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Holden - DOAHDM

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  • Holden & BP Team
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  1. The thing about "post" processing is that it's injected into each frame after the engine has rendered the frames. Reshade can read the depth buffer and add effects to the frame but it has no means of layering them properly the way the engine does, so depth effects like ambient occlusion will always appear in front of things like UI elements that're rendered separately from the depth buffer. Hence to say, the only way to fix character depth shadows appearing over the UI would be to disable the effect.
  2. Can someone with Honoka's old birthday suit 3Dmigoto or Ninjarip the mesh/texture data for me? This one:
  3. I did not "fund" the creation of Beach Paradise on Patreon. People liked and respected the work I've done and wanted to donate to me and in fact have did so. I have always fully credited everyone and everything involved. Despite this, Osiri did not want anything he's worked on being featured on Patreon or any other site where money changes hands and I fully respected his wishes and took down the Patreon and fully refunded every donation that was made, and this was within a week of the Patreon's creation. Blaming me as the cause for a great modder leaving the community is hurtful and unfair given I have done everything I can only to service the users and creators in this modding community.
  4. Where do I even begin with this. First off that's my thread, second of all that's post processing with Z buffer detection which is not the same as changing the actual in game lighting.
  5. I have to wonder if anyone has, or is willing to investigate a method for modifying lighting parameters. This was the .mpm/scn files for DOA5, and at least in my case they were crucial for developing good scenes. Lighting is often overlooked despite being arguably one of the most important elements of taking a great shot and having a good scene, and I'd like to be able to do the same with this game.
  6. Hello , do you have Harry palmer tools pls? if yes may i have the honor to download them ?The mega links are dead ^^ 



  7. Perhaps if you read the OP post you'd have some insight into this problem.
  8. Looks great. The mesh seemed to transfer better for Honoka and Luna than it did for the other girls. Looking forward to more updates.
  9. The only thing that hooks reshade to the game is the DXGI.dll, if you rename or delete that then I'm afraid whatever is causing you problems is completely unrelated, either that or you were banned.
  10. The lighting in VV is vastly worse than in X3 for close to no good reason. Not because of better technology or anything. It has the same lighting features as X3. It's just that the configurations are way worse. In some of the character cutscenes from leveling you'll see the lighting looks very nice, and then in gravures it looks dreadful. Just laziness on KT's part.
  11. While I'm a huge fan of this undertaking, the rigging is not quite there yet with the mesh appearing off at times.
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