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Angela's Pool Shoot




AngelaPoolShoot095Cropped.jpg.dc7118f2241ac64603f7a956a1f2ce12.jpgAngela poses for an unseen painter at her estate's very large swimming pool.

Why? Because there's no such thing as a camera in Elder Scrolls :lol: .


Gallery is found here: http://g.e-hentai.org/g/979947/9f580b9ddd

I wanted to prove that Oblivion can still look pretty good if I bring out all the stops. :) This one uses just about every trick I've learned in my years of sporadic sexy screenshotting. I re-textured the house and pool, slightly altered Angela's skeleton file :P, hand-tweaked every pose in Nifscope, froze time in the early morning for best lighting, modded the clothing to make it double-sized so it doesn't go invisible from reverse, changed the water's transparency, reflectivity, etc (can't make it refract though :( ), used DSR to capture at high resolution for less jaggies, and probably more that I don't even remember (I don't even remember the ENB I'm using)!

Unfortunately I just don't have time to make new things as quickly as I'd like! I was looking at the timestamps and this one project has been ongoing for something like three months! I want to tell Angela's story as it is in my head, I mean there's a story about why she looks a little different now, some of which has been hinted at in earlier galleries, but a lot hasn't yet. And she's running the after-hours Cyrodiil Arena and its many... benefits, but I figure by the time I can do that Fallout 7 will be out with VR graphics that will put Oblivion to shame. Should I update to the latest game and end Angela's story, or continue with the obsolete tools and tell it? I don't have the answer. :-/

Anyways, below's some clickable sample thumbnails (there's 9 more for everyone 1 below!), and the entire gallery can be found here: http://g.e-hentai.org/g/979947/9f580b9ddd

I hope you like it!



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