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My encounter with Malicija



Our children cannot wait to start decorating our house with Christmas ornaments and they were very thrilled when I asked them to write what their tata means to them, how much they love him, and what they wish him for Christmas (Thanks to @steelpanther24). I told them that mama and I will do the same. When done, I will pick a very nice font and wallpaper on the computer, print it and frame it. Then we will give it to him for Christmas. My Fran and Lidija already started to buy the gifts they received on the lists and he is storing them in his and Stipe's house.



Working on the program for the Christmas party for our workers, my Fran asked my Prince and Ivy if they will perform one of the songs he wrote for Christmas. My Prince wasn't for it but he didn't fight against it when my Ivy asked him to do it. She said she misses their singing, playing guitars, and dancing together. So, they will do it. What they don't know is that my Fran registered them for a performance at the Christmas party for our guests. I reminded him that my Prince wouldn't like it because he hates such surprises and that he should rather tell him about it, but he said he'll take that risk and will tell him in the morning on the 25th during our family Christmas breakfast saying that chances my Prince will refuse to perform are almost zero.



I had to see Malicija, the new girl that works in the grocery store we are shopping. My Ivy was with me. We were lucky finding her working the second shift. She looks cute. We observed her for some time standing in the corner so she can't see us and I noticed she is not a polite person at all. She doesn't greet customers even if they greet her, she throws scanned customers' articles over the desk and she doesn't return the full change. If the customers complained, she did, otherwise, she didn't. My Ivy was very pissed off at her, but I had a feeling that she is unhappy because something is pressing on her. (I am not saying I have a gift or something, but sometimes I can recognize if person is evil or just being unhappy like Malicija. That's why I felt I should approach her). I kissed my Ivy and asked her to play along with me. I bought a nice chocolate candy and we choose her cash desk. When she recognized my Ivy, she got very red on her face. When she scanned my chocolate box and I paid for it, I said it is a gift to her.

Malicija (nervously): I do not know what are you trying to do, but I don't want your freaking chocolate!

Me (smilingly): No need for hostility, Mrs…?

Malicija (pulling her shirt with accreditation toward me to show me her name which I cannot tell you for known reasons): Here, this is my name if you know how to read!

My Ivy reacted immediately. She wanted to slap her, but I asked her not to. Then I peacefully said to her:

- Your behavior is not acceptable! If you do not want me to report you to your boss, you will meet us in the cafe during the break! (There is a cafe bar right next to the grocery store). She didn't say a word, but she took the chocolate box and put it under the desk. So, my Ivy and I went to that cafe and waited for her. My Ivy thought she wouldn't come, but she came. When she arrived, she sat on the chair and said:

- What the fuck do you want from me?!

Ivy: Calm down before I calm you down and watch your tongue or I will rip it off!

Malicija took a deep breath and said:

- All right, I apologize (sarcastically) – will you tell me now, beautiful lady what do you want from me? Why are you stalking me?

I asked her if she wants a beverage. When she rejected it, I told her that we do not stalk her but we saw her rude behavior. I told her who I am and that, because I like her, I want to help her keep her job which she surely would lose because of her behavior.

Malicija: Listen, I don't want your help, and stop harassing me!

She stood up and looking at my Ivy, she got scared and said:

- May I leave now?

I told her she may. When she left, my Ivy told me that she would gladly teach her some manners, but I told her that I have a feeling that Malicija isn't bad in essence, but rather wounded and that her reactions are products of some inner problems she is going through. So, I went to one of her colleagues and asked her to give her my phone number. After that, we left in hope she will call me.

Edited by Evaloves4


Recommended Comments

You are welcome for the idea.


As for the encounter, that is a tough one to read.  Embarrassment, regret and shame makes people react in different ways and it is common for people to react with anger even to those who played no role.  


I applaud your efforts to try to bring some peace to Malicija, though I hope you won't push too hard for any kind of reconciliation.   Didn't she just recently realized how much she messed up?  Time may be a better healer right now, but she also may need help now as well.  


It is a tough situation and I don't envy your position, though you can walk away without losing anything.  Malicija has already lost and will have to come to terms with that in her own mind.   

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19 minutes ago, steelpanther24 said:

You are welcome for the idea.


As for the encounter, that is a tough one to read.  Embarrassment, regret and shame makes people react in different ways and it is common for people to react with anger even to those who played no role.  


I applaud your efforts to try to bring some peace to Malicija, though I hope you won't push too hard for any kind of reconciliation.   Didn't she just recently realized how much she messed up?  Time may be a better healer right now, but she also may need help now as well.  


It is a tough situation and I don't envy your position, though you can walk away without losing anything.  Malicija has already lost and will have to come to terms with that in her own mind.   

> Being compassionate wasn't my character line. I learned it from my Prince. In the past, Malicija will get what she deserves with interests form my Ivy. But thank heavens, I changed and I want to help the girl.

> Sometimes, some people do not see how deep they are drowning in own shit until someone, as you said, help them and pull them out.

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7 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

Try not to push too hard on this one maybe she has troubles at home problems and the like who knows. :sweat_smile::heart:;):thumbsup:

< Thanks for advice. I'll be careful :D

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? Interesting... and I think you are quite right with your guess. Something is bothering her very much.

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