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Vargr - Chap 58 Mistakes





Ehem..  Yeah.. Mistakes is a good word for this situation ?

Btw.. Almost.. Nothing but lewd. oO




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Oh Boy x,x where to start?
Yes this is yet again a very, very lewd thing and YES I could've done double it's size. But tell you what?
The next entry might get similar amounts of lewds and I don't want to let you sit through pages of AAAHs and UUUHS so much. It's baffling enough to write those xD trust me.. After a while you drop a few brain cells. ?


So I decided to split this. Gives me a bullshit way of a small time skip to give the Girls a bit time to breath and clean up >__>


Soo where is he now.. :classic_angel:



Recommended Comments

No joke about the lewd brain rot! Pretty sure the cure is coffee though.?


Overall a very lewd entry! I guess we will find out soon if Arlan is capable of feeling shame. Poor Wuunferth must feel terrible about the whole thing.?

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intresting to see experiemnt goon realy wrong :D


this epsiode is hit hard to make new extrames and come realy quick out :) :)

i like it :)


when i see you posted it i stoped making mod... :) :) i know what is good :)


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The Arlan who calms the quator of obsessed and hungry babes sex!

Arlannator, the fucker!

I Be Back!

Sarah connor is not....

Sarah Biatch?

Sarah: Yes?

Take my dick in the obsessed dirty ass! 


Arlan high king, Arlan High King! Uh no oula is better not, otherwise it will be Chaos!

Wild from the wild.

I was laughing to death!


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Hmm, perhaps you been right. Putting him in a box with a milking device sounds a lot saver for everyone.

Other than that ... well it was lewd, aye. ?

The teleport error was already spoilered last episode, still funny what you came up with. Would've been even more funny to watch as they get cut out of the furniture ("Hey, watch that saw.", "Not with an ax!"), but I appreciate that would've been nigh impossible to render. ^^

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22 hours ago, yorpers said:

No joke about the lewd brain rot! Pretty sure the cure is coffee though.?

Good call ? can't do it on a workday tho ?


22 hours ago, yorpers said:

Overall a very lewd entry! I guess we will find out soon if Arlan is capable of feeling shame. Poor Wuunferth must feel terrible about the whole thing.?

Oh God yes xD If he is able to feel shame.. Then maybe a little bit ?

Not like there is anything that went wrong in that room (other than my fucking lighting.. )


22 hours ago, Nonseen said:

intresting to see experiemnt goon realy wrong :D

Aye I am debating with myself rn how wrong it might go ? I have a few options x,X


22 hours ago, Nonseen said:

when i see you posted it i stoped making mod... :) :) i know what is good :)

Aww man >,< you really know how to make people blush you know that?


21 hours ago, hana120 said:

I was laughing to death!

I am so glad it amuses people even if I just do stupid stuff like that sometimes xD


21 hours ago, Talesien said:

Hmm, perhaps you been right. Putting him in a box with a milking device sounds a lot saver for everyone.

Yap.. this might be the best for everyone's physical and mental health.. Maybe this is how this story ends one day. Arlan getting captured and sealed away in a tiny little box with nothing but a milking machine attached to his Tralala and a feeding tube attached to his mouth.. ?


21 hours ago, Talesien said:

, but I appreciate that would've been nigh impossible to render. ^^

Now that you say it.. It might've been possible with the right use of angles.. ? I try to remember this. Maybe I could do it for other things too.. I always felt regret thinking of that one scene where he gets slammed against a Wall.. it would've been so much better if he got smashed through it ?


12 hours ago, Evaloves4 said:

> Very nice episode. :classic_smile:

Thank you^^



Btw Lads and Lasses, I'm not really happy with the lighting this episode has.. I might have to fiddle around a little bit today >__>

Any feedback on the lighting indoors in the next entry would be very appreciated.

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A few brain cells have been fried. :sweat_smile::heart:;):thumbsup:


Jay-Omms: Oh my it seems the sex machine has been activated. He might just put the Lord Of Domination to shame. Let's see where he lands next while he is in hunter mode after being ported out of there. Haa!ScreenShot762.png.f98d3fedcbc032c36f426435a4dfaa3b.png



Edited by Jay-Omms
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16 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

h my it seems the sex machine has been activated. He might just put the Lord Of Domination to shame. Let's see where he lands next while he is in hunter mode after being ported out of there. Haa!

Well the scenes I already have by now at least are fun to look at.. :classic_angel:


And I know where he landed.. this is going to be fun.. Something I wanted to do with the foresworn but didn't.. ?


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