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My Pushy Prince



Being pushy is very untypical and unusual for my Prince. Namely, he asked my Ivy, me, and our children if we would love to have twins and their parents over to celebrate Christmas with us. When we said yes and when our children joyfully shouted, he called the twins' parents and asked them to meet in our cafe. My Ivy told me afterward:

- Honey, I have never seen him so excited about anything as he was about this matter. When he told them about our wish, the twins' parents politely started to make excuses for not coming. He listened to them until they said they want to visit her and his parents for Christmas. Then he deeply sighed and told them:

- Listen, I understand you perfectly. Our wife, Eva is the same. She can't and won't accept Christmas without a single member of our family being with us…. But, please, hear me out ….. (sighing) …. Does your children like our children? ….

Twins' parents: Of course, they do …

Prince (thrilled): Excellent, because our children like yours very much …. Will your children have other children spending Christmas with them?

Twins' father: No.

Prince: You see my point here? Why letting our children to be alone on Christmas when they can play together... I have a suggestion for you … Why don't you organize your day so you will spend several hours with your parents (pointing his head to the twins' mother), then yours (pointing his head to the twins' father), and then you come and be with us.

Ivy (to me): They looked at each other like they expecting who will start to say something first. Prince didn't want to risk them changing their minds so he stretched his hands across the table toward them and making a very pleading face he repeated: „Please, please, please, do it for our children …. We are not important, but they are ….“

Ivy (to me): When they „phuuuhed“ and said: „All right, we'll come!“ he jumped on his feet and hugged them thanking them many times.Then they talked about other things. My Ivy told me that he couldn't stop smiling. Our children happily jumped and shouted when he told them that the twins are coming for Christmas.



But, they aren't the only ones who will be coming on that day. Dad Boss told us yesterday that Mister „XXX“ is coming with all his family; his wife, sons and daughters and their grandchildren. I am talking about some 15 people. Mister „XXX“ will stay with his wife at dad Boss's house, while the others will be accommodated in the Hotel. We all laughed hard when dad Boss showed a video message to my Prince:

- Mister „XXX“: Hi Prince, I heard a lot of good news about you and your team. I have a surprise for you when we arrive. Since I know how you will react now, I ask you not to be a grouchy smurf (he showed him this video clip):




 ? Anyway, I am too excited about this Christmas and I am sure it will be wonderful

Edited by Evaloves4


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thank you i want to tell you i made a mistake writing the last message , i wanted to say i normaly don't write coments ,but i am always reading your stories  ?

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1 minute ago, wilson99 said:

thank you i want to tell you i made a mistake writing the last message , i wanted to say i normaly don't write coments ,but i am always reading your stories  ?

> Do not worry, I understood it correctly. :D And thanks again for reading.❤️

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> re-reading my diary I realized I missed to translate very important part of my diary that I added now which explained why my Prince was so pushy about our children and the twins being together for Christmas.

Edited by Evaloves4
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4 minutes ago, Jay-Omms said:

It's too bad you guys live so far from me otherwise I would like to bring my family along too. :sweat_smile::heart:;):thumbsup:

> That would be AWESOOOMEEEE! I am million times sure our children will like you and your nieces very much, and my Precious would love Elena, sweet little angel. :) 

Awesome Season 2 GIF by Rock This Boat: New Kids On The Block

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