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About Arocide

  • Birthday 03/06/1993

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  1. Works great, thanks. Any way to batch convert multiple files at once? I am not really that great with batch so someone could probably do better then this, but I have hktcnv, hkxcmd and a bat file in the same directory, and a sub directory which contain the hct 2012 tagfiles. I use this bat (create a new text file and just copy paste this into it then change its extension to .bat): @Echo Off for /r %%v in (*.hkt) do hktcnv "%%~v" "%%~nv.xml" for /r %%i in (*.xml) do hkxcmd convert -v:WIN32 "%%~nxi" ".\export\%%~ni.hkx" del *.xml Exit It pretty much runs hktcnv on all .hkt files in the same directory and sub directories which produces a temporary .xml file (the 2010 Tagfile) then runs hkxcmd on all the .xml files and places them as a hkx file in a sub directory called export. Then just deletes xml files in it's directory for a bit of a clean up. Not particularly elegant but it does the job.
  2. Pretty good tutorial, but there's one last step you can do if you wanted and that is converting it to a packfile using hkxcmd since tag files are portable and not optimised for any one platform although as mentioned before the major one is it being in an XML format not a good idea to release any animation like that (by all means use xml if you want while creating, modifying, and prototyping a mod, just make sure they are binary at the very least before you go releasing anything). As a sort of step it's pretty much these two commands in command prompt: hktcnv.exe <Source File> <Destination File> hkxcmd.exe convert -v:WIN32 <Converted File> < Final Destination File> and you're done! All compressed, and optimized. Pretty easy really, could batch it too if you wanted. As a sorta idea on what you are saving by doing this: A single 171 frame animation I was working on went from a 400KB xml tag file to a 80KB Binary PackFile, that's 320KB of memory saved when it's loading the animation that can be used elsewhere. So Binarify your files, my fellow animators
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