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  1. Hey, did you ever finish that female super mutant project? i found your comments in an old thread from 2016, unfortunately i couldn't view your images

  2. Doing the blacksmith quest, character is perverted and sadistic...
  3. The SLIA script won't do anything except trigger an arousal event in SLA. It won't add to or detract from any visuals, unless SLA is making vision blurry or something.
  4. This is fundamentally a framework exactly for things like this. What you should do is take the CACO records, and just pull over the script this mod adds (assuming you're using TES5Edit, literally just pull that script over into CACO or your compatibility patch, whichever way you're going). You don't need to do anything else.
  5. This is going to be the case with any mod that also alters the same ingestibles that I altered for this mod. There isn't much I can do about that. However, it would be very easy to make them compatible in TES5Edit, or you could follow the instructions in the description and add arousal triggers directly to RND.
  6. IIRC, there was a conflict with Prison Overhaul but if you load this mod after, they work correctly. The only bit that doesn't work well is bounty hunters, as Prison Overhaul creates an entirely new bounty hunter and bounty hunter dialogue instead of modifying the existing ones, meaning this mod will not appear for them at all.
  7. Yeah, at least in the core, where I'm just trying to provides templates for other modders for the more complicated items. I could add the effect to any in-game spells if people think there are some that would make sense, and as always the effect could be added to spells from other mods.
  8. The spells aren't added to your spell book, just added to the game. I put them in place more as a template for modders to be able to see how to apply the framework to spells. HOWEVER, you can get them. Easily. Open your game, type ~ to open the console, and type... help "sexual healing" That will bring up two spell records, each with an 8 character ID. Still in the console, type... player.addspell xxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is the 8 character ID for the spell. Do this for both, and you will have both spells in your spell book. They are basically just the Vanilla spells Healing Hands and Heal (I think it's called), but they also increase arousal by some amount on the target when you cast them. It isn't anything flashy.
  9. Yeah, you would have to patch one or the other. I'd say put Get Drunk lower than SLIA, then get TES5Edit and open the two of them. Any record where Get Drunk is overwriting the SLIA changes, just bring over the changes. There were a few items where I made some non-important changes (moving the rum from potions to food to be in line with other alcoholic drinks, for example), those can be ignored, but at the very least copy over the script section. Or get Creation Kit and follow my instructions on the mod page for adding the prepackaged scripts to Get Drunk.
  10. Core 1.031 is up, it adds the ability to toggle messages for the player or npcs (separate toggles) in the console.
  11. Wow, in what conditions? I'm legit curious where/how. People drinking in an inn maybe? There isn't now but I'll throw in an option that you can set in the console and put up a new version in the next day or so.
  12. So here's the deal with that. I didn't include it because basically the same thing comes in SLA already (yes I know it's slow). It is certainly possible to do using my method, where an NPC putting on something increases player arousal (in fact it would be pretty easy to make that change in any of the clothing scripts). So if you have any knowledge of scripting you can do it easily. It's something I might try to build in, but as of right now I don't know of a way to actually trigger the OnEquip() event for NPCs, so I don't even know how you would make it trigger for them either way. I put support for such a thing in the scripts so if someone has a mod that does that, it should be handled, but for right now it's more or less theoretical. Also, if I were going to go that route, I'd want to limit it to followers to not increase script load a ton. Which would be possible, but a bit more of an involved change. So it's something I might look into in the future but not right away.
  13. Interesting, anyone who uses that Share Your Meal mod, please report back if your follower drinking alcohol is working properly (you should see a message in the third person about the follower and their arousal should increase).
  14. Well I guess it's your lucky day. v1.03 is up with alcohol, skooma, spells, and a legendary esp
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