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Adds multiple 3D pubic hair styles for CBBE with BodySlide support to fallout 4.


Comes in 2 versions;
1, As a body replacer (recommended)
2, As an add on that changes colour to match your hair.


The 1st is simple, you just open bodyslide select the one you want and then build, It will replace the body with the one you just built.
The drawback are it does not change colour (it gets it from the albedo which you can change if you want) and will only show up when the nude body is shown (so it won't be present on outfits unless you add it yourself).


The 2nd adds the pubic hair as an hair part (still built in BodySlide but does not replace the body), so it changes colour with your hair colour choice.
Its drawbacks are that it will permanently show, even when clothed, it will poke through. But once that problem is solved it will be the better version.
You will also have to switch face presets to get it to show up.
(You can save your preset with looksmenu http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12631/? and then load it to get your face back).




If you have an idea how to solve the problems with the colour change version, feel free to share.


If you are looking for a specific pubic hair style but don't see it in this mod then post a request (i guarantee nothing though).
Just be as descriptive as you can when you do.


Due to their size i had to upload to mediafire and mega.
Order on the download page should be.
1, MF Replacer
2, MF Colour Change
3, Mega Replacer
4, Mega Colour Change


OniNigma for http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7747/?
Without his mod i would probably still be wondering why setting shader fags had no effect...

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does the hair part (the one that changes color) works on NPC's as well?

It works for every PC or NPC that utilizes FemaleHeadHuman file. PC and NPCs use this by default and I have yet to see a mod conflict this otherwise. However the meshes clip through clothing. This is noticable on thinner clothing, especially if white. Not really an issue for the PC because you can change your gear but a bit annoying seeing this flaw on several NPCs.

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unfortunately it does not work with this mod Unique Player. :(


Which version?


To use the body replacer one with that is as simple as following the "How to use" section on that mods description.



  • Copy the body/hand meshes from your favorite body mod into:
  • data/meshes/actors/character/PlayerCharacterAssets


And as for the colour changing one, well its a head part and should work with it out the box.

So the only thing needed to do is change face preset to get it to register.

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I haven't played a male character very much, but I'm guessing if you have a big beard and then equip certain facial items / masks, the game will "hide" your beard, just like how certain helmets hide your hair.

Is there any way to find out how they implemented that and try to replicate it for the colored pubic hair with body armor?


Or what if the head-and-pubic-hair combo is standalone from the vanilla hairstyles, and you do a check like:

if (bodySlotUnequipped)

then swapHairToPubicVersion


And the reverse for equipping bodyslot.


No idea if that's possible.

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unfortunately it does not work with this mod Unique Player. :(


Which version?


To use the body replacer one with that is as simple as following the "How to use" section on that mods description.



  • Copy the body/hand meshes from your favorite body mod into:
  • data/meshes/actors/character/PlayerCharacterAssets


And as for the colour changing one, well its a head part and should work with it out the box.

So the only thing needed to do is change face preset to get it to register.



Actually this mod is independent of Unique Player as well as Unique Followers w/o a patched .esp (I don't know how to make it dependent). So right now even Unique Player will use the mod from CharacterAssets folder and NOT PlayerCharacterAssets. If you cut the file from CharacterAssets and paste in PlayerCharacterAssets then there is no effect from this file. Same for companions and their respective folders. I have only tested the color version on this aspect and even companions have the color matched to their hair colors in this manner.

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Actually this mod is independent of Unique Player as well as Unique Followers w/o a patched .esp (I don't know how to make it dependent). So right now even Unique Player will use the mod from CharacterAssets folder and NOT PlayerCharacterAssets. If you cut the file from CharacterAssets and paste in PlayerCharacterAssets then there is no effect from this file. Same for companions and their respective folders. I have only tested the color version on this aspect and even companions have the color matched to their hair colors in this manner.

Like i said, the colour changing one is added as an head part (it doesn't change colour otherwise) so any race that makes use of that head part will also get the pubic hair.


The way unique player (and most likely followers) work, is by duplicating the human race entry in the CK and the naked body AA/Armour to point at the unique body meshes in the new folder.

But they don't duplicate everything (would be pointless too) and one of the things not duplicated is "femaleHeadHuman" and they instead use the vanilla one, and that is where the pubic hair is attached as an extra part.



So to patch it you would need to load up the player/follower .esp go to "character > headpart > female > extra part" and duplicate one of the hairlines, open it and point to the pubic hair model you placed in its folder (eg, PlayerCharacterAssets) and give it a new name/ID.


Then go to to "character > headpart > female > head part" and duplicate the femaleHeadHuman open it and add the pubic hair as an extra part and also give it a new name/ID.


Now in "character > race" find the unique player entry (or follower) and open it, at the top make sure the sex is set to female, now jump to the face data tab and on the left under base head parts select the face entry, just under this box there will be a drop down click it and select the newly made femaleHeadHuman (or what ever you named it) click OK and save the esp.


And that should be it, now what ever hair is in the PlayerCharacterAssets, etc. will only be used by them.

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the color changing one works fine with the unique follower mod, all I did was target piper and Cait my two followers that use the unique follower mod and open looksmenu for them and changed their hair color and changed it back, it worked fine.


I have no patch installed for unique Follower mod.

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the color changing one works fine with the unique follower mod, all I did was target piper and Cait my two followers that use the unique follower mod and open looksmenu for them and changed their hair color and changed it back, it worked fine.


I have no patch installed for unique Follower mod.


Yep, that is how it should be, you will only want to patch it if you want the pubic hair to be unique for the follower.


Other than that, anything that uses the vanilla femaleheadhuman head part will get the pubic hair added to them.

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  • 1 month later...

about the first verison? the replacer one... you said i can change color with the albedo? what is this and were to get it?


Its a .dds file in "Data\Textures\Actors\Character\CharacterAssets\Pubic Hair\" with the name "albedo".

Open it in photo shop or something similar that can save as either DXT1 or BC1, change the colour to whatever you want and save and replace the original albedo.dds.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The 1st is simple, you just open bodyslide select the one you want and then build, It will replace the body with the one you just built.

The drawback are it does not change colour (it gets it from the albedo which you can change if you want) and will only show up when the nude body is shown (so it won't be present on outfits unless you add it yourself).




I did just that, the hair does not show up at all.


Any idea why that might be?

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I did just that, the hair does not show up at all.


Any idea why that might be?

Do you have it so the PC is unique? (i.e uses its own meshes and textures)


Are you sure nothing is being installed and replacing the mesh after you build the body?

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I did just that, the hair does not show up at all.


Any idea why that might be?

Do you have it so the PC is unique? (i.e uses its own meshes and textures)


Are you sure nothing is being installed and replacing the mesh after you build the body?



Well I had a male body replacer for my PC, but I just uninstalled it and nothing's changed.


I will try disabling mods to figure out which one may be causing it, thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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