Licenses - User Manual
This documentation is only valid for versions 1.19 and above.
User Extensibility
Keyword Form
- BM_LicensesBikiniItem - marks item as Bikini
BM_LicensesIgnoreItem - marks item to be ignored
FormID List
- BM_LicensesIgnoreWorldspace - marks worldspace to be ignored
- BM_Cities - marks location as a City (cross-references with keyword count LocTypeCity)
- BM_Towns - marks location as a Town (cross-references with keyword count LocTypeTown)
- BM_Worldspaces - marks space as Worldspace
BM_LicensesIgnoreSpell - marks spell to be ignored
note: FormID Lists must be merged downward to retain changes that are otherwise lost by overwriting plugins.
Armor License
Restricts items tagged with VendorItemArmor.
Bikini License
Restricts items tagged with VendorItemArmor or VendorItemClothing at all times.
Protects player from Armor and Clothing restrictions when license is held and certain items are equipped. Only items with valid keywords qualify for immunity. Provided keywords are processed with OR logic, not AND logic.
Clothing License
Restricts items tagged with VendorItemClothing.
It's like a player-only nudity law. It wouldn't make sense to enable this option if the player is the only one nude. Most appropriately used with kaxat's SES or one of Corsec's non-DD patches.
Magic License
Restricts the following: wielding spells; casting spells; using dragon shouts; using or equipping enchanted items.
Note that Enchanted Clothing qualifies as both a magic and clothing item. Vice versa for all the other applicable item types. A Nullify Magicka curse is available for you to enable. If no valid source is selected for the curse, guards will not fine individuals without the curse. If there is a valid source, however, the player will incur a fine unless they are cursed. The curse can be applied from either a collar or a spell. The former option requires Devious Devices. Since the enchantment is applied to a tangible object, the player is allowed the option to escape this curse while out-of-sight. LPO also integrates with SlaveTats to display tattoos while the player is cursed. The tattoos are not the curse itself; they simply act as indications of an active curse.
Weapon License
Restricts items tagged with any valid vendor weapon keyword.
Excludes staffs but covers ammo. Be sure to un-equip your ammo; Vanilla game auto-equips the player with ammo in some cases, so it's your own responsibility that you don't trigger another license violation should you already be fined for the first instance of ammo-related violation.
Crafting License
Restricts use of all workbench furniture bar cooking pots.
Checker runs once when you enter, once when you exit, and once every 10 seconds while you remain in-furniture without a license. If you find yourself getting caught all the time, try crafting outside settlement locations.
Trading License
Restricts purchase of any items beyond food and jewelry.
Items must not hold enchantments. Also prohibits the player from selling anything. Merchants will nonetheless do business with you, though they will flag you for violation. Likewise, dealing business within sight of town guards is an obvious no-no. Note that, even with a Trading License, players can't buy any equipment they don't also have a license for; players will incur a Trading Violation even if Trading License is disabled. You could try a fence or khajit caravan to trade with you free of restrictions. Equipment trading validation operates adjacent to the Trading License feature and can be disabled separately.
Curfew Exemption
Restricts lollygagging after-hours.
This feature ignores location filters.
Travel Permit
Restricts travel outside registered locations.
If you enabled this feature while in Whiterun City, your recorded location is Whiterun City. If enabled in Riverwood, vice versa. This feature is only enforced with both City and Town locations, disregarding your locational filters. Purchasing a permit will allow you free travel out of your recorded location. Ultimately, what happens with this permit feature depends on the circumstances. 1) If you are found safe inside a town or city, or forfeited your permit for an early expiration, you will not incur a fine; 2) If you were discovered outside a settlement location but are confronted inside a settlement, you'll receive a fine while your current location becomes your recorded, enforced location; 3) If you are discovered and confronted outside a settlement location, you may be arrested and sent to Jail. Enforcement ignores locational filters. If enabled, followers will allow you immunity from Travel rules.
Life Insurance
Restricts primary license privileges.
Enabling the Insurance option causes guards to ignore primary license rules unless you also have an insurance on-hand. For example, guards will flag you for an Armor Violation even if you have an Armor License. However, if you do have an Insurance, you'll be protected from item confiscations regardless of your other license validities. Holding a Life Insurance along with a equipment license will allow you to resume standard privileges with applicable equipment. Beware that Insurance prices are variable by way of two modifiers. These multipliers cannot be disabled, and only the misbehavior modifier can be reset when disabling the mod as a whole.
Whore License
Restricts prostitution.
Dummy feature. LPO only handles purchase and expiry. External scripts may flag a Whore Violation for LPO to handle punishment. Check utility script for integration. The following are mods known to integrate with LPO for this feature: TDF Enhanced Prostitution by Horred; Simple Player Prostitution by mort65.
Collar Exemption
Enforces collars.
Enabling this feature will require you to wear a Devious Devices collar. LPO checks for items tagged with zad_DeviousCollar. Guards will automatically equip you with a collar should they catch you without one, regardless of if you've enabled the option to equip restraints on license violation. Guards will remove your collar after you purchase an exemption. However, if you've designated a collar as your Nullify Magicka curse source, guards will instead disenchant your collar.
Edited by Nuascura
Updated with User Extensibility details
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