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Adoption of Mod folder standardization

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So you see a mod and you really like that mod...and you download it...but all the cc is everywhere..it's not in folders...you don't know what it is...does it conflict with your mods...and not even show up...or maybe there's a slight defect in the cc that is easily correct....but you hate fact that the mods are not categorized....



WHAT I'M suggesting/Proposing..is to do like several industries...is Standardization...that is it...so when you put your mod out there you stamp with 'Standardization' - that your mods are going to categorized into certain folder standardization..That way...things are neater...cleaner...and then someone looks at it and goes (Just an example).....'Oh this mod adheres to Sims 4 Loverslab 2.0 standardization on folder structure...which is what I use...' - 



I'm hoping to hear some input on this...I also could use some help on categorization...as because I have downloaded a lot of mods I have seen everything from 'no' folder structure..which is a mess and I had some mods at first I released like this...and for that I do apologize...but I have seen mods with dates on folders...a nightmare if you want keep a clean folder structure....



What are your guys thoughts? Should we develop a standardization...if we did and everyone started using that...then...boom...you know where any cc is automatically going to be imported to one of the standardized folders...


This graphic just example.....could be called anything...I'm looking for help on this en devour...and input...


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Personally I find mods usually come with just 1 package and that package can be put into 1 folder that I named specifically for that package so that if there's any problems I can go find that package, for the mods that come with multiple packages then it would be even worse to clean those up if they automatically dispersed themselves into categorized folders when I dropped it into my mods folder.


With how modular the Sims 4 is, seeing that I can literally throw 500 mods at it and unless I messed up or used out of date content then it usually sticks with little to no issues. I think that people who want organised mod folder probably already have one that they made themselves, and those that don't have it are either not bothered to keep it organized or are too lazy to create some new folders and give them names, I doubt those people are going to follow instructions to a standardized mod folder structure. 


Sorry that my feedback is not positive or encouraging, but its only what I think.


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As a user with no subfolders I rarely have issues as I learned to tell the difference between overrides and non defaults,

Recolours and original meshes etc.


As easy as ea has made it to add mods to the game, people are still required to learn a little about how these mods work and affect the game,


I've not known the modded gaming world for long after being a console gamer for 30 years but in a very short time I've learned that it's not to be taken lightly or casually as we are changing the way the game works by adding these,

It's not like downloading an expansion from Xbox live and waiting a few minutes for it to ping!


The main problem that people suffer with modding is that they are not paying attention to the instructions to what kind of mod it is or recklessly adding other peoples uploaded Sims and lots,


Personally my opinion is that you're making a lot of Sims to share and taking the time to find the right cc for them and while doing this you are having to find the right balance of default mods for certain looks or theme, also you may need to make edits to make certain things fit or work alongside another, 


While you are taking the task to do this it's only fair that others take some time to understand how you created these Sims and to download the things you link, 

While downloading from these links people are then able to keep a track of what they are adding to their own folders and then are in a position to make their own choice regarding default replacement mods they may already have something in place for,


It's a nice idea but will be tough to maintain I think and people just need to remember a little care while adding mods to the folder,

Not mass dumping but adding a few at a time or one at a time even,


Usually I view my folder by "recently modified" so the newer stuff stays around the top and I rarely have issues or exceptions, every now and again I'll have a clear out using the tray exporter to identify what needs to be kept,



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