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  1. You can rollback an update. https://framedsc.com/GeneralGuides/steam_update_guide.htm
  2. Updates based on feedback. Tried to improve the reliability of transitions. Some additional actions by Mykola. When you are over 2K caps in dept Mykola will stop arriving between noon and 1pm. Talk to Mykola then w/out having the caps and it's a bad end to an unfinished part of the mod.
  3. Yep. WIP Well... A WIP that's on hold for now. I blocked FO4 from being updated but I forgot to do so for the CK and that did get updated.
  4. There's a second note that explains the rules but, no collar, so it may not have been added you your inventory. Did the player get pushed by Mykola and the screen fade to black?
  5. Currently the End key is hardcoded into the dance script and also ends the animation w/out having to open the AAF menu. A MCM control panel is planned for later but that'll have to wait. An idea that I have been mulling over is response challenge where 4 dots representing forward, back, strafe left, right will flash and how fast you respond determines how many caps you get during the crowd cheer. Perhaps strafe left + right keys at the same time to stop dancing is better.
  6. The EvaluatePackage function run just after noon will trigger the package to run.
  7. I'll increase the package window to 2 hours and ping the guy with an EvaluatePackage() just after the noon start time. It is a must-complete force-greet package so as long as you stay in the Red Seat District, and not have a dialogue open, you will get the guys dialogue. Then the package will still complete and the caps will be collected even if a dialogue is open.
  8. Clicking through the dialogue? Start the Grinding the Seat quest and then updated? Did you follow Mykola to your sleeping bag and did he hand you a note?
  9. Intentionally went into debt and pressed my luck asking for a break testing a possible outcome. After getting released, the container where I had been stashing caps and other stuff had reset and I lost it all. I'm not going to fix that. Just adding to the note you can receive in that scenario that Mykola may sell anything of yours he can find to pay the debt.
  10. Both cases with setup() running on: When RSS is first installed When the player loads a game When the intro quest sets stage to 1000 and the quest completes So it should work* when the player first installs RSS mod with that quest already completed. When the player completes the quest normally, Or if a start-up mod correctly completes the intro quest. * we need a Tom Howard Head " TM " replacement emoji for phrases such as this or perhaps just " TH " Event OnInit() RegisterForRemoteEvent( PlayerRef, "OnPlayerLoadGame" ) RegisterForRemoteEvent( MQ101, "OnStageSet" ) Setup() EndEvent Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender) Setup() EndEvent Event Quest.OnStageSet( Quest akSender, int auiStageID, int auiItemID ) ; Stage 1000, the next after 900, completes the MQ101 quest if ( akSender == MQ101 && auiStageID > 900 ) Utility.Wait( 0.5 ) Setup() endIf if ( akSender == DCE_GrindingTheSeat ) if ( auiStageID < 40 ) ; had the conversation interupted ; by SH and broke the intro setPlayerBusyKeywords( ) elseIf ( auiStageID >= 40 && !PlayerRef.IsInPowerArmor() ) setPlayerBusyKeywords( False ) Keep.Start() UnRegisterForRemoteEvent( DCE_GrindingTheSeat, "OnStageSet" ) endIf endIf EndEvent Function Setup() if !MQ101.IsCompleted() Return endIf UnRegisterForRemoteEvent( MQ101, "OnStageSet" ) ...
  11. That's an AFF issue. AFF will finish the current animation loop first before completely exiting and then return controls to the player. Once control is returned then you should move away from the poll. Hang around too long and a timer will expire that re-enables the trigger that starts the AAF pole dance animations. That will disable the player controls and queue the animation to start again.
  12. If the quick start correctly completes the intro quest War Never Changes and sets it at stage 1000 then it should work. That's the actual trigger to load the mod automatically. It just happens when the player enters post war vault 111 during cryo sleep. Exiting the cryo pod is just a simpler way of explaining it. If the quick start just completes the intro quest and incorrectly sets the intro quest at the wrong stage then RSS will start on the next game load. I use Start Me Up and tested the vanilla startup and the startups that place the player directly in the world. Both styles worked.
  13. New version up. Mod won't start until after character creation and the player exits the vault 111 cryo pod.
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