entirely. Or, in any one of these encounters, the PC can choose to kill her, and the event will similarly stop occurring.


Snooping Vigilant


Very close to Helheim's location, the player may find a Vigilant member wandering around, if they have become part of Helheim's Vampire Faction, who seems to believe their is a lair of Vampires in the area. The player may have a few choices on how they deal with this situation. This event will only occur once.


-They can direct the Vigilant to Helheim itself, which will end with the Vigilant member being killed by the two Vampires, and the Gargoyle guarding it. 

-They can suggest there are no Vampire lairs around the area, which the Vigilant will not easily believe without high levels in speech.

-They can goad the Vigilant by revealing their status as a Vampire(with proper conditions), which means a fight.

-They can direct the Vigilant to another Vampire lair(such as Mara's Eye Pond, Broken Fang Cave, etc), if they know it's location(Not sure if this is possible - may be non-specific).


"Faithless" Vigilant


The player may find a member of the Vigilant in a secluded place, who has a "Hay pile" bed with a nearby campfire, and in that fire is the trappings of their former station - their attire as a member of the Vigilant of Stendarr. May or may not have dialog, and may vary on how the player can interact with this NPC. 


Edited by Kuroyami

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