Edits to Prevent Cognitive Dissonance
The following comments were posted on LeahTheUnKnown's "nonsense & musings Discord forum and after review of these comments I realized that I hadn't made the appropriate qualifying statements which are necessary to make the point I was trying to make the MOST truthful representation of my currently perceived reality as they could be. Below are my current edits which may better set the actual stage where these comments are fully applicable.
SO....to put things into the proper perspective, (Edit - In the Temporal and PHYSICAL plane of Existence where ANY civil, ecclesiastical or societal body which might have the inherent authority or ability to PUNISH or censure any person exists) THINKING about something ISN'T the same thing as DOING it. A person who THINKS about killing people, or raping people or molesting children or having a same sex physical relationship but never CHOOSES to take action upon those thoughts is NOT a serial killer, serial rapist, child molester OR a lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, gay. Those who say "I can't help myself" or "It's just the way I was made" are (EDIT - in denial.) IF that's the case then anyone who uses this excuse after slaughtering their entire family because they "felt an uncontrollable urge to do it" shouldn't be prosecuted because their actions were "out of their control." That is ridiculous and impossible. IF you don't control your "currently" illegal or immoral urges and CHOOSE to act upon them, then you are legally and morally responsible for whatever actions you chose to take. Full Stop. What one personally considers illegal or immoral is NOT important. What is important is what society as a whole has determined are those things or what any concerned sentient deity which might exist considers illegal or immoral. Because at the end of the day we ALL choose our fate by the ACTIONS we choose to take (or NOT take) and there is nothing new under the sun. Believe it, or not. (EDIT - This post needed to be edited to add a QUALIFYING statement to lessen the possibility of Cognitive Dissonance among those who KNOW, as I do, that the thoughts of our Heart and Mind DO have a spiritual aspect which IS able to be observed and recorded and MAY affect our current standing with whatever sentient deity which may exist that is watching and ABLE to observe and record them; thereby having the ABSOLUTE right to PUNISH as they see fit, IF those SPIRITUAL transgressions are not in some way FORGIVEN or BLOTTED off the record. And so since it IS physically recorded that a certain Miracle Worker of Their time on earth stated unequivocably that the SPIRTIUAL aspect was often what was MORE important to qualify as a violation of Their Royal instructions than the actual physical act, who are we to say any different? Please forgive me for not fully identifying the actual stage upon which my comments truthfully apply.) Look of Lust
Edited by Tinman2u
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